Chapter 453: Triplets?


Suddenly, Wang Xiao saw a scene that was not quite right, that is, the three girls looked exactly the same.

Even the face, body, hair, and the proportions of the whole body.

And they all looked like a person, it was Zhu Lu he had seen in Shrek Academy.

In this way, Wang Xiao immediately came to a conclusion that among these three people, one of them must be Zhu Lu.

At the same time, this may still be a triplet sister.

In other words, Zhu Lu also has two sisters who were born in the same year, the same month, and the same day, otherwise they won’t look exactly the same.

There were only three words in Wang Xiao’s heart at this time, amazing! Great! It’s amazing (ง•̀_•́)ง.

Not much to say, a flash body disappeared in place.

After that, Wang Xiao’s figure appeared by the lake, and then sat down on the big rock on the shore.

Glancing at the ground next to him, there are a few colorful clothes and trousers.

Needless to say, the clothes that a few women in the water took off on the shore.

Wang Xiao then turned his gaze to the small lake, and saw that the three women were playing in the middle of the lake at this time.

Without sigh, life should be like this.

The three girls also had a lot of fun and didn’t notice at all. There was one more person on the rock at the twelve o’clock direction.

Wang Xiao sat for a while, then lay down again, still feeling more comfortable like this.

He took out a pot of old wine and a small bag of peanuts from the Soul Guidance Device, and ate it leisurely while watching a few people in the lake laugh.


Suddenly, there was a scream from the lake, which shocked Wang Xiao and glanced at it. At this time, three pairs of eyes were looking at his side.

It was the three people in the lake who wanted to come, and the three of them only found themselves now, a little funny.

What to do next, Wang Xiao felt like a mirror in his heart, so he closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep.

“Big Sister, who is this person? Since peeking at us to take a bath, this is too nasty, right?” Zhu Zhi said to the man lying on the stone in the distance.

“By the way, he is not just nasty! He is also a little bitch!” Zhu Zhi said with an even more unhappy expression.

“Little Sister, I don’t think he is very old, he is only about twenty.” Zhu Wu interjected.

Zhu Zhi rolled his eyes: “Second Big sis, as the saying goes, knowing people, knowing the face and not knowing the heart, who knows what he thinks in his heart.”

Zhu Wu was speechless and had to remain silent.

Zhu Lu looked like a torch and looked at it, only to see that he was wearing a tiger mask on his face, and he could not see his true face.

“Well, he still wears a mask, so it can be seen that he came prepared, otherwise he would not wear a mask to show others.”

“Really?” Zhu Wu didn’t pay attention, and then he took a closer look and saw clearly. She really wore a tiger mask and was also unhappy:

“Sister Big Sister, do you think he is from the mansion? After all, people outside are not allowed to enter our house.”

After hearing the words, Zhu Lu thought for a while, felt it was possible, and then shook her head:

“I don’t think it is. After all, the people in the mansion want to see, but also hide and take a peek, and he is lying there upright.”

“Everyone in the mansion knows the identities of the three of us, who is so bold as he is.”

Zhu Zhi and Zhu Wu nodded their heads, and both felt that what she said was reasonable.

“It’s just Big Sister sister, our clothes are all by his side, there is water in the water as a cover, don’t you let him see it right up as soon as you go up?” Zhu Zhi said worriedly.

Zhu Wu blushed, and immediately blushed with shame when thinking of herself appearing bald in front of him.

Zhu Lu was also worried about this, and after thinking about it, she whispered in the ears of the two of them…

When the two listened, they nodded and their eyes lit up, and then they landed on the other side.


Suddenly, a voice rang in his ears.

Wang Xiao opened his eyes and looked at the sky. There were white clouds and dark clouds covering the sun, as if it was going to rain.

Looking sideways, three figures appeared beside him.

At first glance, the three figures are exactly the same, they are almost the same in height, fat and thin, so people can’t tell who is who.

If it weren’t for the colors of the three people’s clothes, they could really be regarded as a person’s clone.

Three people, six eyes, are also looking at him.

“Who are you? Why wear a mask to watch our sisters take a bath?” Zhu Lu asked first.

Zhu Wu, Zhu Zhiye eyes reveal looked at him fiercely, as if he didn’t say clearly, what happened to him.

Triplet sisters are really rare.

Wang Xiaoxie smiled and said, “No! Little Sisters, when should I peek at you to take a bath? I’m obviously sleeping on a rock. Where do I peek?”

“If it’s a peek, can I lie here and oversleep?”

The three of them were speechless.

I have to admit that what he said makes sense, who would peek at it so openly.

Zhu Lu stayed where she wanted to say anything, but she couldn’t say anything.

“Then what are you doing with a mask?”

Zhu Zhi suddenly pointed to his tiger mask and asked: “If you don’t do anything wrong, why don’t you dare to look at people with your true colors, but wear a mask to hide yourself? What is it not a guilty conscience?”

Zhu Wu nodded, feeling that what she said was reasonable.

As soon as Zhu Lu heard her words, she was immediately awakened: “Yes! Don’t do anything wrong, what are you doing wearing a mask?”

“So take off the mask? If you make me angry, you will be dead!”

“Really?” Wang Xiao didn’t warn them To put in one’s eyes.

In this plane, there is no one who can threaten him yet.

Even Tang San of God Realm was not his opponent.

“I will ask you one last sentence, should I take off the mask or not?” Zhu Lu gave the final order.

“Funny!” Wang Xiao was still calm ╮(﹀_﹀)╭.


Suddenly, Zhu Lu’s whole body spirit power fluctuated, and two spirit rings rose from under her body: “The first spirit ability: Nether Thrust!”

Her hands changed into sharp claws, stretched out, and her figure flickered. When she threw herself in front of Wang Xiao, the sharp claws pierced his chest.


At this moment, Zhu Lu’s face flashed, and the claws didn’t move as soon as they touched her clothes.

“What’s going on!” Zhu Zhi behind him was surprised and motionless.

Zhu Wu wanted to open her mouth to say something, but she couldn’t even open her mouth. Except for blinking her eyes, she couldn’t move anywhere.

Afterwards, Zhu Zhi’s mouth couldn’t move either.

Zhu Lu’s body can’t move, but her mouth can: “You…what did you do to us?”

Wang Xiaoxie smiled and jumped down from the stone, stripping himself naked.

With a plop, he jumped into the lake and disappeared.

Then came out from another place.

When the three of them saw this scene, their eyes were sharp, and they were busy stroking their faces with their hands, but they didn’t listen to their own orders and could only watch.

Wang Xiao washed in the lake for about half an hour, and after having enough addiction, he climbed ashore, circled the three of them, and showed off the twelve perfect abdominal muscles in his abdomen.


The three of them saw his twelve perfect abdominal muscles, and the nostrils were bleeding at the same time.

At this moment, Wang Xiao stretched out his hand and took off the tiger mask from his head, revealing his peerless face.

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