Chapter 493: Taking Tang Ya to Tiandou City?

The task of the Shrek Supervisory Group this time is in the Mingdou Mountain Range.

This mountain area did not exist before.

It was formed more than 4,000 years ago.

After the collision of the Douluo Continent and the Sun and Moon Continent, the land was squeezed and protruded. Therefore, they were not very old, and of course, they were not young.

Mingdou Mountain Range, as the name suggests, the sun and the moon are bright, and the Dou represents the Douluo Continent, so there is the Mingdou Mountain Range.

The mineral resources of the Mingdou Mountains are very rich, producing many kinds of rare minerals.

It was also a battleground between the Sun Moon Empire and the Star Luo Empire, so at the junction of the two sides, the legions were stationed as guards.

Therefore, the Mingdou Mountain Range has also become the biggest battlefield of the two empires.

This time Xuanzai brought a total of fifteen people to come, namely the former Shrek Seven Devils and the New Shrek Seven Devils.

Gong Yang Mo, Dai Yaoheng, Xi Xi, Yao Haoxuan, Chen Zifeng, Ling Luochen, Ma Xiaotao.

The reserve team, Huo Yuhao, Wang Dong, He Caitou, Liu Dachen, Bei Bei, Xiaoxiao, Jiang Nannan.

Of course, Xu Sanshi went home to recover from his injuries, so there was no him in it.

Add Wang Yan, fifteen people.

Xuanzi led the team, a total of sixteen people, and used the Flying Soul Guidance Device to go to the Mingdou Mountain Range for a mission.

Halfway through, it will pass through the Western Army.

This legion is the most elite legion in the Star Luo Empire.

The Duke of White Tiger, namely Dai Hao, Marshal of the Empire, commanding the Western Army, is stationed here on the frontier.

It can be seen that today’s Dai Hao’s status in the Star Luo Empire is under one person and above ten thousand people.

In fact, that’s the case.

Most of the elite soldiers of the Star Luo Empire are under the control of Dai Hao. If he wants to rebel, indispensable, the empire will usher in a bloody storm.

Of course, with Wang Xiao here, such things would not happen.

Wang Xiao had already planned it, and when everything was done, Dai Hao’s head would be cut off, and he would seek justice for Huo Yuhao’s mother, and put his head in Huo Yuhao’s hands, which is regarded as helping him avenge his revenge.

This is not a problem.

Of course, it was not the time to kill Dai Hao, so Wang Xiao didn’t follow them to Mingdou Mountain Range.


Wang Xiao invited Tang Ya out and planned to discuss with her an important thing, which was also something she had always wanted to do.

The two came to the Sea God Lake together, and sat down on a bench on one side.

Tang Ya was invited out by him, and she was very happy: “Brother Xiao Xiao, you asked me out tonight. I wonder what’s the matter?”

After asking this sentence, her face flushed, like a little apple.

He thought he was in need, so he was extremely shy.

In fact, she was thinking too much. Tonight, Wang Xiao would not do such things with her.

It was also because after this matter was said, Tang Ya would not have this Yaxing again.

“Xiaoya, this is what you have always wanted to do, and that is revenge.”

Wang Xiao continued: “I have decided. I will accompany you to Heaven Dou City tomorrow to avenge your parents and take back Tang Clan.”

The original Heaven Dou Empire has now been divided into two.

One is that in the Heavenly Soul Empire, the capital is still the original Tiandou Empire, Tiandou City.

The second is the Douling Empire.

And Tang Clan, the capital of the Heavenly Soul Empire, Heaven Dou City, is also the birthplace.

In the original book, Tang Ya went to Tiandou City alone, looking for people who were previously related to her parents, hoping to get their help.

But again and again, all relatives and friends shut her out, so she of Qi Deviation went to avenge her by herself.

In the end, her revenge was avenged, and her Martial Soul Blue Silver Grass was also upgraded, and then taken away by the Evil Soul Master, she completely became the Evil Soul Master and disappeared.

But then again, if it hadn’t been for the evil spirit master to subdue the Sect Leader of the Iron Blood Sect, Tang Ya would not be able to kill Tie Li.

Instead, Tang Ya would be killed by Tie Li.

Therefore, that evil spirit master was Tang Ya’s lifesaver and avenged her.

“Really?” Tang Ya couldn’t believe that Wang Xiao would do this for herself.

She used to run around for this matter and begged many people.

Relatives and friends, Clear Sky School, Shrek Academy, but no one helped her.

Don’t want to cause this trouble.

And Wang Xiao is now actively offering to help her, how kind it is to do this kind of thing.

Of course, he really loves Tang Ya and really wants to help her, change her future, and stop her from suffering.

Wang Xiao nodded, not joking at all: “Hmm, Xiaoya, when did I lie to you.”

Too! Brother Xiao Xiao never lied to himself, no.

“Brother Xiao Xiao, thank you!” Tang Ya couldn’t help it anymore, and rushed into his arms, “Uuuuu”, crying like a man of tears.

“Then Xiaoya, let’s make it so, and we will leave tomorrow.”

“Yeah.” Tang Ya rubbed his shoulder in touch.

A few days later.

In Tiandou City, on the side of the road, a carriage stopped suddenly on the side of the road, and then a man and a woman got out of the car.

The male is about nineteen years old, and the female is about sixteen years old.

The two are not others, they are Wang Xiao and Tang Ya who left from Shrek Academy a few days ago.

“Brother Xiao Xiao, we are here.”

“Yeah.” Wang Xiao replied and glanced at the city of Tiandou City. Compared with Tiandou City ten thousand years ago, it was completely different.

Except for the land, this piece of land, Wang Xiao didn’t see a building that was the same as the Tiandou City in Douyi.

After all, more than ten thousand years have passed since Dou Yi and Dou Er, and it is normal for them to completely change.

“Xiaoya, to tell you the truth, I have been to Tiandou City before and I am very familiar with it, but it’s just too long and everything has changed.”

Wang Xiao was talking about Dou Yi, of course it was Jiu Yuan.

Tang Ya was very happy after hearing this: “Do you know Tang Clan? Is it here?”

“I know, of course I do.” Wang Xiaoxin said, not only did he know, but he also went to school with Tang Clan, the founder of Tang Clan.

Naturally, this kind of thing is impossible to talk to Tang Ya.

“This is great, then do you remember how to go?”

Wang Xiao shook his head: “I don’t remember, this is still a childhood, I don’t remember at all.”

“Well, then I’ll take you to meet some relatives and friends, the old friends of my parents, let me spend the night before talking about them.”

“If you raise more money from them, you will have the power to reopen Tang Clan. If you have money in the future, I will repay them.”

In the original book, after Tang Ya disappeared, Mu En set aside a piece of land for Tang Clan in Shrek City, and built Tang Clan, so he was not in Tiandou City, but was rebuilt in Shrek City.

Tang Ya insisted on rebuilding Tang Clan in Tiandou City because it was the place where she was born and raised.

The place where her parents lived together when they were alive.

The good childhood, the love of parents, are all here.

Her responsibility is also here.

And her relatives, friends, enemies, are all here.

Of course, it was the place where she was sad, sad, helpless, expelled from the house, and heartbroken.

Tang Ya looked at the city and the streets with such familiarity, as if it happened yesterday, and she recalled the scene of her parents taking her to the market in her mind. The family was happy.

But now, when her parents are not there, and her relatives and friends are taking care of their own things, she has no relatives here, and at a glance, her heart is extremely empty.

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