Sign In The Goddesses From Douluo Chapter 104


Chapter 104 The Encounter of the Sweet Wife

The lively and festive hall and the strangely quiet wedding room are very discordant.

The white gauze bride sat on the edge of the bed, quietly waiting for her husband's favor, but the Grandmaster, who was sitting not far away, seemed to be at an invisible distance from her, standing for a long time without moving.

Ten minutes passed, and even the smartest woman couldn't help but be puzzled: "Why do you keep standing there, do I look ugly and scare you?"


Without waiting for the respect she deserved in her fantasy, the bride Jiang Ping couldn't help but feel a little unhappy.

"I know that we got married the first time we met, and it was a little uncomfortable, but we are now husband and wife, do you have to stand there all day? "

Even though she was a little unhappy, Jiang Ping made a gesture of showing her favor when she remembered her mother's words.

Although she is from the Heaven Dou noble family, but the father was wrongly convicted, so that the family fell in just a few months, and in order to rescue the father, her mother also found such a person for her. Door relatives.

Although the man in front of him is a little old, I heard from my mother that he is very infatuated, and he has not had a woman by his side for more than 20 years. Besides, he is the eldest son of Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan patriarch.

Yu Xiaogang's innate talent cultivation base may not work, and he is not valued by the family, but if he can give birth to a son, he will definitely gain a firm foothold in Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan, which will not only save himself A father can revive his family business. Isn't this one move, two gains.

What's the point of sacrificing Jiang Ping for her father and her own Jiang family?

"Come and sit, we're already married, so there's no need to be so restrained."

Looking at the silly Grandmaster, Jiang Ping pulled him to the edge of the bed and immediately took the initiative. Find a topic.

"I heard that your nickname is Grandmaster, you know a lot of knowledge, if we have a child in the future, you will definitely teach him to be a talent, right?"

Words The hint in the text is already very obvious. Jiang Ping looked at Yu Xiaogang closely, expecting him to take the initiative to start the behavior that should be between husband and wife. After all, she is a woman, so she can't let her take the initiative.


As if thinking about it, Yu Xiaogang looked at Jiang Ping, who was pretty and pretty and dignified, and subconsciously moved a small distance back, as if he wanted to keep distance.

Seeing his move, Jiang Ping couldn't help but frowned, and immediately moved her body and leaned closer: "Why do you want to avoid me? Do you really dislike me?"

"No, no, don't get me wrong."

"What's the reason for that? Sir Father is so eager to embrace his grandson, but you don't seem to like me at all. In that case, why do you want to marry me? ."

Faced with Jiang Ping's repeated questions, Grandmaster Yu Xiaogang couldn't help but feel helpless, he also wanted to fulfill the father's expectations, but he just couldn't.

After sorting out the language a little, Grandmaster said with guilt: "Pinger, I wonder if we can be immeasurably self-satisfied like the ancients, you are still you, I am still me, but we are still Husband and wife, how?"

These words were spoken lightly, and the Grandmaster's face was full of regret, but he finally spoke up.


Jiang Ping immediately refused when she heard this, the reason why she was willing to marry Grandmaster was mainly to save her father, but Yu Yuanzhen was willing to let her When a daughter-in-law has a condition to save a person, the condition is very simple, that is, to have a child.

Whether it is male or female, as long as she is pregnant, Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon will come forward to solve her father's affairs.

But what's going on now? My husband actually wanted to be 'immeasurably self-satisfied' with her. Could it be that she was deceived into marriage?

There was a hint of distress in her eyes, and Jiang Ping was even more angry. She married her and didn't move her. Do you want to wait for her father to be executed before doing anything?

Feeling an aura of conspiracy, Jiang Ping's eyes flashed with determination.

"I don't care what you think, but I do it for my reasons. After all, we are already a husband and wife. Even if you want to be immeasurably self-satisfied with me, it will wait until today. Are you okay?"

There was a tear in his eyes, and Grandmaster's heart softened, and he almost agreed on the spot, but when he thought about his own situation, Yu Xiaogang couldn't help but want to push Jiang Ping away.

"No, we can't do that because"

The Grandmaster is still ashamed to say it, he can't let anyone know about it, not even his own wife Neither.

But when he just pushed someone, Jiang Ping was already under the Grandmaster and used a stunt.

"Am I not beautiful enough?"

Thinking that maybe it was too sudden, Grandmaster was so calm that Jiang Ping took off her clothes.

Her figure is also good, and she is full of pancreas and sexy, and she also tried her best.

It's a pity, however, that even though Grandmaster has an expression of enjoyment, his body has always been calm, not even a wave of excitement, which is very strange.

"Okay, let's stop here."

Looking at Jiang Ping with a strange face, Grandmaster immediately wanted to find a hole to burrow into in shame.

He was healthy until now, but since being beaten by a mysterious person, Grandmaster discovered that his two kidneys were shrunk by 99.99% unintentionally, the medical Spirit Master said. In this case, the probability of wanting to be cured is 1 in 10,000, and even if it is exchanged for medical treatment, it is impossible to recover.

Thinking of this, Grandmaster's face showed a low expression. He didn't know what kind of hatred that mysterious person he had never seen before had against him and fought so hard.

Perhaps he was also unlucky. That mysterious person obviously just wanted to beat him up. Otherwise, if he really wanted to abolish him, wouldn't he just kick him there and be done?

"Why do you do this to me? Why do you want to marry?"

After a lot of hard work, Jiang Ping, who did not get any results, suddenly burst out with grievances in her heart. mood.

In her heart, this marriage is a conspiracy, it must be a conspiracy!

This Yu Xiaogang is not a man, but he doesn't want to reveal it, that's why the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon patriarch Yu Yuanzhen will choose her who is in urgent need of help, and also put forward such embarrassing conditions.

After 'figuring out' everything, Jiang Ping couldn't accept that her efforts were in vain. Not only could she not save her father, but she also found happiness in the rest of her life.

"No, no, this is not true, why do you Great Family bully me, a weak woman?"

Jiang Ping felt more and more uncomfortable, and immediately put on a dress with her. After wearing light clothes, they ran out of the festive wedding room.

And Grandmaster saw all this and wanted to chase, but he didn't move. He knew that he had no reason to keep her, and he knew that the other party didn't dare to talk nonsense. After all, his family was the Upper Three Sects. If Jiang Ping dared to say it, her father would also handle it very 'properly' and it would soon subside. The face of Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan's face is very important.

“wu wu~~”

After struggling to run out of the wedding room, Jiang Ping didn’t dare to go to the hall, so she moved towards the five-person garden behind the wedding room and ran. She was really heartbroken, secretly asking why God was so unfair and wanted to play on her like this.

I thought I had found support, but I never thought I was a 'useless' man.


Suddenly, Jiang Ping bumped into Who General, and immediately apologized while crying.

At this moment, a gentle voice sounded in his ear: "It doesn't matter, you are so beautiful, even if you bump into hundreds of times, I will be willing."

" Am I really beautiful?"

Wiping away the tears in her eyes, Jiang Ping was amused by the man in front of her, turning her tears into laughter, but what she didn't realize was that the light veil she simply wore had already It was knocked down and flying, and the man in front of him was also drooling.

"Beauty, you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in my life."

Hearing these sophisticated flirting words, Jiang Ping, who was just angry, couldn't help but have a crazy idea.

The power is out, and I'm trying my best to catch up with the manuscript, sorry sorry!

(end of this chapter)

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