Sign In The Goddesses From Douluo Chapter 189


Chapter 189 The battle of women, the crisis of Heaven Dou Empire

“dong dong dong!”

Ye Chen Fake knock on the door, not long after, a slightly majestic and beautiful girl walked out of the empress bedroom.

The long hair of water blue is scattered behind the back, and the fair face is dotted with extremely beautiful facial features, which is a kind of hazy beauty.

"Ye Chen! You're finally back!"

After discovering that it was Ye Chen, Shui Bingér, who hadn't seen him for a long time, immediately hugged him, but he still had a special charm on his body. breath.

Some reluctance to let go of Ye Chen, Shui Bingér's pretty face is extremely red, and that peculiar blush is more and more eye-catching.

After a while, Dugu Yan in the hall ran out quickly, and when he saw Ye Chen, he also showed a happy smile, the slightly messy tulle on his body, and the beauty of his petite body was faintly exposed. on.

"cough cough, let's go in and talk."

After closing the door, Ye Chen hugged Shui Bingér and walked into the inner room, but the messy bed made her stop. And Dugu Yan hurriedly packed up.

After a while, the three of them sat on the edge of the bed normally and started chatting normally.

“Isn’t Xue’er back yet? What’s going on with Empire recently? On the way back, I saw many cities with Star Luo Empire flags on them. Didn’t Spirit Hall help?”

After a series of questions, Shui Bingér's face was full of sadness. The Empire has been in a difficult situation recently, so she vented again with Dugu Yan and changed her mood. Ye Chen asked this time, and she also talked about it. Empire's three years of experience.

“The two countries had just started war when you left, but with the help of Spirit Hall, our Heaven Dou was at an advantage at the beginning, whether it was an army or a powerhouse above the title, Heaven Dou Empire was the best , even the shots of Clear Sky Sect and Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon could not withstand our attack.”

“However, as the Star Luo Empire who started the war first, they had already made preparations, and Clear Sky Douluo is the important figure who stagnated the battle. His entry made the title-level powerhouse stalemate, which led to the frustration of the Empire's expedition."

"And the most powerful powerhouse that Spirit Hall sent reinforcements , is their Second Worship Gold Crocodile Douluo, a super Peak Douluo with level 98, but he can't take advantage of Clear Sky Douluo and Tang Xiao Douluo who has risen to level 97."

Speaking of this, Shui Bingér's face was still normal, but soon, the water-like little face began to change drastically, and Ye Chen was surprised by what he said.

"After that, the war between the two countries was balanced all the way. However, not long ago three years later, a man known as killing Doluo suddenly appeared in the camp of Star Luo Empire, thus breaking the balance of war for many years. , and that killing Douluo is still familiar to us.”

“Spirit Hall Supreme Pontiff also wants to do it himself. A month ago, Supreme Pontiff Bibi Dong led more than a dozen of His Highnesses Titled Douluo to implement a beheading plan. I was going to kill all the titles in the Star Luo league in a spurt of energy, but on that night, a plain looking man suddenly blocked Supreme Pontiff Your Majesty, thus 'discouraging' all of us by the strength of oneself. Titled Douluo, and he also said by name: Hand over Ye Chen!"

After Shui Bingér finished speaking, he immediately pulled Ye Chen and said nervously: "You shouldn't have come back, that one suddenly appeared. The man who is so strong is unimaginable, Supreme Pontiff Bibi Dong began to retreat after meeting him, and it was at that time that Heaven Dou Empire began to collapse, thus losing dozens of large and small cities. Maybe you haven't found it yet, In the Heaven Dou Empire at the moment, there are not many cities that belong to the Empire. Even those city-states that have not been occupied have long been in name only, not only do not send troops to help the Empire, but also secretly deliver supplies to the incoming enemy troops. ."

The more he spoke, the colder Shui Bingér's pretty face became, and even the air in the bedroom dropped several degrees, and Dugu Yan was so cold that he shrank into the brocade quilt.

After hearing this, Ye Chen asked indifferently: "It was Shrek Academy who killed Doluo."

After hearing this, Shui Bingér slightly disowned: "It's him. , but the man who blocks His Highness Supreme Pontiff Bibi Dong is the most important thing, so Ye Chen, please go back to Devil's Island for a while, it should be safer than this."

"Don't worry about me , sooner or later I will clean up that guy, and besides, your man doesn't seem to be as weak as you think."

Speaking, Ye Chen's body suddenly burst out with an extremely powerful aura of spirit power, Looking directly at Dugu Yan in the quilt, his beautiful eyes widened, and then he stammered: "Titled Douluo? Ye Chen, are you already titled? This aura is very similar to my grandfather, but it seems to be even bigger than grandfather. Be strong."

Dugu Yan's words made Shui Bingér frown immediately. Her grandfather Dugu Bo, now a 9th Level 4 title, is only one step away from Super Douluo.

And Ye Chen has only been out and cultivated for three years, can he catch up with Senior Dugu? This should be impossible, but when Shui Bingér thought of Ye Chen's monstrous innate talent, he suddenly felt a little bit of anticipation in his heart, waiting for the other party to answer.

"Title, um~, I am, but it's only 9Level 3."

Absorbed the million-year spirit ring of Deep Sea Demon Whale King, which contains The monstrous spirit power has also raised his cultivation base from 90 to 9 Level 3. Although it is only Level 3, every step above 90 is as difficult as heavenly ascension. It is also a million-year spirit ring. forcibly topped.

Ye Chen spoke lightly, but Shui Bingér and Dugu Yan were already dumbfounded, what is level 92, Titled Douluo is Titled Douluo, that is already standing at the top of this continent The cultivation base is over, but this is only the past three years. If I come back after a few more years of cultivation, Ye Chen will become a god.

Thinking of this, Shui Bingér and Dugu Yan said in unison: "Ye Chen, why don't you go to cultivation for a few more years, after you become a god, even if our Heaven Dou Empire perishes, you are still here. , will be able to restore the country."

"What nonsense, Heaven Dou will not be restored, nor will it perish, with me Ye Chen here, who would dare to destroy my Heaven Dou Empire."

There was a golden light in Ye Chen's eyes, and he secretly thought, isn't it Asura God, if he joins forces with Gu Yuena, is a trifling god still afraid that he won't be able to deal with it?

While thinking about this, a rushing voice suddenly came from outside the palace: "Reporting to the imperial concubine, Violet Rank battle report."

Hearing this, Shui Bingér said solemnly: "Reading !"

For three years, she has been dealing with the large and small events of Heaven Dou Empire, and now, Shui Bingér is no longer the little Disciple of Skywater Academy, and she can see it from her. To a shadow of a country empress.

"The Violet Rank battle report, the Star Dou Great Forest in the Heaven Dou area, is being attacked by six Titled Douluo including the Killing Douluo of the Star Luo Alliance, intending to kill all the senior Spirit Beasts for their own use, And expelled from our country, so that Heaven Dou powerhouse has no spirit ring available.”

The war is tight, now both Heaven Dou and Star Luo are doing their best to cultivate powerhouse, except Titled Douluo The war, the power of the silhouette below, is also the mainstay, so it is very important.

"Damn it, it's that slaughtering Doluo again."

Shui Bingér slammed the table next to the bed with his small hand, and suddenly made a loud noise.

At this time, Ye Chen stared at him and said softly, "Don't be nervous, the imperial concubine, leave this matter to me, just as it happens, you will be an old friend."

eh , the weather is too hot, there are only three chapters today, and the author's head is so hot that it's hard to concentrate on things. . .

(end of this chapter)

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