Sign In The Goddesses From Douluo Chapter 197


Chapter 197 The Battle of God King, The End of Douluo

With such a large amount of energy, Ye Chen's body has At the place, a large area of festering suddenly appeared, and large tracts of blood continuously spewed from its body surface. Even under the repair of Divine Skill's self-healing, it showed an irreparable situation.

But at this moment, Ye Chen is still increasing the output of the power of the God's core, frantically pouring it into the Heaven Slaying Sword in the hands of the fallen angel behind him. outside of Doluo Planet.

Ye Chen knew that if he wanted to defeat the five God Kings, he had to do his best to have a glimmer of survival.

At the same time, Bo Saixi in the system space has also barely absorbed the Divine Core, so he is only one step away from inheriting the God Position.

At this moment, the Divine Core has completely submerged into Bo Saixi's body, but it will take a little time to fully inherit it.

Even the incompleteness of Sea God's Heart made Bo Saixi's path of succession bumpy, but fortunately there is Gu Yuena, a Level 1 god's mansion beside her, who has the heart of Dragon God, and more. It was taken directly and explained step by step. Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue also assisted by the analysis of the inheritance points and obstacles of their own God Position.

For the women who are making hot progress in the system space, the five God Kings in the outside world are also facing the sky-shattering blow that seems to shatter the continent, showing unprecedented vigilance.

Forcibly use the power of God King in the nether world, they have already been suppressed by the universe rule, if they don't do it again, they will fall back to the strength of the level 1 god's mansion under the rule.

Thinking of this, Goodness and God of Evil and Destruction and God of Life coincidentally, both of them clasped their hands together, and immediately the four opposing forces of God King divided into two and collided. At the same time, they merged together wonderfully, forming two very strange combinations of Divine Skills. Divine light shines directly on Heaven and Earth. As if at this moment, they are the Sovereign of Heaven and Earth, which is intimidating.

The vision of Heaven and Earth appeared again, and the people of Doluo Continent and Spirit Beast also became more and more fearful, but at this moment, a giant sword slammed across half of the continent. , appeared obliquely in people's sight, the bloody mysterious texture on the sword body constantly exudes a violently distorted dive light, just looking at it, the people on the surface are already scared to the ground, and even more Those who are not determined will also become insane on the spot, crying and laughing and scrambling around.

Douluo Continent fell into the unimaginable silent scene, when countless people saw the boundless giant sword, they also sent out fear from in the depth of one's soul, they no longer prayed , just desperately waiting for the punishment of the sword from the sky.

Suddenly, the giant sword that smashed the continent suddenly disappeared from the sky, and instead, the violent winds directly blew all the creatures of Doluo Continent almost one third into the sky. Above, the human Spirit Beast, who flew up immediately, all saw that the heaven giant sword cut through the barrier of the sky in an instant, so that Gao Tian was cut into a huge gap, exposing countless bright stars like a sky collapse.

Immediately afterwards, endless Raging Flames was born from the friction of the giant sword. In a short while, it moved towards half a continent and the forest covered and flew down in an instant, and the sword of the sky brought a majestic flame. , quickly moved towards somewhere in the other half of the continent and burst out.

At the same time, the mighty Heavenly God, which the five God Kings gathered together to display, also rose from the sky at this moment, and moved towards Ye Chen's sword of heaven.

With Asura God transforming the sword and the attack of the two gods of destruction and life as the main, the fusion of good and evil with the Divine Skill as the auxiliary, the dazzling Heavenly God light it brings is also a breakthrough Douluo star directly into space.

Heaven and Earth collapsed when Ye Chen slashed out his full power sword and smashed the five God King stunts in one place. In an instant, the human Spirit Beast of Doluo Continent all felt Heaven and Earth Shaking, and immediately The sound of ka-cha continued, and abyss cracks appeared on the ground of the entire continent from the bottom of the battle, and the desert divide corpse formed by the forest also fell into the cracks.

