Chapter 448 Sign in Mei Yan Dan, Duchess?

After a glass of wine, Wang Xiao was full of blood and blood, and he had to say that the wine was really good.

Seeing that Wang Xiao had finished drinking, the beautiful woman immediately poured another glass for him and filled herself with it.

Wang Xiao was not welcome, and drank another glass of wine in one sip.

For him, a glass of wine, two glasses of wine are nothing.

Even if he drank ten altars in one breath, a hundred altars would not be drunk.

After Wang Xiao finished the second cup, the beautiful woman immediately poured him the third, fourth, fifth, sixth…

In this way, the two drank glass after glass, bottle after bottle.

After the last glass of wine, the beautiful woman was already blushing, and she was a little uncomfortable.

Wang Xiao was also full of blood and blood, and his whole body was flushed and warm.

Although he is a god of more than three hundred level, but drinking so much alcohol, his body will be more or less stimulated by alcohol, and his spirit will become excited.

The beautiful woman suddenly stood up from the sofa, and fell back when her heels softened without taking two steps.

Wang Xiao saw it, and as soon as she stretched out her hand, she poured it into her arms, and she could smell the scent of wine and body scent from her body.

The beautiful woman was not completely drunk at this time, but half drunk and half awake, and such close contact with Wang Xiao made her face even more red.

Wang Xiao: “…”

Beautiful woman: “…”

The two looked at each other for a while, and suddenly the beautiful woman made a bold move.

He closed his eyes, opened his red lips, and leaned forward.

Wang Xiao couldn’t help it anymore, so he kissed it, and then the two kissed passionately.

Half an hour later…

Wang Xiao picked up the beautiful woman, threw it on the bed, and rushed on it. The two of them hugged each other like this, like a fish in water…

Until the middle of the night, the two shook off each other.

After a while, Wang Xiao rolled off the beautiful woman and fell asleep without knowing it.

The next day.

Wang Xiao woke up from his dream and found that the sky was already bright. The sunlight shining in from Ruoda’s crystal windows brightened the whole room.

Looking at the side again, the beautiful woman was not in the bed, and she didn’t know when she got up.

Wang Xiao thought for a while, and the joy of fish and water with the beautiful woman last night was completely unexpected.

But it’s good.


Wang Xiao stretched his body, then got up from the bed, walked to the window and looked down, facing the back garden.

Among the flowers and grass, five or six maids are watering and cleaning the flowers and trees.

Wang Xiao watched for a while, then put on his clothes and went out of the room.

I was wondering what identity the beautiful woman was, and whether she would be a duchess.

After thinking about it, although the beautiful woman has noble temperament, she is only about thirty years old. It is impossible for the duchess to be so young.

Not the Duchess, who would it be?

Wang Xiao couldn’t understand why, except for the Duchess, who could live in such a magnificent house.

Could it be Dai Hao’s Little Sister, or Dai Hao’s daughter.

But when I thought about it, I didn’t think so.

After all, Dai Hao is now about forty, and it is impossible to have a 30-year-old daughter.

The only possibility is Dai Hao’s Little Sister, if it were the Duchess, she would be forty years old.

Even if the Duchess is well maintained, it is impossible to look like she is only about thirty.

“Sir, the Duchess invites you to share breakfast.”

As soon as Wang Xiao left the door, a pink-robed maid greeted him and said.

“The Duchess invites me to have breakfast?” Wang Xiao looked dumbfounded.

“Yes!” Fenyi maid said seriously.

Xin said, when did the Duchess know herself and invited herself to share breakfast, why did she think something was wrong?

If you don’t understand, you simply don’t want to.

Wang Xiao followed the pink-robed maid to the first floor, then walked through a long corridor to a large door on the other side.

After the pink girl stopped at the door, she stretched out her hand to push the door open and said to him: “Sir, please come inside.”

Wang Xiao didn’t say much, and walked inside. The pink-robed maid shut the door immediately and stood on the side of the door.

He glanced at it, and it was a very large restaurant, because the front window was opened relatively large, so the light was very good, and the inside was naturally bright.

There is a long table in the middle, about ten meters long.

And on the table, the delicacies that were already on the table at this time looked colorful and varied, which seemed very appetizing.

Wang Xiao glanced at the entire restaurant again, but did not see anyone or the Duchess present.

After thinking about it, she shouldn’t be there yet.

Since the host is not present, he, as a guest, naturally cannot overwhelm the guests and enjoy the food first.

He walked directly under the dining table and sat down.

Just look at what the so-called duchess looks like.

As far as Wang Xiao knew, this duchess was a princess of the royal family Xu’s family.

If you want to come, it won’t be too bad.

Da Da Da~

Suddenly, there was a sound of footsteps outside the door.

When Wang Xiao heard the voice, he didn’t know if the Duchess was here, but whether it was or not, he couldn’t be afraid.

I will not be afraid.

Let alone the Duchess, Wang Xiao would not be afraid, even if the sky fell, he would not be afraid.

“Ding, congratulations on your signing in at the White Tiger Duke’s Mansion. Reward: a bottle of Mei Yan Dan!”

Loli sound system said.

Wang Xiao was overjoyed when he heard this, and finally completed another sign-in task: “That system Little Sister, what kind of pill is Meiyan Dan? Note: The item has been stored in the Soul Guidance Device, please go and check it.”

“Ding, as the name suggests, the beauty pill is the beauty pill. If a man eats it, he will be able to make your skin smooth and plump as snow, plump and plump, at least five years younger. If a woman eats it, it is even more white. It’s rosy, unique, and looks at least ten years younger.”

“Uh, this Medicine Pill is great! Regardless of men, women and children, they are all in demand!”

Wang Xiao couldn’t wait to take it out, only to see a small white jade bottle. After opening it, he looked at the white Medicine Pills. The fragrance of the medicine was tangy.

I counted it again, there were as many as a hundred, and I was overjoyed.


After a while, the restaurant door opened from the outside, and then a lady in a golden palace dress walked in.


When Wang Xiao saw this woman in palace costume, he recognized it. It was the beautiful woman who met in the swimming pool in the back garden of the house yesterday.

It suddenly became clear that it was the Duchess.

“Hello Wang Xiao!” The palace woman greeted her, and sat down in her own position directly above.

Wang Xiao looked at her: “You… are you the Duchess?”

The palace woman nodded: “How is it? An accident is not a surprise, a surprise is not a surprise?”

Wang Xiao: “…”

It seems that this duchess is not a fuel-efficient lamp either.

Wang Xiao is still vividly remembering what happened last night, but she has a calm face, as if nothing happened.

The duchess looked at Wang Xiao again for a while, and then said: “On the matter of last night, only God knows and you know and I know, don’t let the third person know, okay?”


Wang Xiao was a little funny, this kind of thing is so obvious.

I don’t know if she is really stupid or fake.

The Duchess looked at Wang Xiao again for a while: “Honestly, Wang Xiao, you are the most handsome man I have ever seen since I was a child, and the most brave man. You have an unprecedented one, and no one else has twelve yuan. A man with perfect abs.”

“The average girl gets cramps when they see you, even me.”

“So Duchess, your cramps were not accidental or accidental yesterday. It was only when you saw my handsome appearance that you cramped?” Wang Xiao is very confident of own handsome.

At least in the Douluo Continent, no one is so handsome at present.

The duchess nodded undeniably: “Yes! Because of this, I took the initiative to approach you, naturally I was fascinated by your handsomeness! Otherwise, it is impossible to invite you to dinner.”

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