Chapter 480 Cute Lan Luoluo?

After half a month.

Wang Xiaocai bid farewell to Zhu Wu and Zhu Zhi, left the Zhu mansion, and went back to Shrek Academy.

A few days later.

Wang Xiao returned to Shrek Academy and slept well all day and night.

“Brother Xiao Xiao, have dinner!”

With the packed meal tray, Wang Dong wakes up Wang Xiao who is sleeping and eats.

“Dong’er, thank you!” Wang Xiao took the meal and started to eat.

“Brother Xiao Xiao, slow down, no one will grab it for you.” Wang Dong fetched a glass of water and handed it to his hand.

Wang Xiao took it, took a sip, and was very happy facing Wang Dong’s concern.

I think I have to give her another gift tonight.

She disguised herself as a man, and Wang Xiao couldn’t do too much toward her, so he could only wait for the opportunity to see it again.

“Big sis, there is no class this afternoon, shall we go to the fair in Shrek?” Lan Luoluo said.

Lan Susu shook his head: “Little Sister, I’m not going anymore, I want to cultivate.”

“Ah! I said Big sis, you are too boring, even if you relax, the cultivation will be more effective.”

“But I still don’t want to go. Don’t go. It’s not safe outside. Let’s go together again in the future.”

“Okay!” Lan Luoluo lowered his head, with an unhappy expression on his face.

But she really didn’t dare to go alone.

Had to wait until the opportunity, and then go and see.

Lan Luoluo mainly stayed in the academy for a long time, and just wanted to go out and relax.

“Little Sister, I will go back to the dormitory for cultivation first. If you have nothing else, let’s go together?” Lan Susu stood up and said.

“Big sis, you go back first! I’ll sit down and go back.”

“…” Lan Susu didn’t say much, turned around and returned to the girls’ dormitory.

Lan Luoluo looked at the water in the Poseidon Lake, and looked at the Poseidon Pavilion in the Shrek inner courtyard in the center, thinking, with his talent and the Big sis talent, I am afraid that he would never have the opportunity to step into it for a lifetime!

“Lan Luoluo, what are you doing here alone?”

Suddenly, a very nice voice rang from her back.

Lan Luoluo immediately looked back and saw that it was not someone else, it was Wang Xiao.

Although the two are not in the same class, they are already well-known for Wang Xiao’s excellence in the freshman year.

Coupled with his handsomeness, the first handsome of Shrek Academy is still fresh in my memory.

Lan Luoluo had already imprinted him in his heart for a long time, and regarded him as the prince charming in his heart, the lover in his dreams.

She has always wanted to contact him, want to go further with him, want to be with him, want to be with him, and even stay with him forever and become his other half.

However, when she plucked up the courage to get close to Wang Xiao, she found that she had lost her courage, lost confidence, and even said a word to him, even if she didn’t dare to say a word.

Lan Luoluo had him in his heart, watching him secretly, peeping his back, and crushing him, but he didn’t have the courage to approach him.

But today, she didn’t expect it. Since Wang Xiao took the initiative to approach and strike up a conversation, he was excited and nervous, and didn’t know how to respond to him for a while.

Wang Xiao didn’t say it through seeing through. Under normal circumstances, he looks so handsome, even if he looks like Xu Jiujiu, Jiang Nannan, Gu Yuena, Bibi Dong, Qian Renxue, Tang Wutong, Zhang Lexuan and other big beauties, they will fall into their arms when they see it. Hug.

Not to mention a little beauty like Lan Luoluo, who doesn’t speak, doesn’t want, and just can’t pass this level on Face, but she thinks well in her heart.

Which girl does not cherish spring, the saying goes well.

When Wang Xiao saw Lan Luoluo’s small appearance, he basically knew what she was thinking.

Lan Luoluo’s hair is very special. It is blue, with a black hairpin on the right side.

She is a twin sister with Lan Su Su, and Lan Luo Luo is Little Sister.

So the two sisters are exactly the same regardless of their height and appearance.

Her skin was white and tender, her big eyes as clear as lake water and her hair were also blue.

The Guazi face is delicate and beautiful, and the whole look is extremely cute.

But the characteristics of the Lan Luoluo sisters are not only that, the most special is their Martial Soul, which is the same as Huo Yuhao’s eyes Martial Soul, their hair Martial Soul, also known as the body Martial Soul.

Ontology Martial Soul, as the name suggests, is a part of the body.

The sisters can also perform the Martial Soul fusion technique, called Tian Luo Di Wang.

This skill can make the Martial Soul of the two of them play a wide range of attacks. Their hair is like a net of heaven and earth. They besie the enemy from all directions. If the opponent’s level is weaker than the two of them, they can’t defend, parry, or avoid, there are only two consequences.

A trap or a dead end.

At present, the two sisters are only in the twenties, so their ability to play is limited.

In addition, the Martial Soul fusion skills, together, can be regarded as three skills.

Therefore, teams with Martial Soul fusion skills, facing teams without Martial Soul fusion skills, to a large extent, in the case of level balance, even higher than their level, it is also very disadvantaged.

Of course, in the face of being able to restrain them from Martial Soul or Soul Master, even if their Martial Soul fusion skills are more powerful, it is nothing but a drop in the bucket.

Just like Huo Yuhao, using mental shock to directly defeat their spirits, Martial Soul is useless no matter how powerful it is.

This is also why, facing Huo Yuhao’s mental shock during the game, the sisters could only helpless and lose the game.

Wang Xiao walked to Lan Luoluo, sat down next to her, and looked at her budding state. I have to say that it was indeed cute.

“Lan Luoluo, isn’t your Big sis Lansu with you?”


Now that he is talking to himself again!

And his voice, listen well.

Lan Luoluo looked at him, a little flattered: “Wang Xiao…I, Big sis, she just went back to the dormitory for cultivation, don’t you know, she can use her work.”

“Of course, I usually work very hard in cultivation, but today I want to go out for a walk, but my big sis goes to cultivation, so I can’t go alone, so I can only sit here and enjoy the Sea God Lake.”

Going out for a walk, this is not right, I am idle and idle, it is better to take her out to climb the mountain.

Wang Xiao nodded to her, expressing his understanding: “Lan Luoluo, it happens that I am going to climb the mountain. If you want to go, I am alone anyway. Can I go for a walk together?”

“Really?” Lan Luoluo was a little flattered after hearing her words.

“Of course it’s true!” Wang Xiao said lazily, getting up and heading towards the gate.

Lan Luoluo hesitated, and immediately got up and chased after him. Although she wanted to go to Shrek for a walk, she naturally chose Wang Xiao to go climbing with Wang Xiao.

Seeing that Lan Luoluo had caught up, Wang Xiao raised his mouth and smiled. The two Lan sisters are so cute, they must be taken together.

In the future, only need to train, give some resources, become a Title Douluo, or even become a god, it shouldn’t be a problem.

What’s more, the qualifications of the sisters are not borrowed.

Ontology Martial Soul is relatively not weak.

Otherwise, the ontology sect would not be so powerful.

Even Shrek Academy is very afraid of the strength of the ontology sect.

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