The huge Doluo Continent was almost divided into two, and the battle between Ye Chen and God King was 10,000 meters high in the sky, the giant sword and the five God King stunts roared, continuous several The sky with tens of thousands of li also emits countless air explosions one after another, and the huge rumbling sound is like someone blasting the sky with countless c4s.

In an instant, a hole larger than Doluo Continent was blasted out of the sky, and in the hole, Ye Chen was holding the giant sword and the five God Kings. The joint dive might be deadlocked with each other.

I saw that God of Life had turned into a giant tree, defending Ye Chen's sword strike with the gods of good and evil, while God of Destruction and Asura's Divine Sword withdrew their attack, and went to attack together. Ye Chen went further and wanted to kill him.

The main body of Tree of Life is so powerful, combined with the gods of good and evil, it can withstand Ye Chen's full-strength sword suppression, but just as God of Destruction and Asura's swords approached the attack , Ye Chen couldn't help roaring in his heart: "Spirit's armor, violent!"

Almost tone barely fell In an instant, the huge fallen angel phantom behind him shook and twisted violently, and then quickly condensed into a single strand The thin black needle stabbed at the Asura Sword and God of Destruction in an instant.

"Dangerous, come back soon!"

It seemed to have a foreboding, I saw Tree of Life trembling frantically, and pieces of green divide light leaves fell crazily and wrapped up. God of Destruction, however, under the full force of God of Life, the giant sword on the head of the gods of good and evil could not hold them, and immediately shook the two into a blood mist like a hot knife through butter.

The huge Life Tree that God of Life turned into was also split into two halves by the giant sword, but at the last moment, the split half Tree of Life turned into a huge The green leaves wrapped the blood mist, the corpse of the gods of good and evil, and then the other half of the giant tree turned into a seed suspended in the sky.

At the same time, Ye Chen discarded the black needles armored by the twelve-winged fallen angel Spirit, and collided with the Divine Sword transformed by Asura God. Sword was like tofu, and was pierced and shattered by black needles in the blink of an eye.

Immediately with the sound of a ka-cha, the human form of Asura God's body was revealed, but just as the human form was restored, his whole body cracked and shattered like a mirror, shattering into countless tiny corpses.

God of Destruction, which was wrapped by Life Tree leaves, also made an explosion sound and a terrifying cry after being stabbed by the black needle. Collapsed, and then the green leaves fell behind. The God of Destruction, who had fallen into a coma, immediately moved towards the surface and fell away, but in the airspace where it was originally located, a broken jet-black divine core was floating very quietly there.

Not far away, Ye Chen, who won the victory, did not look happy at all. He saw that his tall body was twisted back to its original size in an instant after losing the fallen angel Spirit, but his eyes were dead. Staring at the giant sword standing in the sky.

At this moment, Ye Chen, who can no longer control this sword, is still like him, but without the blessing of the fallen angel Spirit, he was violently spit out by the surging dive force backlash in the sword. a mouthful of blood.

But this is not over yet, I saw that after the giant sword defeated the enemy, it also landed quickly towards it, but Ye Chen at this moment could not bear the sword demon of the seven-star Demon Abyss sword at all. divine force.

But the divine core has been broken, and such a monstrous divine force belongs to Ye Chen. Even if he can't bear it, he still can't stop the attack of the divine force giant sword. Will explode and die.

"It's over."

Looking at the rapidly falling giant sword, Ye Chen's mouth suddenly showed a helpless smile, obviously he did nothing wrong, but he was forced to Anti-kill the five God Kings, really destiny plays with people!

When Ye Chen was in despair and silently waiting for the monstrous divide force backlash, a voice suddenly rang out from the system space.

On the sunny beach, Gu Yuena, Bibi Dong and other women all looked excitedly at Bo Saixi floating in the bright blue light and said with a smile: "It worked, finally it worked."

At the same time, in my mind, the voice of system resounded.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the final sign-in Goddess task]

The first world of emmm is over, Dou Po is coming, and the Doluo heroines will have plots in the follow-up, hope Everyone continues to support the author, and I also want to bring a more exciting New World to the handsome 'readers'!

About 100 chapters, I'm not breaking my promise, o-0

(end of this chapter)


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