Sign In The Goddesses From Douluo Chapter 154


Chapter 154 You have what I need in your body

When the sound of the system in my head sounded, the silver-haired girl also stepped moved towards Ye Chen.

Silver's long hair floats in the air with the movement, each strand is crystal clear and near-transparent like crystal, the bridge of the nose is high, the eyes are purple, and the long eyelashes.

She seems to be the most perfect work of the creator, just against the background of the barren canyon, bringing a touch of moving color to loneliness.

After the silver-haired girl walked to Ye Chen's side, she also stared at him, her body exuding a faint fragrance, refreshing.

Seeing this woman, Ye Chen was startled inwardly: "Why is she here." The silver-haired girl suddenly walked to Ye Chen's side.

"What's going on here, Xiao Bai, do you know who she is?"

After all, the Ice Emperor couldn't hold back the silver-haired girl's actions and asked.

But upon hearing her question, Xiao Bai, the Bear King of the Icefield, cautiously put his big finger in front of his mouth and let out a long hiss before he began to explain.

"She is the most powerful Spirit Beast I've ever seen. At that time, the old man chased me all the way to the depths of the Star Dou Forest and was about to be caught when she appeared, no , to be precise, another powerful Spirit Beast appeared first."

Xiao Bai recounted the scene at that time, and couldn't help but praise Qian Daoliu's strength, almost no Spirit Beast was his opponent , Xiao Bai felt that he wouldn't even be able to run into the forest if the other party didn't have murderous intentions.

"When I was about to be caught, a Black Dragon suddenly appeared in the Star Dou Great Forest, facing the white-haired old man without fail, but soon after the two battles, the silver-haired girl Awakened and appeared, she not only easily turned the tide of the battle, but also frightened the white haired old man away with one blow.

During the period, Xiao Bai kept talking about what he had done in the Star Dou Great Forest. From what I saw and heard, I sighed even more at the Spirit Beast in the forest. It turned out to be many times stronger than their Extreme North.

After listening to Xiao Bai's words, the Ice Emperor couldn't help pointing to the side. The silver-haired girl said: "Are you sure she is the ultimate powerhouse you said? The strongest Spirit Beast that beats Limit Douluo in one hit? "

The Ice Emperor is a little confused. In her eyes, the silver-haired girl has no spirit power fluctuations at all, let alone a Limit Douluo like Qian Daoliu, she feels that she can easily defeat the silver-haired girl in front of her. Young girl.

The words of the Ice Emperor made Xiao Bai's whole body smart. He could clearly know how strong the opponent was. Even the Goddess of the Snow Emperor couldn't absolutely offend him here.

At the moment, Xiao Bai wanted to remind Bingdi to speak in a low voice, but the silver-haired girl suddenly spoke up.

"You are Ye Chen? I can feel that you do have what I need in you. ”

Her voice was a little cold, and she looked like a stranger who should not be approached, making it hard to resist.

Ice Emperor wanted to say something, but the silver-haired girl looked sideways slightly. As soon as she glanced at her, the Ice Emperor broke out in cold sweat, as if he had experienced a Heavenly Tribulation, and he was so frivolous in an instant that he could not stand.

After Xuedi supported her, he lowered his head. The voice reminded: "This girl, not simple. ”

To be able to say these words from the mouth of the Snow Emperor, the Ice Emperor is also a face deathly pale nodded, just in the glance just now, she felt that her mind was fiercely smashed by a heavy hammer In general, the mental world is about to crack and collapse, but it is obvious that the other party has kept his hand, otherwise the consequences will not be so simple.

"Have you something? "

Ye Chen looked at the silver-haired girl with some puzzlement, then turned to look at Xiao Bai, and said hoarsely, "What's going on?" ”

Seeing this, Xiao Bai suddenly turned his head and whistled and walked out of the cave, with a look of 'it's none of my business'. At first glance, it made people think there was a ghost.

