Chapter 475: Spring Peach?

This long-time princess came to me if she couldn’t sleep, it was a little funny!

Wang Xiao was just talking in his heart. The princess asked for something, so naturally she couldn’t help but: “Princess for so long, why can’t you fall asleep?”


For a long time, she was speechless. The reason why she couldn’t fall asleep was because when she closed her eyes, Wang Xiao’s handsome face appeared.

She lowered her head and could only sit on the edge of the bed.

Wang Xiao lay on the bed comfortably, urging her in no hurry, wait for her to say it, or hit the side, just don’t want to make it clear.

After sitting there for a long time, he secretly turned his head to look at Wang Xiao and saw that he had closed his eyes and went to sleep.

Immediately inflated.

He simply didn’t do it, and he lay down on one side.

She thought so, she couldn’t fall asleep anyway, so it’s better to just stay like this.

There is a handsome guy with him, even if he eats some tofu, it doesn’t matter.

It has been a long time to discover that as long as he stays by his side, there is a feeling of excitement.

This feeling is like a stimulant to her, and it is also the reason why she will have insomnia tonight.

After Wang Xiao waited for a long time to fall asleep, he came to the backyard of the princess’s bedroom by himself.

Seeing that there is no one everywhere, he said to the system: “System Little Sister, the limited-edition skills of electric mobility, you can learn.”

“Ding, okay! You are learning: limited-edition skills of electric mobility! Note: Estimated time to learn, eleven seconds.” Loli sound system said.

“very good!”

Wang Xiao immediately closed his eyes and rested his mind. Following the pace of the system, he began to learn the beginning and the end:.

Immediately, a lot of golden runes poured into his mind, and then the runes turned into gas and moved around his body, inside and outside, everywhere…

Then, electricity flashed up and down all over his body, very cool.

“Ding, congratulations, you have learned: the limited edition skills of electric mobility! Note: Please try it out.”


Wang Xiao didn’t say much. If he has finished his studies, he naturally has to try his power.

With a hand, the electric current flashes in the hand, and it only takes one second to store the electricity, and hit it at a big tree ten feet away.

Squeaky squeaky~

Lightning blasted out of his hand, hitting the trunk, and galloping horses across the tree.

Every leaf from the root to the canopy is wrapped in electric current and grilled.

Then there was a “boom”, and the whole tree burned instantly.

Wang Xiao patted own hands, very satisfied.

“It’s on fire, come and put out the fire…”

Suddenly, someone in the distance shouted.

When Wang Xiao heard this, he slashed and left. The guards found the situation and would come to check and put out the fire.

The next day, the sky was bright.

Wang Xiao opened his eyes and was about to get up, only to realize that he couldn’t get up at all. What’s the situation?

I saw that for a long time, I was pressing myself and sleeping on my body.

Wang Xiao Didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, it turned out that I had served her as a backing for the whole night last night.

Looking at the white and tender face for a long time, sticking to his chest and falling asleep, and drooling on it, I felt even more incredible. How could this happen.

To be honest, it is impossible to say that there is no feeling, with her soft body pressed on herself by such a big and beautiful woman.

Wang Xiao understands that even if she feels it, she won’t be messed up. After all, people hold herself in this way when she is asleep, so let her wake up and talk about it.

“Princess Jiujiu, wake up?” Wang Xiao whispered in her ear.

The main thing is not to be too loud, for fear of frightening her.


After hearing the call for a long time, he gradually woke up, stretched his waist, and moved a few times on his body.


Wang Xiao also served her, and he really used himself as a quilt.

But this quilt is really valuable.

Not only a big living person, but also a god-level blanket, a person of the same kind, but can’t bear it.

That is, the own woman can give her this kind of treatment.

how come?

After opening his eyes for a long time, he was dumbfounded, facing Wang Xiao’s four eyes, and he didn’t expect such a thing to happen.


She wanted to say something, but she opened her mouth for a long time, but she couldn’t say anything.

After moving for a long time, he realized that he was still lying flat on his body, his body seemed to be electrified, his whole body was hot, and he had a reaction.

