Sign In The Goddesses From Douluo Chapter 123


Chapter 123 Qian Renxue's 'Unwillingness'

"Are you okay?"

Seeing Qian Renxue's face Pained, Ye Chen could not help but gently trim the messy hair in front of his forehead.

"I'm fine."

Qian Renxue covered her pretty face and didn't dare to look at him.

Wiping the hot sweat on his forehead, Ye Chen felt that Qian Renxue was very special.

"Am I too useless?"

Looking at Ye Chen, Qian Renxue's beautiful eyes, tears are falling down like a fairy falling Tears are so moving.

"How come, you are so beautiful, it's too late for me to like it, blame me."

Holding Qian Renxue, Ye Chen stroked her hair, I felt a little emotional in my heart.

Suddenly, Qian Renxue in his arms raised his head, looked at Ye Chen and said stubbornly: "I think you are right, you are blaming you too much." His eyes drifted to Ye Chen, Qian Renxue blushed instantly and said: "Anyway, it's all your fault, and I'll never forgive you next time."

Speaking, he buried his little head in Ye Chen's arms and hugged him tightly.

Ye Chen also didn't know whether to cry or laugh, and said silently in his heart: Is there something wrong with me?

On the second day, the two came to the emperor hand in hand During the great hall, Ning Fengzhi, Dugu Bo and several Douluo were waiting for them here, as well as the smiling Bi Fangcong and the few remaining ministers.

Actually, for these ministers, it doesn't matter who is the Great Emperor, as long as you don't stand in the wrong team, you can get along.

Now, once again, seeing Qian Renxue wearing a golden imperial suit, these ten ministers also quickly knelt to the ground and loudly called out the imperial title of Qian Renxue empress to show their loyalty .

With a random wave of her hand, Qian Renxue sat on the towering throne in the great hall, and started to announce the reward she had negotiated with Ye Chen.

"Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan Sect Master Ning Fengzhi was sealed, this rebellion forced Gong Er and others to come to help in time, the merits of the society and the country, and the ability of the Revered Master, I will seal you from today. The Imperial Academy and the Chenxue Imperial Academy are combined by Dean, and the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan is designated as the state religion sect. I hope you can educate more talents for the country and the people."

"Thank you empress for the reward!"

Ning Fengzhi bowed his hands slightly, and then a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, but Qian Renxue's next words made him happier.

"Heaven Dou Empire has been feudal for a long time, and now, it's time to correct some mistakes." Qian Renxue looked at the ministers below, and then continued: "From now on, no matter the civilians in my Heaven Dou Empire Or aristocrats, the Empire Court and several other academies will unconditionally open the door for them, as long as aptitude passes the test, they will all accept it.”

“empress, this is inappropriate.”

The old man with a beard on his face knelt in front of Qian Renxue and boldly protested: "There is a big gap between the royal family and the commoners, and the rules of the high level academies in various places are also negotiated by the nobles of the whole Empire. If empress insists on doing this, Heaven Dou Empire will be greatly affected, and it may change.”

“Reporting to empress, I also agree with this view. Now that the national situation is unstable, it is really not appropriate to fight with those noble squires. In a head-on conflict, the issue of civilians still needs to be done step by step."

In the crowd in the hall, another minister objected, and it seemed that there was some truth to what he said.

But Qian Renxue said indifferently: "It's just a bunch of bullying and fearing the tough, what's there to be afraid of!" The words are full of supreme majesty. At this moment, as the Emperor, she and Bibi Dong are very similar .

"But what about the nobles all over the Empire? Not at all."

Before the bearded old man finished speaking, Ning Fengzhi cupped his hands and said: " Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan, willing to help empress.”

“Very well, then the noble affairs will be handed over to the master.”

“As you bid."

The corner of his mouth smiled slightly, Ning Fengzhi took the sword, Bone Douluo and Dugu Bo and hurriedly left the great hall.