But right now is obviously not the best time to ask questions. Xiao Bai has already gone far, and he has no intention of answering at all.

Faced with a silver-haired girl who is not like an immortal, even a long-standing beauty Ye Chen in the field couldn't help but swallowed saliva and said. Just when she was about to ask what she needed, the silver-haired girl suddenly covered her head and showed an uncomfortable expression, which seemed very painful.

Sudden accident , making Ye Chen somewhat completely unprepared, at this moment, the Snow Emperor suddenly said: "Ye Chen, do you remember what you did when the Ice Emperor and I were transformed? "

"What did you do? "

Ye Chen recalled slightly frowned, and then, he reached out his hand violently and directly grabbed the silver-haired girl's thin white arm.

For a time, the stock was too powerful and monstrous. Mental force, madly broke into Ye Chen's mind, irritable and impermanent.

Scarlet blood flowed from the corners of Ye Chen's eyes in a short period of time, and his mental force world collapsed in an instant. His mental force turned into a fine Divine Sea whistle, as easy as blowing off dust, it pierced his mental world into countless dark void cracks, making people horrible to see.

Heartbroken, Ye Chen's aristocratic Domain, which Ye Chen had just inherited, bloomed in his body in an instant, directly covering the entire mental world, and then continuously transmitted the Domain power that could calm all restlessness and sadness, and fully suppressed the intrusion. The monstrous mental force.

After the aristocratic Domain was owned by Ye Chen, the soothing power it possessed was much stronger, even if the silver-haired girl caused the Divine Sea whistle, it was also in the powerful Domain power He was completely suppressed and subsided.

At the same time, Ye Chen continuously injected his own spirit power into the silver-haired girl, and after absorbing such pure spirit power, the beautiful eyes of the silver-haired girl were impressive. A ray of light rose.

Immediately afterwards, she took the initiative to grab Ye Chen's hands and began to take the initiative to absorb the pure and ultimate spirit power.

As the mental force subsided and the spirit After the absorption of power, the silver-haired girl's headache symptoms began to calm down slowly, but it was just the beginning. Her demand for spirit power was too huge, and Ye Chen couldn't take it anymore at the initial stage.

"A little more, my injury needs more of your spirit power. ”

The silver-haired girl looked at Ye Chen who was uncomfortable, and the coldness in her purple eyes showed a trace of unbearableness, but after being woken up, her unrecovered injuries began to haunt her. The consequences.

And the reason why she came here with the bear king was also because she heard about the special spirit power of Ye Chen. At this point, the idea of continuing to sleep was disrupted, and some people recovered from their injuries. She is naturally willing to try a shortcut.

However, Ye Chen, who has special spirit power, is too weak.

"Can you do it, why don't you just forget it. "

The silver-haired girl knows that even if she sucks the opponent dry, she can't recover much, but as long as she has level 60 spirit power, she can suppress her injury.

"I can, it's a man, how can I not. ”

Ye Chen forced a smile on the corner of his mouth, and a red glow appeared from the bloodstain between his eyebrows. Then, his eyes were replaced by blood, and he immediately entered a state of enchantment.

With the control of the noble Domain, Ye Chen can now use this method boldly, and soon, the spirit power in his body burst out like a continuous spring, and then it was input into the body of the silver-haired girl.


Immediately, I felt such a drastic change, and the silver-haired girl with crooked head and eyebrows suddenly showed bursts of blush on her face, and then her eyes looking towards Ye Chen also became a little strange. It seems to have produced a little assimilation.

"Stop, stop, I don't need so much spirit power for the time being, don't output any more. "

"Don't, I just started, why don't you need it." ”

Hearing the words of the silver-haired girl, Ye Chen did not let go of the soft and boneless little white hand, but increased the output of spirit power because he wanted to complete the special check-in at this time as soon as possible Goddess quest!

Caven, Ahhh, so uncomfortable...

(end of this chapter)

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