Chapter 440: This Is A Miracle?

“Flurry, flurry…”

Seeing how powerful Flurry was, the students hurriedly shouted slogans to cheer her.

But at this moment, Bingbing stood up again, her eyes firmed up, and she, who had exhausted her soul skills, could only use her physical strength to fight.

Luan Wu thought Bingbing would surrender directly, but she didn’t expect that she was so strong and stood up to fight.

Seeing that Bingbing is so strong, Wang Xiao nodded in satisfaction, Bingbing, as long as you persevere, this game will definitely win.


Bingbing clenched his fists with both hands, his whole body fluctuated, and quickly rushed towards his opponent, launching a close attack.

She is not a sensitive attack type spirit master, but she has only one spirit ring, and she has to change her tactics after using it up.

That being the case, then I’m not welcome!

The corners of Luan Wu’s mouth raised: “Second Spirit Ability: Three spray balls, blow you up!”

As soon as she said this, the belly of the three-headed frog squatting on the ground instantly swelled, and the surrounding temperature quickly rose.

Then the three mouths opened at the same time, “Puff Puff Puff”, and small fireballs were launched from its mouth, all shot at Bingbing’s body.

Bingbing rushed, walked, and avoided, but after all, she was not a sensitive attack type spirit master. She avoided one or two, but was bombarded by the third fireball on her belly button.

With a “bang”, the fireball exploded, and the flame quickly spread all over Bingbing’s body.


The students who were watching the battle were all shocked, afraid that the power of the fireball’s explosion would directly burn her.

Am I… going to be burned to death?

Bingbing closed his eyes, frightened, and felt that this time he was in danger.

After a while, she felt that something miraculous was that her body was not burned by the high temperature and pain of the flame, as if the fireball explosion just now did not happen to her, and she didn’t feel it at all.

Around this time, it also became abnormally quiet.

Bingbing opened his eyes slowly, wanting to see what happened before him.

The first time she opened her eyes, she saw the flurry of dance on the opposite side, and looked at her side silently, with an incredible look.

I glanced at the crowd watching from the stage again, and found that they were still there, but their eyes were all directed towards me, which looked like a flurry of dance.

What exactly is going on?

Bingbing checked his whole body, clothes, and even hair, and there was no trace of burnt, so he was relieved.

Unexpectedly, the flurry of fireballs didn’t burn themselves.

Bingbing was overjoyed and looked back at the audience behind him. Seeing Wang Xiao was still waiting there, he cast a smile at him with joy.

Wang Xiao met her gaze and nodded: “Bingbing, you will definitely win and defeat her.”

“Thank you squad leader!” Bingbing also responded loudly, before turning his head to face Flurry, with more confidence in his eyes.

Also ready to continue fighting with Flurry.

“Okay, very good! Since I can dodge my fireball attack, then I’m not welcome.”

Luanwu suddenly sternly said: “Second spirit ring: Create your own spirit ability, fire wire cutting!”

“Uh, she still has her own soul skills! It’s incredible.”

“Anyway, Luanwu is already twenty first-level. It’s definitely not easy.”


“To be honest, Bingbing is only ten first-level, and her opponent’s Flurry dance is twenty first-level, which is directly higher than tenth level of spirit power, which is too unfair to her.”

“Haha…fair! The strong is respected, Shrek Academy of The Weak are Prey to the Strong, where is fairness? Haven’t you heard from the teacher in the morning that only half of the students in our freshman classes can stay after the assessment? When you come down to the first grade, the other half will be eliminated.”

“Indeed, there is only one thing in Shrek Academy, and that is strength. Only monsters can stay, and only the strongest students can enter the inner courtyard to study.”

“Speaking of fairness, Shrek Academy still has them. They are all fairness made with fists. In a word, if you can do it, you can’t only be defeated by the stronger.”

“In Shrek Academy, there is no fluke, even if you encounter an opponent who is weaker than you in the first game, you can barely win.”

“Then there will be a second game, a third game…the tenth game, so Bingbing encountered a much stronger opponent in the first game. On the surface, he suffered a loss, and his strength was not wronged.”

“Her strength is too weak, she was lucky in the first game, but she will still be able to get rid of a stronger opponent in the second game.”

The onlookers were discussing the assessment of the duo’s competition.

Wang Xiao still did not change his face, and did not participate in the comments of the students around him.

The wins and losses of Bingbing and Luanwu are already in his hands, as long as he is willing to let whoever wins, whoever can win.

The reason why Bingbing was not burned by the flurry of fireball explosion just now was not an accident, nor a fluke, nor was it because of the power of the fireball.

Instead, Wang Xiao, who was in the audience, made a secret move and added a layer of barrier to Bingbing’s body as a defense, so it was incompatible with water and fire and protected her.

Otherwise, it would be impossible not to burn Bingbing with the power of the fireball explosion just now.

Bingbing still didn’t know that there was such a layer of defensive enchantment on his body.

Wang Xiao won’t tell you about her, otherwise she will lose the willpower to fight.

Boom boom boom~

The three-headed frog suddenly shot three lines of fire from the mouth, each reaching about ten meters, cutting straight to Bingbing’s body.

Seeing such a powerful skill, Bingbing panicked for a while, and immediately backed away.

But one accidentally fell to the ground with a mess under his feet.

Looking at the line of fire that has been cut to the body, the only thing she can do is to close her eyes again and wait for the end of the game.

But just as the line of fire cut her body, a strong suction suddenly released from her body, swallowing the line of fire that hit her body cleanly, leaving nothing left.

The audience was shocked again.

Flurry was also panic. Although she had two links and three skills, she didn’t hurt the other party even after she ran out.

And the self-created spirit ability of the second ring almost consumed her spirit power, and it was another one-on-one match. There was no auxiliary spirit master to replenish the blood, and her heart was panicked.


Bingbing opened his eyes again and found that he was still fine, without any injuries. He was fortunate, happy, and a little bit Didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

Xin said, what’s wrong with me?

Obviously the opponent’s flame is very strong, very powerful, the first ring of the spirit abilities hit himself vomiting blood and injured.

Then, isn’t Luan Wu’s second spirit ability stronger, but why is it that she hits herself, but can’t hurt herself, is there someone secretly protecting herself?

Or, is this the miracle the squad leader said?

She immediately glanced at everyone present, and found no suspicious person, and found nothing herself.

Bingbing finally turned his gaze to Wang Xiao, and said to his heart, is it because the squad leader is helping him secretly? After all, apart from the monitor, no one will help own!

But in full view, he wants to help himself without being discovered by the teachers and students. How could this be possible?

Even a powerful soul master can’t be silent, even the teacher can’t see it, right?

But the squad leader is only in the tenth grade, and he obviously doesn’t have this kind of strength!

But who would it be if it wasn’t him?

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