Sign In The Goddesses From Douluo Chapter 128


Chapter 128 Heavenly Dragon dies, full firepower

Looking at the people around, Ye Chen couldn't help turning his head back.

"Who is Jesus, I'll explain to you later."

After saying that, a strong sword intent appeared on Ye Chen's body. Immediately, a pair of white dragons like small antlers appeared. The horn suddenly emerged from the top of its head, and the surface of the dragon horn was covered with tiny golden grids, exuding a faint golden light.

The corners are divided into three prongs, and the adjacent raised corners are moved towards one direction, and they are like small swords and daggers. The crystal clear and near-transparent are incomparably fragile, but as soon as they appear, they are very fragile. A terrifying aura erupted.

As soon as it emerged, the space around the dragon horn appeared as tiny cracks like cobwebs, which were long and narrow all over the sky around the dragon horn, which was very eye-catching.

"What is that, why does it make me feel heart palpitations."

Bai Pao Zheng Yun felt in his heart, Ta Kong's footsteps could not help but step back a few times, while the other ten Spirit Douluo, also showing a shocked expression, involuntarily withdrew a little later.

“Ye Chen, how come you have horns on your head.”

Nervously swallowed saliva and said, Dai Mubai looked at the pair of clear and shiny white golden dragon horns, and his mind was One vibrate.

As soon as he got a little closer, he felt a crack that was about to be torn apart, spreading all over his body, as if getting closer, he would be torn into pieces by the platinum dragon horn, which was extremely uncomfortable. .

"This is my external Spirit Bone, the dragon horn, and today is the first time it fights with me."

Laughed at random, Ye Chen looked up and came The other Spirit Douluo, at a glance, in the large room, there are 21 Spirit Douluo firmly besieging him.

Seeing this, five purple, black, black, and red spirit rings appeared on the soles of Ye Chen's feet, and immediately six pairs of twelve long and narrow black wings spread out on his back. The handsome appearance also doubled in a short period of time, and the spirit of power also exuded a strong sense of ominous.

Holding the seven-star Demon Abyss sword and possessing the fallen angel Spirit, Ye Chen at this moment has raised his imposing manner to Extreme, and the powerful aura he looks up to is also seen by many Spirits Douluo looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Come on, let's fight!"

The first to say provocative words, Ye Chen stared sharply, and the golden light Illusion emanating from the illusory fox pupils immediately controlled six people. Spirit Douluo, with a wave of his hand, those controlled Spirit Douluo wanted to wipe their necks and commit suicide under the control of his powerful consciousness.

However, at this moment, the middle-aged man who had previously held the scepter loudly shouted 'eliminate', and a white light flashed, and the six Spirit Douluo regained their senses.

Immediately afterwards, the middle-aged man majoring in mental force shouted, "Leave the Illusion pupil skill to me to deal with, you quickly catch him." After that, within his scepter, suddenly The gurgling fluid white light gushed out, not only covering other Spirit Douluo for protection.

"I'll give it to you? Can you resist it?"

Ye Chen's mouth twitched, the dragon horn above his head flashed instantly, and all his states also surged at this moment 100%, the strength of mental force also becomes extremely terrifying.

Then, Ye Chen said coldly: "Purple God Light!"

In a blink of an eye, he stared forward, and a touch of purple divine light rushed towards the holding power as fast as lightning. The mind of the middle-aged man of the stick, his eyes suddenly widened, his hands clawed to his head, and after a mouthful of blood spurted out, the spirit in his eyes quickly dissipated, and within a few seconds Completely lost all vitality.

Such a scene immediately made many Spirit Douluo tremble with fear. The only mental force Spirit Master was instantly killed at a glance. Such a terrifying spiritual gap made the overwhelming majority feel deep despair, and even if they didn't think about it. fight and flee.

However, before they could act, the Demon Abyss sword in Ye Chen's hand suddenly made a huge dragon cry at this moment.

