Chapter 444 Sign in the Far North, goodbye Bingbi Emperor Scorpion?

“Wow, Brother Xiao Xiao is amazing!”

Xiaoxiao yelled out happily when he saw Wang Xiaodiao hit his opponent.

It’s him?

Dai Huabin, I didn’t expect you to come to Shrek Academy!

When Huo Yuhao saw Wang Xiao’s opponent, his enemy Dai Huabin, his eyes were bloodshot and his face was distorted and ugly.

“Huo Yuhao, what’s the matter?” Seeing that Huo Yuhao’s expression was suddenly wrong, Wang Dong asked casually.

“Oh, nothing!” This is his personal secret and a shame. Naturally, he doesn’t want to talk to Wang Dong.

Dai Huabin, since you are here, I will not let you go.

Seeing that the outcome of the two was determined, the referee immediately rushed to the stage from the stage and announced that Wang Xiao had won.

“Squad leader, great!” Wang Xiao came, and Bingbing immediately stepped forward to congratulate him.

Wang Xiao gave her a little chestnut: “Bingbing, you are also very good.”

“The monitor is still good.”


“Brother Xiao Xiao, not bad!” Xiaoxiao also stepped forward.

Wang Xiao touched Xiaoxiao’s head again: “Then you, how about the first game?”

Xiaoxiao smiled: “Of course it passed! Me, Wang Dong and Huo Yuhao passed.”

“That’s good!” Wang Xiao gave Xiaoxiao a thumbs up.

Her eyes narrowed together, her smile turned into a crescent moon.

Wang Dong looked unhappy, still because Wang Xiao didn’t choose him because of the team, and he was holding his breath and didn’t want to talk to him.

But I wanted to talk to him again, but I got a step down.

Wang Xiao naturally knew Wang Dong’s thoughts, so he took the initiative to walk behind him and hugged him by the waist, “Dong’er, what’s the matter?”


Wang Dong screamed, and he was caught off guard: “Brother Xiao Xiao, what are you doing?”

Wang Xiao smiled: “You are a boy, what can I do to you? Where do I want to go?”

People are girls, okay!

Wang Dong was speechless, and immediately became shy and blushed. As a girl, being held in such a way by Wang Xiao and still in front of so many people is naturally embarrassed.

Wang Dong, Wang Dong, you just continue to install it!

“Dong’er, I think you are ignorant of me, do you have opinions on me? If you have any opinions, say them, and I will pay attention.”

Wang Xiao knowingly asked: “If you don’t tell me, I don’t know, and I can’t change it. You will still be injured in the future.”

Brother Xiao Xiao is too bad! Why is he angry, doesn’t he have a point in his heart?

Wang Dong struggled a few times before he was relieved by Wang Xiao: “No opinion! You are Brother Xiao Xiao, my favorite person, can you have any comments? It’s too late to love you.”


Huo Yuhao, Xiaoxiao, Bingbing was also stunned when he heard Wang Dong’s words!

It’s fine for a boy to say he likes to a boy, but it is a bit outrageous to say love.

It’s just that the three of them didn’t know that Wang Dong was disguised as a man. If they knew it, they would take it for granted.

Wang Xiao knew in his heart that he would tease him if he knew Wang Dong’s true identity a long time ago.

For the next few days, Wang Xiao and Bingbing played every day.

Ten assessment competitions came to an end. In the end, the duo of Wang Xiao and Bingbing won the first place in the Shrek Academy freshman assessment and won two soul bone awards.

In this way, it is also the day when the college is over.


Wang Xiaowujue had just woke up, lying on the bed, thinking that he should go to the far north, and collected the Ice Emperor.

And he had to set off before Huo Yuhao, because after the college was off, under the guidance of Tianmeng Bingcan, Huo Yuhao would go to the extreme north to subdue the Ice Emperor and sacrifice to him.

So go ahead.

There are still three days off, so Wang Xiao can’t wait for the day off, so he plans to go to Zhou Yi to ask for a leave tomorrow.

It is one thing if she does not approve, and she still has to say something to him.

the next day.

Wang Xiao and Zhou Yi asked for a leave, and then went to the far north.

Two days later.

Intersection of the Far North.

