Sign In The Goddesses From Douluo Chapter 144


Chapter 144 The spy of the two emperors of ice and snow, the beautiful women at night meet

The late night is infinitely beautiful, but the time is short.

At night, the sky was slightly brighter, and Ye Chen had no choice but to speed up the battle to end the battle.

For some reason, his time is getting longer and longer. With the improvement of the cultivation base, Ye Chen obviously feels that all aspects of his body are constantly getting stronger, even without using spirit power. Now, the time of the war is also a bit stalemate, and I don't know how it will reach when the cultivation base is stronger in the future.

After a while, Dugu Yan with scattered purple hair was lying on Ye Chen's body covered in sweat, his delicate little face also showed a tired look, his body trembled slightly, not much. He fell asleep in minutes.

Seeing this, Ye Chen probed the two emperors of Ice and Snow on the big bed. After seeing that the two of them were very quiet, they were also relaxed. Then, after squinting for a while, he got up from the sofa.

The news that he appeared in Heaven Dou cannot be exposed prematurely, so Ye Chen decided to leave the hotel as soon as possible. He made it clear to Dugu Yan when he was busy last night, so after getting dressed , Ye Chen came to the big bed.

"Emperor Xue, Emperor Xiaobing, wake up, we should leave."

He called the two of them softly, but after calling for a while, there was no response.

Seeing this, Ye Chen couldn't help scratching his head and said, "Forget it, I'll let you all sleep a little longer after such a long journey. I'll go have breakfast first." She shrugged and walked out of the guest room. , then walked towards the restaurant on the second floor.

It was just that he hadn't left for a moment. On the big bed in Room 305, two pairs of beautiful eyes suddenly blinked, and then he quietly observed the edge of the bed and found that Ye Chen was not there, and then he quickly sat up.

Soon, the eyes of the Snow Emperor and the Ice Emperor met each other, and immediately rosy clouds appeared on the fair faces of the two.

The two women who had never experienced this kind of thing looked curiously towards the sofa and listened all night. They both wanted to know Dugu Yan's state at the moment, and their curiosity drove them Went to the sofa.

But after watching it, I felt that there was no difference. Dugu Yan slept peacefully on the sofa, but the blush on his face was a little special, which made people feel that this girl was very happy.

Ye Chen's black clothed coat was draped over her body. When the Ice Emperor saw this, he couldn't help but look towards the Snow Emperor and said, "Sister Xue, why don't we open it up and take a look."

"It's not good."

Xue Di shook the head, she thought it was okay to look from a distance, but it seemed a little rude to do it.

"Just take a look, just take a look."

Bingdi pulled Xuedi's sleeve and whispered coquettishly, and this made Xuedi a little moved, because She actually wanted to take a closer look.

"Then take a look."

After a slight tacit agreement, the two women pinched the corners of the jacket and the lower half, and then cooperated with Dugu Yan The black robe on his body was lifted.

But soon, the snow emperor and the ice emperor were seen by the scene under them, their pretty faces were red and hot, and even a little red spots climbed up on the body surface. After releasing the black, the two quickly turned again. He ran back to the bed and lay down, covering his little head with the quilt, not knowing what he was thinking.


After breakfast, Ye Chen returned to room 305 with some food, but the three girls who were still sleeping made him feel helpless and blocked him. After finding a wooden chair and sitting for a while, the second emperor of ice and snow on the bed slowly got up, but after seeing Ye Chen greeting him, the little face immediately climbed up the red glow that had just dissipated.

I didn't stay at the Zuixian Hotel, Ye Chen came to the front desk after the formation at 305, and helped Dugu Yan stay for two more days, so that he could rest well.

After leaving the hotel, Ye Chen went all the way to the most prosperous area in the center of Heaven Dou City after a little inquiries. Several people stopped in front of a tall fifth layer building. People feel that it is elegant, the overall architectural style is slightly simple, and there are only two simple words on the plaque, Moon Pavilion.

There are not many pedestrians coming and going, but it can be seen that the people who enter and leave here are all luxuriously dressed or with excellent temperament, both men and women.

Without much to say, Ye Chen walked in directly with the Second Emperor of Ice and Snow.

But just entered, two young men stopped them, but before they could speak, Ye Chen took out a golden waste token from his arms.

Seeing this, the legs of the two young men trembled suddenly, then knelt down hard on the ground and kept moving towards the front and kowtow, but they didn't realize that Ye Chen and the three had already walked into the building, They didn't understand what they meant at all.