The terrifying sound wave roared out from the gap where the Demon Abyss sword tip split into two halves, and immediately I saw a strange magic fox twisting inside the sword body in Ye Chen's hand.

In a short period of time, the blood-colored long sword turned into a small dragon with blood red and white light under the eyes of the public.

The dragon body is made of broken Demon Abyss sword pieces, so that it looks full of gaps, but under the gap, a large group of white light and gold strange energy groups are connected with each other with blood-colored fragments, as if Source of Life gives the broken sword small dragon majestic vitality.

When the small dragon appeared, the space in the spacious suite was like a mirror, and the ka-cha was split into several large pieces, and the small dragon slowly rose into the air with the broken sword, the strong tearing Juli also made those Spirit Douluo's complexions change, and bloodstains appeared outside the body surface.

At the same time, Ye Chen shouted loudly: "Cracked Heavenly Dragon!"

After saying that, the small dragon of Shattered Sword suddenly increased its speed and flew into the sky above the roof. After that, the transparent cracks in Zhou Kong became more and more dense.

"Not good, run away."

A strong sense of fear rose in his heart, after the white robe Zheng Yun criticized out in surprise, he slammed into the house and stepped directly on it. Empty escape.

And those Spirit Douluo, who still felt that they had a large number of people, were not afraid. Instead, they all incited spirit power, summoned all kinds of powerful spirits, moved towards Ye Chen and rushed away.

The spacious suite was brightly illuminated by the multi-colored Spirit, but above the roof, the broken sword, the small dragon, was also transformed into a shooting star at this moment, with a speed that naked eyes could not reach. Crazy fall.

Soon, the space crack in the room collapsed instantly, and those Spirit Douluo who rushed towards Ye Chen were also broken like a mirror, and the collapsed space was directly cut into countless tiny pieces of meat, scattered in the void. Inside.

When Ye Chen took Zhu Zhuqing and Dai Mubai Teleportation to the outside of the hotel, the luxurious suite he was in also disappeared, only showing a large area of endless dark Void Fruit Dew. in that position.

On the street outside the hotel, Zheng Yun in the white robe looked in horror at the dark void that was gradually being restored, and said in his heart: "Fortunately, fortunately, I ran out in time."


But while thanking himself for being lucky, Zheng Yun also sighed with emotion for those 18 Empire powerhouses who escaped uselessly. Their sacrifices were only for the nominal and resisted ancient marriage contract. Is it really worth it?

Such a spectacle attracted many people to stay and watch, but even more, it was law enforcement soldiers who rushed from all directions. After quickly dispersing the crowd, they took control of the scene.

"Do you still want to fight?"

A sudden question came into his ears, Zheng Yun looked around suddenly, and saw Ye Chen standing not far away like a devil There was a slight smile on the street, and at the same time, a blood-colored long sword flew out of the vanishing guest room and was grabbed by one of them.

Before Zheng Yun could speak, the bloody long sword split into four pieces in his eyes, and immediately the platinum dragon horn above Ye Chen's head was also emitting a suffocating shimmer.

"hmph, you kill me Empire powerhouse, when the Great Emperor comes, you must look good."


Ye Chen's mouth cracked During the laughter, the four Demon Abyss swords could not help shaking and twisting at the same time, and immediately turned into four broken swords, small dragons, wandering around Ye Chen.

Seeing this, Zheng Yun didn't say any more big words. Holding the two wounded and the other two surviving Spirit Douluo he brought out, he moved towards Star Luo imperial city and quickly swept away, not daring to stay for a moment. .

But soon, their silhouettes ran back quickly from a distance, and then looked towards Ye Chen and the others said with a big smile: "haha, I see how arrogant you are, just put your hands on it. Take it."

Speaking, a suffocating force of oppression kept coming from the sky, Dai Mubai felt this, and said with a bitter expression: "It should come, it has finally come. ."

Chapter Two!

(end of this chapter)

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