Sign In The Goddesses From Douluo Chapter 806


Chapter 806 The gentleman moves his eyes and does not move.

Sure enough, as soon as Golden Cicada's words were spoken, Erlang Shen's face became very Something was wrong, and a surging and powerful immortal strength approached directly in the direction of the Golden Cicada.

It's just that Golden Cicada's son, who is a direct disciple of the Tathagata, is not a master who is easy to be provoked by vegetarianism.

Once Erlang Shen used his immortal strength, the golden-bright and dazzling thick Buddha's radiance immediately surged up on the surface of the Golden Cicada sub-body, blocking his immortal strength as much as possible.

Even the moment Buddha's radiance appeared, the overall imposing manner silhouette of the Golden Cicada sub-group was as if it had been raised several feet in place, which seemed to be much stronger than Erlang Shen, and that The imposing manner also contains a very subtle ferocity, which is difficult for ordinary people to detect.

But Ye Chen, who has killed many people, sensed it sensitively.

Immediately he remembered what Second Brother Wukong had told him before, that its master, the current Golden Cicada son, was a very unusual Western Buddhist son.

Now that I have seen it with my own eyes, Ye Chen is a little interested to learn about this Buddha's radiance in front of him, but there is a hidden evil Buddha.

"Son of Golden Cicada, do you think that you are a direct disciple of the Tathagata, so you dare to ridicule this god?

Have you forgotten that you have not yet become a Buddha, and you only consider your status as a cultivation base? , you are not as good as me."

Erlang Shen obviously moved the True Fire, and the third Heavenly Eye between his eyebrows opened instantly while the immortal strength in his body was vigorous.

At the same time, Erlang Shen, who was originally only at the Supreme Unity Golden Immortal peak level, suddenly has a trace of the true meaning of Great Firmament, as if he can control Heaven and Earth Rule at any time. Power.

As soon as Heavenly Eye opened, the Buddha's radiance, which had skyrocketed on the surface of Golden Cicada's body, also fell into a state of sluggishness in an instant.

He, who is also the Supreme Unity Golden Immortal Peak, is obviously not the opponent of Erlang Shen who opened Heavenly Eye.

But unexpectedly, the Golden Cicada, the son of Buddha who clearly felt that he was not his opponent, suddenly took out a Vajrapani Pestle from his arms and moved towards his palm by poking hard go.

In an instant, the bright red blood exuded a faint golden light, constantly flowing from the palm of the Golden Cicada child without money. That picture simply subverted other people's consistent views on Spiritual Mountain Buddhism. .

Even Erlang Shen himself was slightly coagulated by Heavenly Eye, and felt a little weird.

But while he was stunned, the corner of Golden Cicada's mouth, who was almost self-injured, grinned with an exaggerated smile.

In an instant, countless monstrous blood-colored Buddha's radiance surged up in his body. Not to mention, even the infinite ground beneath his feet was dyed with a layer of blood-colored Buddha's radiance. Deep redness.

I was originally a Buddhist, but showed demon methods. Now the Golden Cicada, whose breath is soaring, is a Demon Monk who has been in the lower realm for a long time. I am afraid that I will not believe it.

I saw Golden Cicada bathing under the blood-colored Buddha's radiance, showing a strange and comfortable look on his face, like a natural temperament that had been suppressed for a long time, and everyone present. They all feel a little squeamish.

And the moment the blood-colored Buddha's radiance appeared, the Heavenly Eye coercion that Erlang Shen erupted was scattered by it.

The imposing manners of both sides are very powerful. It can be said that even the ordinary Great Firmament Golden Immortal powerhouse would not dare to provoke them at this moment.

But the two who had a pin against an awl were for a while, and neither could do anything about the other.

If you just rely on the imposing manner to oppress, the two sides may stand in the air for ten days half a month, and it will be difficult to tell the winner.

But if you really do it? And neither Erlang Shen nor Golden Cicada dared to take the lead.

Even though the fighting intent of the two of them has boiled over to the point of incompatibility, but their identities are too special, one can represent Celestial Court and the other can represent Spiritual Mountain.