I felt that under him, something was rising and falling, falling off the court, and his eyes rolled around.


After a long time, he finally screamed, quickly turned over from him, and walked away.


Wang Xiao also persuaded her, this was shocked, people who didn’t know thought they did something to her last night.

It’s just that the thing below is a little uneasy. If you don’t suppress the fire, you will get out of control!

Wang Xiao immediately calmed down, got up from the bed, turned off the faucet, and poured cold water on his face. Only then did he slowly control the evil fire in his body.

To be honest, after he became a god, he became more and more powerful in this respect.

This should be where the spirit and energy are more abundant after becoming a god.

Fortunately, unlike Ma Xiaotao and Ma Hongjun, as long as you don’t think about the matter between men and women, nothing will happen.

“My son, our princess invites you to have breakfast together. If you are ready, please go to the restaurant with me?”

Outside the door, there was the voice of a long-time personal maid

This feeling is good!

Wang Xiao smiled slightly. It seems that for a long time the princess didn’t have any trouble with herself about what happened last night: “Okay Chuntao, I’ll come right away.”

“Good son.”

When Wang Xiao opened the door, he saw Chuntao, a close-knit maid outside the door.

Twenty or so, long tall, delicate, big eyes, with a small face with a goose egg, a pointed chin, and a finely tied black hair draped over his back.

Wearing a gorgeous yellow palace costume, it gives people a clever and majestic sense of beauty.

Sure enough, the women who can enter the palace as maids are all carefully selected, and none of them are pretty.

Of course, under normal circumstances, Wang Xiao would not attack her.

Unless there is an accident, let alone Chuntao is still a close-knit maid for a long time.

Wang Xiao just looked at Chun Tao’s back for a while, then removed his eyes from her.

In fact, sometimes, many maids are actually more beautiful and well-behaved than Miss.

It’s just that they are born to be the life of a maid, and the elders are no matter how ugly they are, they are also princesses, and some people praise them for their beauty as Celestial Immortals, and they are all over the country.

Wang Xiao had read many novels in the original world. It can be said that among the ten princesses in the book, nine and a half of them are beautiful Celestial Immortals, and the remaining half are still in the womb.

“Princess, please come in!” Chuntao opened the door of the restaurant and invited him in.

Wang Xiao walked to the door, glanced inside, and saw that for a long time, he was wearing a red dress today and was already sitting in the seat waiting for him.

What I have to say is that although she is a princess, she is indeed a beauty.

This may have something to do with her parents’ genes, not to mention.

When the emperor chooses the queen, he will definitely not choose an ugly one. Not to mention the allure of the country, at least the beauties are among the best in order to make the emperor look after.

So long-term qualifications are not accidental, but innate.

“You…you’re here!” Seeing him coming for a long time, I was a little flustered and couldn’t even speak clearly.

Wang Xiao didn’t tell it through what happened last night. After the events of last night, he gave her fairy grass and gave her a marriage ring. Naturally, the relationship with her was unusual.

Also destined to be together, not to be separated.

Wang Xiao didn’t have to be polite in front of the own woman. He sat down opposite her and started to enjoy breakfast.

Brother Xiao Xiao was really welcome, so he ate it himself!

After a long time, she bit her little tiger’s teeth and looked very cute.

Then he picked up the millet porridge and ate it.

Halfway through the meal, it took a long time for him to raise his head and look at him opposite: “Brother Xiao Xiao, I will go to see Brother Emperor after breakfast. Are you ready? If you are not ready, you can do it in two days. ”

“No problem.” For him, he hadn’t seen anything before, and why he was afraid of such a little emperor Xu Jiawei.

Not pleasing to the eye, every minute he could tear down his entire palace.

Brother Xiao Xiao is too calm, right?

I took him to see the current emperor of the Star Luo Empire. Since she didn’t change her face, she really couldn’t be done by ordinary people.

After thinking about it for a long time, in this way, Brother Xiao Xiao might really have the ability, and it’s not superficial.

Just how strong is it?

But wait a minute, you will know.

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