Sign In The Goddesses From Douluo Chapter 167


Chapter 167 Bo Saixi: Live with me

On the top of Sea God Mountain, in a splendid blue palace, Ye Chen followed Seahorse Douluo to stand in the center of the great hall. On the throne at the front, a woman with a scepter sat quietly on it.

In her right hand, she is holding a three-meter-long scepter. The scepter is golden, just like the kind of gold that appeared in the sky just now. The whole body is engraved with magic patterns, and the head of the scepter is like a lance. The diamond-shaped protrusion of the lance, five inches below the tip of the lance, is inlaid with a diamond-shaped golden gem.

She looks about the same height as Ning Rongrong, her whole body is shrouded in a long pleated gown of bright red, and her long sea-blue hair is casually draped behind her, to the ground.

The feminine face looks at most around thirty years old. Her beauty comes from temperament, nobility, elegance and genial warmth.

If you just look at her appearance, she is definitely a rare beauty, and her temperament is indeed impossible to compare by anyone, even Supreme Pontiff Bibi Dong is inferior to her in temperament.

The most surprising thing is her eyes. The clear blue eyes are deeper than the sea. Instead of looking at each other, Ye Chen seems to be completely seen through. Any secrets are in the blue eyes. Under the eyes, there will be nothing to hide.

Ye Chen knew that it was only the difference between Heaven and Earth in terms of strength that made him feel so small.

The red dressed woman in front of her should be Bo Saixi, the Doluo Continent who is the closest to God, and who is fighting on the sea, almost no one is her opponent.

"What's your name and where are you from? Briefly introduce yourself."

Bo Saixi's blue beautiful eyes, looking at Ye Chen quietly, looking up and down, also He raised his hand slightly to get him closer.

Seahorse Douluo greeted him politely, then stood by the great hall honestly, Ye Chen nodded, and walked towards Bo Saixi.

"I'm from Heaven Dou Empire on the continent, my name is Ye Chen, under 21 this year, spirit power 6Level 7."

Ye Chen also looked at Bo Saixi, the woman It was his last sign-in Goddess mission at Doluo Continent, but recalling the words of the system, he also felt that it would be difficult to sign in Bo Saixi successfully, because this mission is

【The tenth sign-in mission: go to Sea God Island, help Bo Saixi become Sea God. ]

[Reward: Get 300% favorability of Bo Saixi, and get the spirit ring of your choice for 800,000 years! ]

The original words of the system are like this, but it is estimated that it will take a lot of hard work to make Bo Saixi a Sea God.

Because if she could become a Sea God, she would have become a God long ago, and she would not have been cultivated on this Sea God Island for so long. She is still a Level 99 Limit Douluo.

"Innate talent can be called a monster. At such a young age, you have such a spirit power cultivation base. In my impression, there are few people in this vast ocean who can compare to you."

Bo Saixi smiled faintly, being able to get the Sea God Promise Test also proves that Sea God thinks this child is very suitable for God Position inheritance, and as long as he passes the test and cultivation for a while, I am afraid that Ye Chen Immediately inherit the Sea God divine force.

In the face of such a genius, even Bo Saixi has to take it seriously.

“Sea God Wuji, Ye Chen, you would like to live in Your Highness Sea God, I want to teach you personally.”


Hearing Bo Saixi's words, Ye Chen actually wanted to agree, after all, this is a Level 99 Limit Douluo, but his purpose is not this, living in the Sea God Hall will only add trouble, which is not conducive to the next action.

After thinking about it carefully, Ye Chen couldn't help shaking his head and said: "many thanks to the love of Mr. Bo Saixi, I think, I should not do anything special. If I encounter something I don't understand, I will come. Sea God Temple asks you for advice."

"Don't be in a hurry to refuse."

Bo Saixi, with a look of admiration, stood up from the throne inlaid with many sapphire shells. , slender and graceful figure, exquisite figure, all set off vividly and thoroughly by the pleated red dress.

"You don't understand the Sea God Promise Test. Although you are the chosen son of God who is extremely favored by Sea God, you still have to take the Promise Ten Test, and the test time will be a bit long, so Ye Chen, you The days at Sea God Island will be very long in the future.”

Bo Saixi explained, and then continued: “It’s okay if you don’t want to live in the Sea God Temple, but you must come more.”


As soon as these words came out, Seahorse Douluo in the hall immediately looked towards Ye Chen enviously. Not everyone can enter the Sea God Hall, and he can also be taught by Bo Saixi High Priest himself. I am afraid that there is no one who is honored, but this kid who just came to Sea God Island is very lucky.

