Chapter 486: Lan Su’s Gift?

“No, if you don’t tell me, don’t sleep tonight.” Lan Su Su immediately stretched out his hand and grabbed Lan Luoluo’s armpit.

Then scratched vigorously, dig out desperately…

“Big sis, no!” Lan Luoluo screamed, itchy.




There was more laughter being teased.

Lan Susu did not stop, and while scratching, he asked: “Luo Luo, please tell me…say?”

Lan Luoluo is depressed: “Okay, can’t I say it’s not alright?”


Lan Susu then stopped: “You count as acquaintance.”

“Big sis, originally I was going to give you a surprise, I don’t want you to be in such a hurry!”

After Lan Luoluo finished speaking, there was an extra piece of grass in his hand, like a sapphire, crystal clear, stretched out in front of Lan Susu and said: “Big sis, this fairy grass was asked to be handed over to you by someone else.”

“After eating, it will make your cultivation speed, physique, and Martial Soul stronger.”


Lan Su Su couldn’t believe his own eyes, who would be so good to send himself this precious fairy herb.

I immediately took it and took a look. It was really extraordinary, and I knew it at a glance.

Hold it in your hand and don’t want to let it go.

But I was thinking in my heart, I don’t know who is in crush on him, since she gave such an expensive fairy herbal medicine very much.

In addition to liking own people, no one would be willing to give themselves such a big gift.

“Lolo, who would be so generous to give away such valuable things as Big sis?”

Lan Luoluohehe: “You know this person too. His name is Wang Xiao. He was the first in the freshman assessment. He was in our first class before. Later, he was tempted by Mu Jin and went to the second class.”

“It turned out to be him!” Lan Susu was very surprised and very happy.

Looking forward to thinking, a top-notch genius like Wang Xiao, who is long and handsome, was originally the type he liked.

The boyfriend who dreamed of, but couldn’t ask for it, is really happy now that he is giving himself fairy medicinal herbs.

“Then did he say anything? I mean, after giving you the flowers, did he tell you anything else?”

“Say something else?”

Lan Luoluo scratched her head: “Say it! Let you eat it right away, the effect will not be so effective when it dries.”

“That’s it?” Lan Susu looked disappointed, shouldn’t it be an appointment to talk and exchange?

Or confess to yourself, go closer?

Why don’t you say anything, just give yourself fairy grass, is it really stupid, or is it a fake stupid?

What does Big sis want?

Lan Luoluo seemed to understand the meaning of Big sis and said: “Big sis, don’t think about it crooked!”

“He didn’t like you and gave you the immortal herbs, but because of me.”

“Because of you?” Lan Susu was a little disbelief: “Luo Luo, you don’t have a fever? How could Wang Xiao like you?”

“Why can’t he like me?” Lan Luoluo blinked: “Big sis, you don’t know yet, this afternoon, Wang Xiao asked me to go hiking, and…”

She told him what happened this afternoon.

Isn’t it?

Lan Susu still doesn’t quite believe that a good boy like Wang Xiao shouldn’t like Jiang Nannan. How could he like Luoluo?

I scanned the pink diamond ring that Lan Luoluo was wearing again.

“You just said that Jiang Nannan should go too?”

“Well, Wang Xiao originally made an appointment with me, but when I arrived at the gate of the academy, she was there, and she took the initiative to say hello to Wang Xiao and offered to go climbing with us.”

“So she was just an accident. It’s me who really likes Wang Xiao!”

Seeing that what Lan Luoluo said was well-founded, she really believed that this was the case.

Lan Susu fell into contemplation, picked up the fairy grass in his hand, plucked a leaf and put it in his mouth, and ate it.

It is planned that Houtian will find an opportunity to get in touch with Wang Xiao.

“Brother Xiao Xiao, where are you going this afternoon?”

As soon as Wang Dong entered the dormitory door, he saw Wang Xiao lying on the bed and immediately asked.

I went to play with him this afternoon, but I couldn’t find anyone and I didn’t know where I was going.

At dinner, I went to the dining hall with him for dinner, but I didn’t see anyone else.

So very unhappy.

Wang Xiao raised his eyes and glanced at him. Huo Yuhao is not in the dormitory at this time, and he doesn’t know where he has gone: “Dong’er, I have some things to do, so I came back late. I finally got it done.”

It is impossible to tell him what happened this afternoon, otherwise he will not be jealous, and it will not stop one night.

“What can you tell me?” Wang Dong asked tentatively.

“Of course not. This is a private matter. You should understand that you cannot talk to others about private matters.”

Wang Dong spit out a mischievous tongue, let alone say it.

Then he took out a large exquisite lunch box from the soul guide and stretched it out in front of him: “Brother Xiao Xiao, this is the dinner I left for you. It’s still hot, eat it quickly.”

“There are drinks, here!”

This winter, it’s really good for me, since I know that I will save food for myself and pack it back.

I didn’t care for her in vain.

Although dinner with Lan Luoluo, Jiang Nannan and Ling Luochen ate grilled fish and was full.

But the meals that Dong’er left for herself are too expensive to be wasted: “Dong’er, you are really my good brother!”

Brothers? ? ?

Wang Dong’s good mood was suddenly lost by his good brother!

I can’t blame him. He always thought he was a man, but he didn’t know he was a woman, so he was naturally called a brother.

How to do? How to do? I can’t stand it anymore, do I want to tell him the truth, saying that I am not a man, but a woman?

But what should I do after I have said it?


So annoying!

I had known this a long time ago. I didn’t pretend to be a woman in the first place, and I wouldn’t be like the way I am now. It’s really awkward to face the person I like and still call him brother.

What’s even more frightening is that there are so many girls who are so handsome and excellent like Xiao Xiao.

I’m afraid I can’t wait until I lift the veil on him, what should I do if he is snatched away by another girl?

“By the way, Dong’er, is this for you?” Wang Xiao only remembered halfway through the meal, and brought back something for Wang Dong himself.

Upon hearing this, Wang Dong felt a fragrant smell.

I saw it right away. It turned out that there was a fish of about ten catties in his hand. It was grilled and golden and golden. Just smelling it, it felt very delicious.

It was not the first time that she had eaten Wang Xiao’s grilled fish, she had eaten it last time, and it was endless aftertaste.

I have always wanted to eat it again, but I didn’t expect it to be fulfilled today.

Wang Dong immediately took over and asked, “Brother Xiao Xiao, did you sell grilled fish again this afternoon?”

“Yes!” Although it was not, Wang Xiao couldn’t say no, otherwise Wang Dong should be suspicious again, and asked Dongwenxi too lazy to explain.


Wang Dong nodded happily, holding the head and tail of the fish with both hands, and he ate happily.

The way she eats is really gobbled up.

However, Wang Xiao likes her like this.

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