If the two go to war, the already shaky relationship between Celestial Court and Spiritual Mountain will soon collapse at their whim.

Celestial Court is not afraid of Spiritual Mountain, and even if it really starts, Celestial Court can directly crush Spiritual Mountain.

However, the structure of Celestial Court consists of, in addition to the South Celestial Court of Jade Emperor, there is also the Great Emperor of Western Heaven Tai Chi, Tianhuang, who also acts as the Great Emperor of Chen, and the Great Emperor Zi Wei of Zhongtian. about.

Except Lady Queen of the Earth is in the middle, not involved in any Heaven and Earth affairs, but only in charge of reincarnation.

The other two Celestial Courts, but for the South Celestial Court dominating Three Realms glare like a tiger watching his prey.

Especially the Gouchen Great Emperor located in West Celestial Court and Zhongtian, they are both descendants of Doumu Yuanjun and biological brother.

It can be said that the two brothers have long coveted the dominance of the Southern Celestial Court.

If it weren't for the existence of an Invincible Saint like Supreme Taoist in the Southern Celestial Court, just because their brothers are both Great Emperors, and Doumu Yuanjun, another Saint Level old lady, exists, The Southern Celestial Court must have fallen into the hands of their brothers long ago.

It can be said that the current situation of Celestial Court is not optimistic.

From the original ending of the westward journey, it was also a great victory for Buddhism at Spiritual Mountain in the West. It could not help spreading the Dharma along the way, and even Emperor Tang Dynasty in the Divine Province of Dongsheng was also defeated by a group of people such as Tang Seng. Bringing scriptures to save all beings.

It can be said that the four continents of the huge mortal world, the believers of Spiritual Mountain Buddha, have almost surpassed the Celestial Court gods.

As this continues, the believers of the Celestial Court Immortal God will be deprived of Spirit Mountain.

And once the incense worship is completely lost, the South Celestial Court, which dominates the Three Realms, will directly lose the management right of Human World.

And in the underworld, the Kṣitigarbha Bodhisattva of Spiritual Mountain is also deeply involved, operating for tens of thousands of years.

Someday, even the control of the underworld, the Southern Celestial Court will be lost one after another.

In that case, the Celestial Court of the dignified Three Realms Sovereign, I am afraid that it will be In name only, no matter how the Jade Emperor struggles, I am afraid that the Lord of the Three Realms will no longer be stable. The throne is stable.

It can be said that if there is a frictional battle between Celestial Court and Spiritual Mountain, it seems that Celestial Court will win with a high probability.

But secretly, the Jade Emperor will still be completely defeated.

Even in the current situation where Saint is not present, the Jade Emperor cannot guard against the Gou Chen Great Emperor and Heavenly Emperor Ziwei who may interfere with it.

If they angered them, perhaps, the 'peace' that was so hard to maintain at the moment would be broken.

Therefore, it will cause more complicated variables than Spiritual Mountain, which is not what Jade Emperor wants to see.

Therefore, within the ten thousand immortals in the Southern Celestial Court, the Jade Emperor also had a word in advance, and he should not easily come to Spiritual Mountain.

It's just that the Jade Emperor still doesn't know that the westbound plan, just relying on him and a Quasi-Saint, is doomed to be impossible to win at all.

At this time, there is still a stalemate. Erlang Shen and Golden Cicada, who are in imposing manner and coercive, both have some immortal strength.

Under the situation of revenge and full oppression, their respective strength consumption is obviously much more consumption than fighting.

It's just for the face of the forces behind their respective sides, but the two of them are unwilling to give up.

Seeing this, the Jingjia brother who was watching on the side, even when he secretly complained, disdain for the staring battle between Erlang Shen and Golden Cicada.

Only Ye Chen, laughed knowingly, raised his hand and waved slightly.

"Meeting is fate, and anger is meaningless.

Why don't we all sit down and drink tea and drink together.

Isn't it fun? !”

(end of this chapter)

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