Sign In The Goddesses From Douluo Chapter 182


Chapter 182 'It's started', don't stop, the return after three years

Ye Chen's fallen angel Spirit is also abnormally released The state of his body, suspended behind him, constantly emitting an amazing pink fragrance.

At the same time, a strange distortion suddenly appeared in the Peach Blossom Forest space all around, followed by a rhomboid core that was so dark that it could not be seen by any light shining on it, floating from the distorted space. After flying out, it flew to the top of Ye Chen's head and turned slightly. Immediately, a strong dive force slowly entered Ye Chen's body like a gurgling stream.

Gradually, Ye Chen recovered from the hallucinatory state, but as soon as he woke up, he realized that something was wrong.

Soon, Gu Yuena supported her little hand and hugged Ye Chen tightly in turn.

"I'm sorry, otherwise, I'd better get up."

Ye Chen said sorry, but as soon as he left, Gu Yuena hugged him harder and harder When he got up, and on the fair-skinned appearance of small blood vessels, there was a hint of strangeness.

Seeing this scene, Ye Chen was very distressed. He couldn't bear to hurt such a peerless beauty.

But as long as he was determined to leave Gu Yuena completely, a sense of dizziness suddenly made Ye Chen's head hurt, as if his brain was being dug up, and his body began to start like a ball. rapid expansion.

"You can't go, otherwise, you will die."

Gu Yuena touched Ye Chen's knife-like face and danced.


The years are good, time is flying by, Ye Chen doesn't know how long it has passed.

It's just the efforts of the two, Ye Chen's spirit power has also risen from 7Level 2 to the 80th level extreme cultivation base. If you want to go further, you can only continue to improve if you get a new spirit ring.

However, if it weren't for the skyrocketing of his cultivation base, his physical fitness would also be greatly strengthened in all aspects, and he might not be able to withstand the strong oppression of Gu Yuena, whose battle strength was increasing.

For gods, Spirit Saint realm, like mortals, it is a miracle that Ye Chen can hold on.

As time goes by, Ye Chen doesn't know how to be safe.

After this day, Gu Yuena leaned against his chest with silver hair and draped his chest and looked into the distance with a tired expression, slender jade finger gestured on Ye Chen's chest.

Suddenly, the black core on top of Ye Chen's head stopped turning, and immediately turned into a black glow and sank directly into his eyebrows, and the fallen angel Spirit also burst out with a large black glow with great divinity. , instantly covering the entire peach blossom forest space.

"What's the matter? Can you finally go out?"

Feeling the great change in the environment all around, Ye Chen and Gu Yuena put on their clothes, and their bodies were smashed. Attracted by the force, the two disappeared at the same time in the pink peach blossom forest space, and turned to the scene in front of them. The silhouettes of the two appeared at the same time in a huge Inside the palace.

all around is empty and there are no stone pillars, but the scope is amazingly large. At the beginning of the exploration, there must be at least 1,000, and the tones of the walls around are extremely dark, and each is a strange dive rune It was all over, as if there was no light, but it was strange that Ye Chen could see everything in the hall.

Suddenly, a thick black beam of light descended from the top and slammed on Ye Chen, taking his body off the ground and rising into the air.

Seeing this, Gu Yuena's beautiful eyes narrowed slightly, and he shot a Dragon God light that surpassed Limit Douluo at the black beam of light, but to his surprise, with the strength of almost Level 2 gods Attacking, the black beam of light was completely motionless, and there was no wave at all.

Seeing this, Gu Yuena immediately called out a long spear, the whole body is silver, the length is more than two feet, it is very slender, but there are fine silver scales on the slender gun body, this scale presents It is hexagonal, very fine and well-proportioned.

The white Silver Dragon shot out, and the powerful diver force poured out from Gu Yuena's body. The extremely terrifying spirit power fluctuations were also gathering crazily. In just a short moment, bursts of bursts erupted.

The dazzling silver light is like a small solar panel.

"Don't be impulsive, Na'er, this seems to be an inheritance process, and there is no malicious intent."

Ye Chen stopped Gu Yuena's attack, but the tone barely fell, and countless numbers poured out of the beam of light. Black light, like a strong pull, tore out all the soul bones such as the brain of wisdom absorbed by Ye Chen.

Immediately at the top of the great hall, six spirit bones with shiny black hair slowly fell on Ye Chen's body, exuding a suffocating pressure, even Gu Yuena outside the beam of light felt it. Poor circulation of the dive force in the body.

Immediately afterwards, the six soul bones of various parts rushed into Ye Chen's body, and immediately plunged him into great pain. Ye Chen broke out in cold sweat, and his veins burst out.

But at the same time, Ye Chen, who had absorbed the first soul bone, also knew how powerful the dark angel soul bone given by the God of Fallen Angels was.

Each piece of the dark angel's soul bone has reached the level of a million years. If all of them are absorbed, Ye Chen is no exaggeration to say that even in terms of the current cultivation base, the entire Douluo Continent Except for Na'er, there is no one he can't beat.

The absorption process was very smooth. There seemed to be a bond between the dark angel soul bone and Ye Chen, who had absorbed the power of the fallen Angel God. Once contacted, it quickly melted into his body. The pain of fusion is something Ye Chen never wants to experience again.


When Ye Chen absorbed the last soul bone, the huge dark palace began to sway and collapse, but the black beam of light did not dissipate. After Yuena pulled in, Divine Sense flicked, and their silhouettes disappeared without a trace.

The surrounding scene changed rapidly. When Ye Chen could see all around clearly, he also found that what he was stepping on was the Sea God platform in the side hall of Sea God.

"We're back!"

mouth showing a smile, Ye Chen happily looked at the side hall, which was both familiar and unfamiliar, but before he could think about it, a The voice came from behind.

"Chen, it's been three years, I've finally waited for you to come back."

When the sound fell, a blue silhouette suddenly hugged Ye Chen's back, and it was immediately familiar. The unfamiliar soft outline also came to my mind.

(end of this chapter)

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