Then outside the hall, the four Super Douluos, Ju, Gui, Porcupinefish and Dragon Subduing, also waited here for a long time. After seeing a few people coming out, they all left Heaven Dou City together.

If you want extraterritorial governance, you must first settle down. Ye Chen knows that the nobles who are deeply rooted in the Empire will be the biggest obstacle to the imperial power, so he and Qian Renxue negotiated to let Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan come out, Spirit Hall assisted in secret, completely subduing those tough bones.

In this way, Heaven Dou Empire is stable, and Ye Chen's final plan can also be implemented as desired.

"Imperial Family Knight regiment Bi Fangcong stepped forward to hear the seal. Leader Bi led the crowd to completely defeat the rebels and made great contributions to maintaining the orthodox imperial power. Today, I will appoint you as the guardian of the country. The Imperial Family Knight regiment has millions of gold.

Silver, also renamed the legion to the Golden Armored Army, guarding the imperial city."

Qian Renxue's words fell, and Bi Fangcong immediately knelt down and kowtowed, and kept saying empress Mingying, Empire Yongchang and so on.

Afterwards, Qian Renxue entrusted him with the responsibility of enlisting the worthy ministers. In this way, Bi Fangcong was also deeply grateful and kept kowtowing.

After waving everyone to step back, Qian Renxue turned his head and looked towards Ye Chen at the foot of the emperor, and said softly: "grandfather let us go back quickly, he is very satisfied with you, he said it will be soon. We are going to hold a wedding for us."

hearing this, Ye Chen couldn't help smiling and cupping his hands and said, "Yes, my express Your Majesty."

With that, the two returned to When I got to the bedroom to pack up, I found a reason to cooperate sincerely and win the world that day, so I quickly rushed towards the Spirit Hall with a few people waiting.

Qian Daoliu's letter was very urgent, and the words were all impatient, but they had only left for less than a month.

A few people moved forward very fast, it only took them more than ten days to return to Spirit City, and then under the leadership of several red robe Elders, have endured the hardships of a long journey came to the Supreme Pontiff Palace.

At this moment, Qian Daoliu and Bibi Dong are waiting here for the two of them. When he saw Ye Chen and Qian Renxue coming hand in hand, Qian Daoliu was even more laughed heartily.

"Okay, didn't expect you brat to succeed so quickly. It is indeed a talent that old man likes."

Speaking, Qian Daoliu found that the two were holding hands, Immediately, he moved towards Qian Renxue and raised his eyebrows slightly, but Qian Renxue shrugged the head with a wry smile, which instantly made his wish to hold his great-grandson in vain.

At the moment, Qian Daoliu couldn't help but said in a hurry: "Today is a good day, why don't we hold the wedding here, the old man will arrange the arrangement, very soon."

"Not today. , it won't work for a while." Bibi Dong walked to Ye Chen's side and sang the opposite to Qian Daoliu: "Xiao Na has gone abroad for cultivation at this time, so their marriage must wait until Xiao Na will come to discuss it. "

Hearing this, Qian Daoliu also knew that this was not a matter of two people, but the more he felt, the more uneasy he felt in his heart, and then he stared at Ye Chen and Qian Renxue and said seriously: "It's okay to get married." I'll talk about it later, but today, you have to give me a bridal chamber, the old man doesn't want to be rejected again."

I found what Bibi Dong wanted to say, and Qian Daoliu's last sentence was also very eloquent. It's too heavy to resist.

Qian Renxue just wanted to persuade his grandfather, but Qian Daoliu ignored her, but moved towards Ye Chen and kept putting pressure on him. The breath of the terrifying Limit Douluo made Ye who did not call out the Spirit. Chen's expression changed.

But there was an unresolved problem between him and Qian Renxue, so he wanted to brace oneself to refuse, but at this time Bibi Dong said, "I'll answer for him."

hearing this, Qian Daoliu left Supreme Pontiff Palace laughed heartily.

However, Ye Chen looked towards Bibi Dong with some embarrassment, and then leaned against her ear and whispered

(end of this chapter)

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