Sign In The Goddesses From Douluo Chapter 201


Chapter 201 The way of man, the willing Yao Lao

Ye Chen's face quickly darkened, and he saw his hands The dive tool Demon Abyss appeared again, Yao Lao, who was hiding in the quaint black ring, became honest and stopped absorbing his Battle Qi.

However, Ye Chen was unhappy with this alone, and he said, "Spit out my Battle Qi, I'm the cultivation base, can you do it too?"

"Between friends, just treat it as a greeting. Otherwise, I'll teach you pill concocting, or cultivation technique or fighting skills, you can choose whatever you want."

Yao Lao's voice, and immediately in the air, a bunch of books wrapped in Battle Qi suddenly appeared in front of Ye Chen, with a dazzling variety of books.

But these things are very unfamiliar to Ye Chen who has just arrived in Battle Qi continent. Different from the automatic comprehension of soul skills, the things that Yao Lao takes out can only be acquired through cultivation. .

By the way, for cultivation, system should be able to.

Thinking of this, Ye Chen couldn't help but point to those fighting skills books lightly said with a smile: "Give me everything above Earth Grade, just right, my attacking skills are not good."

He used to rely on Spirit to attack, but now the Demon Abyss sword has become his weapon, and the spirit skills he possesses are also unusable.

"Earth Grade and above? You are a fighter, don't say I don't have many, even if you have, you can't use it."

Yao Lao showed his figure again, The sleeves are fluttering, the face is old, and it looks unusually kind, and the eyes are wise but full of old age, which is difficult to hide.

But seeing Ye Chen's raised eyebrows, Yao Lao couldn't help hurriedly saying with a smile: "Why don't you take the Mysterious Grade high level 'Yufengyou Shenbu' and the Earth Grade intermediate 'Nine Fingers Destroyer Coffin' Well, these two books, one is movement method fighting skills and the other is attack fighting skills, and if you go from cultivation to Great Accomplishment, there is hope to break through the original rank, especially this nine-finger coffin, which can even reach the level of Heavenly Rank fighting skills. It’s just that it’s extremely difficult to cultivate, even if I’m in peak state, I’ve reached the third coffin in several decades.”

As he spoke, Yao Lao couldn’t help shaking his head, although his fighting skills were strong, But to practice Great Ascension, it is more difficult than Heavenly Ascension.

And the reason why he came up with this kind of difficult fighting skills is that as long as he practiced the first few coffins, he would have the capital to save his life, so it was quite practical.

"Well, it sounds good, then many thanks."

Accepting the fighting skills that Yao Lao chose for him, Ye Chen let the system automatically cultivate, and immediately, He stepped a few steps under his feet, and he felt the breeze around his feet, dragging him to move quickly, very elegant.

For Yufengyoushenbu, the automatic cultivation system will be fully comprehended very soon, but the progress of the Nine-Fingers Coffin is slow, it has been a few minutes, and it is only cultivation to the third Coffin It stopped, and then it became extremely slow, I am afraid that it would take more than ten days to comprehend everything, but obviously, this fighting skill is definitely not Mortal Grade.

"What you just performed, wouldn't it be walking in the wind, No way, you are just a fighter's cultivation base. Logically speaking, it is fundamentally impossible."

Yao Lao floated to Ye Chen's side, a pair of old eyes stared at him non-stop, his face was full of shock, although he didn't believe it, but just now he really felt the special fluctuation of fighting skills.

Mysterious Grade high level fighting skills, not everyone can achieve cultivation success casually, it is a high level fighting skills close to Earth Grade, and ordinary people may not be able to understand them all their lives.

"No, no, just comprehended one or two, nothing at worst."

"gu lu!"

Ye Chen's words, immediately listened to De Yao Lao couldn't help swallowing his saliva, and he could comprehend a thing or two in just a few minutes. Is this nothing? This is simply something a genius amongst geniuses can wear.

Thinking of this, Yao Lao suddenly laughed in his heart: Sure enough, the person he chose was by no means unusual, at least he had reached the monster talent level in terms of comprehension, and coupled with those who were stronger than him mental force, this kind of talent is simply a tyrannical attack without pill concocting.

As for the cultivation base, Ye Chen looks only seventeen or eighteen years old, and under the cultivation of high-level medicine pills, even if the aptitude is almost, he can reach a certain realm height.

Looking at Ye Chen's handsome face, Yao Lao's mouth curved upward is a bit exaggerated, but who wouldn't be happy to meet someone who can inherit his Legacy?