Standing in the center of the intersection, Wang Xiao was scanning the boundless icy sky and blood, desolate and vast.

The extreme north is bitterly cold, and under normal circumstances, few people dare to step into this land.

There are all ice-attribute soul beasts inhabited here, among them, the Bingbi Emperor Scorpion, the Titan Snow Demon, and the Ice Sky Snow Girl are the three most powerful soul beasts in the North, and they dominate this area.

The strongest is the Snow Emperor, then the Ice Emperor, and finally the Titan Snow Demon.

The Ice Emperor, the Snow Emperor Xiao couldn’t understand that in the plane of Douluo Continent One, he was already his woman, and there was no secret.

As for the Titan Snow Demon, Wang Xiao also knows a little about it. Its main body is the Titan Snow Demon, nicknamed Artai.

The Cultivation Base has been in existence for 250,000 years, and its height is over 100 meters. It can be seen how huge it is and how powerful it is to attack.

According to legend, the Titan Snow Demon is the descendant of the Titan Giants in ancient times, and the racial bloodline is undoubtedly a soul beast that is stronger than the Bingbi Emperor Scorpion.

Only because Cultivation Base was not as good as the Bingbi Emperor Scorpion, was the Bing Emperor suppressed and became the third king of heaven.

Wang Xiao also knew that the Titan Snow Demon had always been interested in Ice and Snow Girl, and it had also confessed to the Snow Emperor.

But the result was not as good as it wanted. After confession, he was beaten to death by the Snow Emperor.

Of course, it is not only the Titan Snow Devil who likes the Snow Girl, but also the Ice Emperor.

It’s just that Emperor Bingbi and Bingtianxue are both mothers, so naturally they can’t become lovers, so there will be lovers, and they won’t be married in the end.

When Wang Xiao came to the Far North this time, in addition to signing a sign, it was enough to take the Ice Emperor away and not let her sacrifice to Huo Yuhao.

To find the Ice Emperor, you must first enter the core area of ​​the Far North before you can provoke her.

Wang Xiao’s speed is very fast, and the release is over, and he is not afraid of the cold.

Then speed up and go to the core.

In the blink of an eye, it disappeared in the white snow.


Wang Xiao’s figure came to the core of the far north, looking up, in all directions, there was endless white snow, icy cold.

If ordinary people come here and their defense power is not enough to defend against the freezing cold here, even if they are not attacked or killed by the soul beast, they will be frozen to death alive.

“Ding, congratulations for completing the sign-in at the core circle of the Far North. Reward: A bottle of Rejuvenation and Tongdan! Note: The item has been stored in your Soul Guidance Device. Please go and check it.”

Loli sound system said.

Rejuvenation, good stuff!

Wang Xiao was overjoyed, thinking, with this thing, the old woman can also become a little Loli, the thief is interesting: “I said the system Little Sister, this time the reward is still good, thanks!”

“Ding, huh, just know! But you don’t have to thank me, there will be rewards for signing in. This is the responsibility of this system.”

“Okay! Being serious and responsible is a good system, and the system Little Sister doesn’t have to be humble.”

“Ding, okay.” Loli’s voice system said emotionally.


Suddenly, with a sound, a big guy appeared in front of Wang Xiao.

I saw it, the front end of the body has four layers superimposed, and the length of each layer is slightly more than half a foot, and the head grows on the frontmost layer. The front half of the four superimposed layers covers the presents one by one. It was a hexagon, shimmering with incomparable brilliance, like diamond-like protrusions, densely covered on its front body and the six slender and powerful long legs.

Both front stings are one meter long, and the strange hexagons are also covered with diamond-like protrusions. Only the front clip and mouthparts are silvery white like a mirror.

Wang Xiao stared at her. The eyes were yellow, like two yellow diamonds inlaid on them. The hexagonal shape, the crystal yellow light flickered, and it actually felt like a gleam of precious light.

There are only five knots on its long tail, and each knot is alluring aquamarine. The aquamarine is gleaming, it is full of life and attractive luster. The colors of the five sections are the same, and the section closest to the upper body is the widest, and narrows as it goes back.

At the position of the last section, the tail hook with diamond particles is raised high, and the tip is also the hook tip with silver-white mirror luster.

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