"I'm not ready to agree, High Priest's personal teaching, but everyone is yearn for something even in dreams."

Seahorse Douluo reminded by the side, Ye Chen After scratching his head helplessly, he also said lightly with a smile: "Since Mr. Bo Saixi loves so much, then the boy's reference is no substitute for obedience, and he will come here often in the future."

tone barely fell , I saw Bo Saixi smiled lightly and said: "Looking at your spirit power seems to be about to break, why don't you live in the Highness of Sea God tonight. Your spirit power has almost reached level 70, I believe that with your aptitude, use It won't take long for you to be promoted to Spirit Saint, and Spirit Saint's spirit ring can make Spirit appear as avatar, so there are some things to pay attention to, I'll talk to you in detail later in the evening, please retire first."

With a wave of his hand, Ye Chen was sent by Bo Saixi to the outside of the Sea God Palace, giving him no chance to refuse at all.

At the same time, Seahorse Douluo walked out of the palace gate with a smile. Under his Sacred Pillar test, so many geniuses appeared in a row, and he was a little happy.

Just two Red Level Eight Trials and one Seagod Nine Trials are much stronger than those who have been tested for years in the past, and now, there are actually Wuji Ten Trials, such as this evildoer , he couldn't wait to see what the legendary Ten Tests would be.

"I'll take you down the mountain first. If it's too late today, go and explain to your partner and come with me to the Sea God Palace."

Said hurriedly After one sentence, Seahorse Douluo took Ye Chen back to the triangular stage of Sacred Pillar Sea Horse.

Soon, Ning Rongrong, Bingdi and other women gathered around and asked Ye Chen what grade his test belonged to.

Besides, Dai Mubai and Tang San and the others were also closely listening intently or not.

And when they heard that Ye Chen's test was the Promise Ten Test, all seven of Shrek's faces showed a look of shock.

Everyone can think that the stronger the test, the stronger the innate talent of the person, and Ye Chen's Promise Ten Tests also indirectly proves that his innate talent is the strongest, no one else. match.

Looking at Ye Chen who was joking with Ning Rongrong and other women, Tang San couldn't help showing a hint of caution, secretly said in one's heart: "It can't go on like this, I have to cultivate as soon as possible, otherwise I will be with you.

The gap between them will get bigger and bigger."

After the Clear Sky Sect incident, Tang San has reached the 60th level of cultivation progress, but compared to Ye Chen, it is far from enough watch.

If there is an opportunity, Tang San feels that even if he takes a shortcut, he wants to overtake Ye Chen and become completely stronger.

On the other side, Ye Chen glanced at Tang San at random, then turned back to Ning Rongrong and the others and said, "Master Bo Saixi asked me to stay in the Sea God Hall, I can't accompany you tonight, I'll go down the mountain tomorrow and take the test with you."

"Whoever wants you to accompany you, go ahead, it's Mr. Bo Saixi at level 99."

Ning Rongrong Everyone already knows that Bo Saixi wants to teach Ye Chen alone. At this moment, it is too late to be happy for him, so how can he stop him.

"Then I'll go first, see you tomorrow."

Waving to several people, Ye Chen followed Seahorse Douluo back to the outside of the Sea God Palace again.

"Go in by yourself, I won't bother you without the High Priest's summon." Seahorse Douluo patted Ye Chen's shoulders with a smile: "Come on, I believe in you, you will be able to complete the test. Yes, after all, you brat is the first young man who has made me feel pressure in so many years. When you become the title, we will have a fight."

After finishing speaking, Seahorse Douluo disappeared in the Outside the Sea God Palace, Ye Chen also shrugged helplessly and walked into the Sea God Palace whispered: "Just here, are you thinking about it?"

Bo Saixi was not seen in the Sea God Palace. After Ye Chen walked through the great hall and came to the residential area behind, he began to search around.

The huge Sea God Hall was empty, and it was very quiet all around. Ye Chen searched for a long time, but couldn't see Bo Saixi's silhouette. At the moment, he opened a door at will to rest.

The door only opened a gap, and Ye Chen saw the scene that made his nose hot and his heart pounded, and then his eyes widened, his face was close, and he stared at the inside of the door. Lithe and graceful beauty, see the real, appreciate it all the time.

Thank you [Xiaoyao-]Alliance Leader for the reward, (`)! ! !

(end of this chapter)

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