Chapter 495: Hide and seek?

“Die to me!”

Tang Ya didn’t show any mercy, the vines entangled everyone, and the kill was over.

Wang Xiao didn’t have much to say, so just let her go.

“Ding, congratulations on signing in at Tang Clan’s original site. Reward: Jin Xingshu limited edition skills! Note: You can learn, do you want to learn?”

Loli sound system said.

Wang Xiao was overjoyed and completed another sign-in task: “System Little Sister, let’s talk about it at night, I don’t have time now.”

Loli sound system: “…”

Wang Xiao: “…”

After doing this, Tang Ya walked to the side of the stone chair and sat down: “Mom and dad, Xiaoya finally avenges you. I hope you can see it in the sky.”

Wang Xiao smiled slightly, and sat down beside her: “Xiaoya, it is estimated that the law enforcement team of Tiandou City is coming soon, do you have any plans?”

“I…” Tang Ya hesitated to speak.

This is Tiandou City, and it is also the capital of the Heavenly Soul Empire. Someone broke the law here and destroyed a Sect. Naturally, the empire would not let Tang Ya go.

There is no one to protect her, and she will definitely be sentenced to death.

So she didn’t know what to do, no matter how strong she was, she couldn’t compete with a Heavenly Soul Empire.

Although the Heavenly Soul Empire of He today is no longer the scale of the Heavenly Dou Empire 10,000 years ago.

It has been divided into two, divided into the Heavenly Soul Empire and the Douling Empire.

But the lean camel is bigger than a horse, and even if it is divided into two, it is still an empire.

What’s more, today’s Heavenly Soul Empire still has a super titled Douluo, Tianwu, ninety seventh-level, the patron saint of the Heavenly Soul Empire.

Such a powerful Douluo is almost a rare opponent.

Therefore, the Heavenly Soul Empire is still very powerful. Although it is lost to the Star Luo Empire and the Sun Moon Empire, it is still much stronger than the Dou Ling Empire.

What’s more, Tang Ya is only forty-level ninth-level, how can he be able to fight against a heavenly soul empire alone.

“Brother Xiao Xiao, I don’t know, I only know that this is my home, I want to stay, I want to rebuild Tang Clan, for the sake of my parents’ spirit in the sky, and for myself.”

“Silly girl!” Wang Xiao petted Tang Ya’s head and said, “Xiaoya, don’t be afraid, as long as Brother Xiao Xiao is there, everything is possible.”

“But the law enforcement team is coming soon. Let’s talk to another place first. Let them help clean up the corpses on the ground. It’s not too late to come back.”

“Yeah.” Tang Ya reluctantly got up. Although she didn’t want to leave, she knew that Wang Xiao could not be hurt.

She felt that although Wang Xiao had the strength, she did not think that he could fight against the Heavenly Soul Empire.

Sure enough, the two left the Jagged Sect on the front foot, and a team of law enforcement teams rushed in on the back foot. Seeing the corpses all over the floor, they surrounded the mansion and searched for the murderer.

Wang Xiao and Tang Ya did not walk far, but sat on the roof of the opposite house, watching this scene with cold eyes.

Tang Ya was silent for a while, then said: “Brother Xiao Xiao, without you this time, I would never get revenge, and I would die in Tieli’s hands, so you are my savior and help me repay my parents. The enemy.”

“In the future, I will be your cow and horse. Do whatever you want. I am absolutely loyal to you and be the woman behind you forever.”


Wang Xiao hugged Tang Ya in his arms and patted her shoulder: “Xiao Ya, I said before that the family doesn’t talk about two things, I am your woman, and I should be good to you.”

“Then Brother Xiao Xiao, what should I do next, our strength must be beyond the Sky Soul Empire, but I don’t want to give up the original Tang Clan site, because this is my home!”

“It’s okay, this is a trivial thing to me.” Wang Xiao’s current strength, if he can’t even handle this matter, then this super god will be useless.

“Brother Xiao Xiao, don’t! I know you love me, but you have helped me enough. I don’t want to see you fight against the Heavenly Soul Empire and get hurt for me.”


Wang Xiao smiled and smiled very happily. In this Douluo Continent, including the God Realm of Douluo Star Territory, anyone who can hurt himself has not yet been born.

“Xiaoya, don’t worry, I know it in my heart.”

Tang Ya was silent before saying, “Brother Xiao Xiao, thank you!”

“Well, after the law enforcement team has cleaned up the body, we will go back.”

“Brother Xiao Xiao, I listen to you.”

Soon, the law enforcement team cleaned up the body, closed the door, and left.

Wang Xiaocai led Tang Ya by in a flash and entered the inner courtyard silently.

Tang Ya returned to this place, looking at the grass and trees in the door, full of memories, thinking of the days when Own was in his childhood and his parents were by his side.

But now, the deceased has gone to the empty building, and all that is left is emptiness and loneliness.

She took Wang Xiao’s hand, sat down on the stone chair next to her, and looked at the pond full of lotus flowers in front of her and said, “Brother Xiao Xiao, am I really wrong? I shouldn’t come back here again, although I have already reported. My parents’ hatred, but I can’t feel happy at all.”

“My parents, never come back. All I can leave here are memories and sadness.”

“I found out that I was sick and a little crazy. If it weren’t for Brother Xiao Xiao, if you had eaten me that immortal herb to purify my Blue Silver Grass Martial Soul, I am afraid that I have already embarked on the path of an evil spirit master. ”

“Xiaoya, don’t say that. This is your home, where you were born and raised. No matter how others look at you or despise you, you have the right to come home.”

“Furthermore, I am with you, not alone.”

“Brother Xiao Xiao, you are so kind.” Tang Ya couldn’t help it anymore and hugged Wang Xiao tightly with open arms, not wanting to let go of the other party.

that’s all.

Wang Xiao and Tang Ya stayed here, and time passed by day by day.

Tang Ya finally got her wish and lived in her own home, keeping the family business of her parents.

Every day, she is happy and smiling all over her face.

Lived a sweet world of two with Wang Xiao, and lived the Life she had always longed for.

The most regrettable thing for her is that her parents no longer exist, and she can only replay them in her memory, and the bits and pieces of their life.

After a few days of sweetness, the two were disturbed again.

The law enforcement team of Tiandou City came to the door again, but it was empty again.

Ren Wang Xiao’s strength brought Tang Ya into and out freely, no one could trap him.

It’s just that being harassed and harassed in this way makes him very uncomfortable.

I also don’t want my own girlfriend to live in hiding.

Wang Xiao has made up his mind. Today, he must go to solve this matter, so that Tang Ya’an can stay in his own home safely, and no one will ever dare to disturb her cleanliness again.

“Brother Xiao Xiao, I think we should leave!” Tang Ya said sadly.

Although she didn’t want to leave, she couldn’t do without leaving in the face of the power of the Heavenly Soul Empire.

Besides, she didn’t want to hurt Wang Xiao, or even her life, for her own sake.

She has lost her favorite own parents, but she doesn’t want to lose her favorite own Wang Xiao.

“Brother Xiao Xiao, I think so. Anyway, my parents’ grudges have been avenged. I’ll do this for the time being when I rebuild Tang Clan. It’s better to wait until I get stronger, then accumulate some wealth, and then rebuild Tang Clan. of.”

Wang Xiao nodded, Tang Ya could think so, and she was also happy for her, but she had the strength to help her solve it, so why let the own woman wait any longer, and then be wronged and ask for completeness, and then live a hard life.

“Xiaoya, in this way, I will now take you to the Heavenly Soul Empire Palace to meet the Heavenly Soul Great Emperor and ask for an explanation for you.”

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