"Don't stare at me all the time, it's awkward. If you really want to follow me, then come to my collection ring. I can't just take other people's things."


Having said that, Ye Chen took off the black ring on his finger and put it in Xiao Yan's hand, and Yao Lao did not hesitate, and directly took all his things and got into the ring between Ye Chen's fingers.

Seeing this, Ye Chen quickly swept out of the house with Xiao Yan in his arms, and then placed him on a large stone very close to the inner courtyard. Here Xiao Family, he did not want to cause any trouble.

"Your Na ring is so small, why don't I give you a bigger one."

Ye Chen's Na ring between his fingers heard Yao Lao's voice, but then he said There was no movement again, as if the previous sentence was false.

Seeing this, Ye Chen couldn't help but take out two divine cores from the mental world and hand them over to the system, and then secretly said: "Upgrade all the power of divine cores to the ring space!"

The voice fell, and the ring sent by the system in his hand suddenly changed to a white light, from 10m to a huge boundless space, like a Small World, and then the color also changed from black to dark silver, although it looks high-end. A little, but still not very conspicuous.

Suddenly, there was a violent shock in Najie, and then Yao Lao's soul phantom flew out.

"What's the matter with you?"

Ye Chen couldn't help but wonder, looking at Yao Lao, who was unsteady and had blood on the corner of his mouth.

"No, it's nothing, I just saw a trident not like Mortal Grade in your appellation ring, but didn't expect just touched it and was suppressed by Mo Ming."


Yao Lao wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth. Under the pale old face, the whole person looked sluggish, but his gaze towards Ye Chen showed a little more surprise and respect. The longer they got along, the more Find each other getting mysterious.

I can't help but feel that the ring space suddenly becomes boundless, but there are some weapons that make him fearful. Although it is not as strong as the bloody long sword he has seen before, it is also extremely powerful.

"trident? By the way, how could I forget it."

Ye Chen clapped his hands violently and shouted, Sea God Trident is also a dive tool, and its power is also It is very powerful. After all, it has accompanied Sea God all his life, and the energy contained in it may also help his cultivation.

Without hesitation, Ye Chen took out the Sea God Trident and absorbed it, but to his disappointment, the power of the dive tool trident did not belong to him, and it was very difficult to forcibly absorb it.

If the cultivation base is still there, there will be no pressure, but now, it is better to absorb Sea God Trident than to cultivate by yourself.

"Do you want it? Why don't I give it to you."

With the Demon Abyss sword, it was useless for trident Ye Chen to hold it, and he immediately looked aside. Said to his pharmacist.

"What are you saying is true? You want to give me this Divine Weapon?"

Yao Lao laughed instantly, just about to reach out to take it, just thinking about the previous He was a little hesitant when he was shocked by the shocking picture. He wanted to end up with a dead soul.

"If it is given to you, it will be given to you, and don't be afraid of it. Just now, it was you who did not have my authorization to find the suppression. Now you can do it. In the future, you can do whatever you want."

Ye Chen's acceptance ring was given by the system, if anyone disturbed, he would find the absolute suppression of the system, so Yao Lao would be innocently injured after moving his things.

Handing the Sea God Trident to Yao Lao, Ye Chen immediately saw the other party smiling, but when Yao Lao took it and kept admiring it, he suddenly said badly with a smile: "Take it. If you bought my Ye Chen stuff, you will have to take all the medicine pills for my cultivation in the future, so you won't help me with this little favor."


Yao Lao looked at Ye Chen who kept smiling, and thought to himself, isn't this what he said before? For a time, the Sea God Trident in his hand suddenly became a little hot. He knew that he had already fallen into the trap, but if he wanted to refuse, he would have to stop using the Divine Weapon trident.

"Okay, I promise. In the future, I will help you refine the medicine pill you want, even if you say it."

Don't want Divine Weapon trident, it's absolutely impossible, Yao Lao held the Sea God Trident tightly, and he could feel the powerful energy from it. Although it was different from Battle Qi, if he absorbed the refining with the cold fire of the bone spirit, it could also help him quickly restore his spirit power and strength.

To get such Supreme Treasure, even if you want to be the Medicine Refining Master of Ye Chen alone, it is worthwhile, after all, it is not too difficult to refine the amount of medicine pills that one person needs for cultivation.

Yao Lao touched the golden light's wanton Sea God Trident and agreed loudly.

Seeing this, Ye Chen couldn't help showing a smile. With a Grade 8 Medicine Refining Master by his side as his treasure jar, the 'jade capture' plan he made can also be carried out quickly. .

(end of this chapter)

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