"Ye Chen, what are we doing here?"

Bing Di looked back at the two who were still kowtowing and begging for mercy, with a puzzled look on his face.

"Study, and seek revenge!"

A golden glow flashed in his eyes, Ye Chen was holding a wast token, and the Moon Pavilion steward immediately took him straight into the backyard and moved towards Moon Go to the main building of the Pavilion.

The three of them walked all the way, and after passing through a small group of buildings, they came to the downstairs where the main building is hung.

Then, the purple clothed steward slightly cupped his hands and said, "Excuse me, your honored guest, wait a moment, I'll go and invite Xuanzhu to see you." After saying this, he apologized again and walked into the main building alone.

Not long after that, under the leadership of the purple clothed steward, an elegant and poised beautiful woman slowly walked down the stairs. Behind her, she was followed by two beautiful girls.

Seeing this beautiful woman, Ye Chen couldn't help raising her eyebrows slightly, because at first glance this woman seemed to be only twenty-seven or eighteen years old, but her eyes seemed to see through. With everything in the world, it is by no means comparable to that of ordinary young women.

The silver palace dress looks so fitting on her body. If she has to compare him with people she knows, in terms of temperament, only Supreme Pontiff Bibi Dong can match. The mention on equal terms is gone.

The difference is that she does not have the pressure of Bibi Dong, but she is no less noble. The beautiful woman walks downstairs slowly, every movement of her is so elegant and natural, even if it is brows slightly wrinkle and no lost self-control at all.

"Excuse me, are you the noble person who joined the Moon Pavilion to learn court etiquette? If so, come and register with me."

Under a shallow smile, the beautiful woman It is also a very polite invitation.

"Well, many thanks, Lord Xuan."

Ye Chen put away the golden waist token representing imperial power, and then took the Ice Emperor and Snow Emperor to the beautiful woman's body Beside it, I started to register for the Xuanxuan.

After they registered, the beautiful lady also brought the three of them to settle in the main building of Xuan, and then sat down in the lobby of the building and began to introduce herself.

Between the words, a layer of gentle fluctuations was released from the beautiful woman named Tang Yuehua, elegant and natural, so soft that it seemed to be able to heal all the sorrows in the world, even Ye Chen. The demonic energy in the body is softened.

But soon, the red glow of the demonic energy between Ye Chen's eyebrows burst into a rapid red glow. The protection was threatened by Tang Yuehua's fluctuations and began to resist violently.

red glow At the moment of completion, the two maids next to the beautiful woman roared lowly, and immediately raised their palms and patted the beautiful woman on the back.

Seeing this, Ye Chen also has a bad secret. Although he is used to the occasional riots of demonic energy, this is a strong aura inherited from Sword God. An ordinary person can withstand it.

It was too late to speak, Ye Chen nodded slightly, and the whole person appeared beside Tang Yuehua like lightning. He hugged her, then moved aside, and immediately let go of her fingers. Pointing between the eyebrows of the two maids inhaled the intruding dots of demonic energy into the body.

At the same time, Ye Chen turned his attention to the purple clothed steward. His condition was also very bad. At this moment, Spirit Ghost Vine manifested, and his eyes were also full of blood red.

At this time, after the Snow Emperor threw a snowflake at the steward, the purple clothed middle-aged man regained his clarity, but it was only after Ye Chen sucked his demonic energy away. back to normal.

"Young Master Ye, I would take the liberty to ask, how long have you been in this situation?"

hearing this, Ye Chen pondered a little: "It's more than ten days, But Lord Xuan don't have to worry, I can control myself."

"No, Yuehua thinks, it still needs to be completely cured."

"It's really not necessary, I myself It can be done."

Hearing this, the beautiful woman frowned slightly, her elegant temperament became deeper and deeper, and after a while she said: "If Young Master Ye doesn't dislike it, Yuehua I have a way to help you get rid of the calamity. Tonight, I will wait for the big drive at the Moon Pavilion, and I also ask the Young Master to make an appointment."

After saying this, Tang Yuehua bowed slightly and took the maids to leave. Now, leaving only Ye Chen with a stunned face, and the Ice and Snow Emperor with a small face full of harboring malicious intentions.

I'm not in a good mood today, and I'm not quibbling about anything, let's just watch it normally today.

(end of this chapter)

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