Chapter 466

The ice emperor who turned into a human felt that the human society was more exciting and lively than the soul beast society.

But I also feel the complexity of human society.

Because of the class, rules, etc., the rules and systems of human society, and other relationships, they are not in the spirit beast area.

Only after walking around in human society, I have a lot of interest.

There is also a lot of fun. For example, in the large building of Shrek Academy, students of all grades gather together to study and compete, all of which are not available in their spirit beast area.

“Qiu’er, this pink diamond ring is for you.” Wang Xiao suddenly took out a marriage ring and stretched it out in front of Wang Qiu’er.

Wang Qiu’er took a look immediately and was always interested: “Curiously, what is Brother Xiao Xiao?”

She took it and took it in her hand and looked at it.

Since it was the first time I saw this kind of jewelry, I didn’t know its usefulness.

Wang Xiao had to tell her clearly: “The ring, worn on your hand, increases your charm value.”

“Come on, I’ll help you put it on.” Wang Xiao grabbed Wang Qiu’er’s hand and squeezed it. It was smooth and tender, which was great.

Only then helped her put on the marriage ring.

Wang Qiu’er raised his hand and took a good look, and sure enough, this thing was really good-looking when worn on his hand.

Immediately he leaned his head and kissed Wang Xiao’s left cheek: “Brother Xiao Xiao, this ring looks really nice on you, thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” Wang Xiaoxin said, after putting this thing on you, you can still earn system points and increase the goodwill of both parties, so why not do it.

“Ding, congratulations on putting the marriage ring on the goddess Wang Qiuer, reward: system points +9999.”

Loli sound system said.

9999 points!

Unexpectedly, Wang Xiao put on the ring of marriage to Wang Qiu’er, and his points increased by one digit.

I don’t know how many system points will be rewarded if I put it on the ice emperor.

Anyway, I don’t think it will be too little.

Whether it is Zhang Lexuan or Bingdi, they are both very important mainline heroines.

The number of appearances of Bingdi was relatively high, and should not be less than Zhang Lexuan.

However, Wang Qiu’er’s identity is a bit special. As a Swiss beast, she can earn more system points. This is where her luck lies, so it’s no wonder.

Just as Wang Xiao was thinking about it, a hand came from his back, pinched a piece of meat around his waist, and twisted it vigorously.

This ice emperor!

Wang Xiao immediately saw that the owner of the hand was not someone else’s, but Bingdi’s.

How could she not know why she pinched herself? It was nothing more than giving the marriage ring to Wang Qiu’er, but not to her, so she was angry.

It’s also reminding myself, and give her one too.

Just say it!

Wang Xiao grabbed the left hand that Bingdi stretched out, and squeezed his hands, tender and white, but very cold: “Bingdi, why are you pinching me?”

The Bingdi immediately blinked his eyelids at him. This Brother Xiao Xiao gave Wang Qiu’er a diamond ring, but he didn’t give him one. It was too partial.

So he pointed to Wang Qiu’er: “I want that too, will you give me one too?”

Hi, I know you!

Wang Xiao smiled and said, “Bingdi, Qiu’er kissed me. If you can’t, you have to kiss me.”

“I want to be beautiful!” Bingdi turned his head, already blushing.

OK, then I’ll take the initiative!

Without saying anything, Wang Xiao kissed Bingdi’s cheek and made a “pouch” sound.

But the Bingdi was taken aback.

He turned his head quickly, his cheeks flushed.

“Brother Xiao Xiao, you dare to be the Ice Emperor, it’s really necrotic!”

Wang Xiao didn’t say much, and took out another marriage ring, grabbed one of Bingdi’s hand, and helped her put on the marriage ring.

The ice emperor immediately smiled. Although Wang Xiaoyu had a kiss, he also had a ring of marriage, and he was already happy in his heart.

Raising his hand and looking carefully, I really like it the more I look.

“Ding, congratulations on putting the marriage ring on the goddess Ice Emperor. Reward: system points +888.”

Loli sound system said.

Wang Xiao was overjoyed. Although the ice emperor’s points were not as many as Wang Qiu’er’s, it was just a handy effort, with 888 system points. What’s unhappy.

The three of them sat for a while, and Wang Xiao checked the time. It was already lunch time, so he took Bingdi and Wang Qiu’er to the cafeteria.

Wang Xiao picked some delicious food, made three copies, and sat around the table to eat.

“Brother Xiao Xiao, you are here too!”

Wang Xiaozheng was eating with Bingdi and Wang Qiu’er, and a familiar voice came from his ears.

Looking up, it was Xiaoxiao.

“Xiaoxiao, when did you come?”

Xiaoxiao sat down across from him and said: “I just came this morning, how about you?”

“Oh, a day or two earlier than you.”

Xiaoxiao squinted and smiled: “By the way, hasn’t Wang Dong come yet?”

“No, I guess he will come this afternoon. After all, school starts tomorrow, and he should be late if he doesn’t come.”

“Yes, then Huo Yuhao didn’t come, right?”

“Indeed, neither of them.”

Wang Xiao knew that in the original book, Huo Yuhao didn’t come back until the beginning of school, and Zhou Yi had a good test.

Huo Yuhao found an excuse to get through.


Xiaoxiao suddenly saw the two young girls next to Wang Xiao, both of them look like flowers and jade.

Sitting with him again, it was easy for her to think of it, as if she knew each other.

And it was the first time she hadn’t seen it before.

“Brother Xiao Xiao, do you know them?”

Wang Xiao glanced at both of them: “Well, I just met and just signed up to join the academy. If I take them to familiarize themselves with the environment, I will come to the dining hall for dinner.”

“Hello, my name is Xiaoxiao, and I am a freshman.”

Bingdi nodded: “Hello, my name is Bingdi.”

“My name is Wang Qiu’er.”

The three women met for a while and talked to each other.

After Wang Xiao finished eating and separated from the third daughter, he returned to his dormitory and planned to take a nap. In the afternoon, he would take the Ice Emperor and Wang Qiu’er to the Shrek City Market.


The sound of the door awakened Wang Xiao from his dream.

I looked at it immediately and saw that the door had been opened, and one person walked in.

I immediately recognized that it was Wang Dong who had returned.

After a few months, Wang Dong has grown taller and handsome.

“Brother Xiao Xiao, you are here!” As soon as he entered the door, Wang Dong smiled happily when he saw Wang Xiao on the bed.

Then he rushed over and hugged him.

In close contact between Wang Xiao and Wang Dong, you can feel the softness and faint fragrance of his body that men don’t have.

I don’t think I’m holding Wang Dong tighter, disguising herself as a man, Tang Wutong, I think when you can pretend to go?

“Hey, I said Dong’er, aren’t we doing goodbye to life, do we use it like this?”

“Besides, two men hug each other, what’s the matter?”


Wang Dong suddenly screamed, and he saw an extra person and a pair of eyes beside him. Looking back, it turned out that it was Huo Yuhao who came.

Seeing myself and Wang Xiao hugging each other, their faces flushed with shame.

He let go of Wang Xiao and asked, “Huo Yuhao, are you going to die? There is no sound even when you enter the door?”

“Wang Dong, what are you doing with Brother Xiao Xiao?” Huo Yuhao unceremoniously exposed him.

“It’s… it’s your ass!” Wang Dong turned around, leaning on Huo Yuhao with his back, and lay in the bed.

But my heart thumped and thumped, my heart said, Huo Yuhao is dead, Huo Yuhao is rotten, he didn’t come early, and he didn’t come late, so he came and mad at me!

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