Chapter 414: Ma Xiaotao’s Attack Again?

Wang Xiao grabbed the skirt under Tang Ya, wrapped seven goose-egg-sized purple upgrade pills inside and wrapped it up.

Tang Ya saw it and immediately stretched out her hand to grab the skirt, flattered.

“Okay, Tang Ya, see you in seven days!”

Wang Xiao turned around and took two steps forward, then suddenly turned around and said, “By the way, Xiaoya, in addition to cultivation, don’t move those fairy herbs by the spring pond, let alone eat them indiscriminately during these seven days.”

“These Medicinal herbs are either too nourishing, or too poisonous, too cold, and too hot. If they can’t bear it, they will be life-threatening, or even burst into death, so be vigilant.”

“Okay.” Tang Ya nodded. She is not a fool, although she is curious, but she will not take her own life to risk, will not eat these things indiscriminately.

Wang Xiao didn’t say much. He turned around for the last time, and his whole person disappeared from the same place with a flash of golden light.

Tang Ya walked over and stood where Wang Xiao had stood, taking a deep breath and still smelling the breath remaining in the air from him.

Wang Xiao didn’t immediately leave the space, but walked into another corner of the space.

I plan to learn about the system rewards, the limited edition skills of Feng Xing Shu, and then go out…

There was a quiet atmosphere in the corridor of the freshman dormitory. Wang Xiao walked to dormitory 108, opened the door and walked inside.

At first glance, I saw Huo Yuhao sitting on his own bed cultivation, while Wang Dong was sleeping soundly.

Wang Xiao took off his coat and climbed onto the bed to lie down next to Wang Dong. He said to his heart that he had done three things at once.

He bought the Golden Land Dragon King soul bone that Wang Dong needed, and bought Wannian Whale Glue, which convinced Tang Ya and helped her.

In addition to playing with Wang Dong, there are Xiaoxiao, Ling Luochen, Zhu Lu, Xixi, Jiang Nannan, etc., to finish the guide one by one.

As for Huo Yuhao, as long as he doesn’t do things, he will be safe, otherwise he won’t be polite to him.

After all, he is the son of the plane in the original book of the Peerless Tang Clan plane in the Douluo Continent. All good things are in his hands by coincidence.

When Wang Xiao came to this plane, all of Huo Yuhao’s chances and leaks would no longer exist.

“Brother Xiao Xiao, you don’t sleep in the middle of the night, and where do you sneak into the waves?”

The words suddenly heard in the ear brought back Wang Xiao’s thoughts.

“So you didn’t sleep?” Wang Xiao looked at Wang Dong’s eyes. Although they were in the dark, they could see clearly.

His eyes have long been evolved by the Qiqiao Linglongxin, and he has night vision capabilities.

What’s more, Wang Xiao also has the power of Divine Sense and the power of spirit.

No matter how dark the world is, he can’t stop his eyes from seeing everything in the world.

A three hundred and ten ninth-level super god, even the Shura god Tang San is not enough to slap him to death. It is as easy as slapping a fly or an ant.

“You… why are you looking at me like this?” Wang Dong found that his eyes had been looking at own, and he was a little flustered in his heart.

The heartbeat speeds up, almost to the point where he is about to fall into the wheel.

“Sleep!” Wang Xiao turned around and fell asleep.

“You…” Seeing him turn around and go to sleep, Wang Dong got angry with his teeth, disappointed and angry.


Early the next morning, the sound of breaking in came to the entire 108 dormitory.

Then walked in a red-haired, red-haired, mature and sexy woman.

Wang Xiao and Wang Dong had just got up and put on their clothes. They were shocked to see this scene.

“Little…Little Tao-senpai!” Seeing the red-haired woman in red, Huo Yuhao immediately recognized that she was the mad woman she had seen by the Sea God Lake.

Xin said that as a disciple of the inner courtyard, she ran to her dormitory for freshmen early in the morning, not knowing what she was going to do.

Ma Xiaotao showed a gentle smile to Huo Yuhao, then walked directly to Wang Xiao and took his hand. While walking outside the door, she said: “Wang Xiao, Big sis is looking for you so hard!”


This Ma Xiaotao, as expected, has a hot personality. He doesn’t care that he is a boy. She hugs and holds hands when she comes up.

In that way, except for lust and Martial Soul, the spirit skills are like Ma Hongjun back then, and nothing else is the same.

Wang Xiao doubted whether Ma Xiaotao was a descendant of Ma Hongjun.

After all, more than 10,000 years have passed, everything is possible, and who knows if there is any coincidence.

“Hey… mad woman, why are you taking my Xiao Xiao brother away?” Seeing Wang Xiao was taken away by Ma Xiaotao, Wang Dong chased him out very angrily.

Huh? When did Wang Dong care about Brother Xiao Xiao so much?

Huo Yuhao scratched his head, a little dazed, and returned his brother Xiao Xiao, what does Wang Dong want to do?

What does he think of Brother Xiao Xiao?

Could it be…

Soon, Ma Xiaotao dragged Wang Xiao to an undisturbed grove next to the college, and then stood in the middle of the grass.

To be honest, Wang Xiao doesn’t really like Ma Xiaotao’s personality that meets people.

Regardless of whether she is facing Xu Sanshi, Huo Yuhao, or Dai Hao of the White Tiger Duke’s Mansion, as long as she is eye-catching, she will post it without any scruples.

It’s like that…

But then again, although Ma Xiaotao has a lot of problems and no brains, her personal virginity is still very good.

At least when she extinguished the evil fire of Martial Soul Phoenix in her body, she wouldn’t be like Ma Hongjun, desperately looking for women and venting the fire in places like Goulan.

Ma Xiaotao’s current method of venting evil fire is still a very simple way, just looking for a soul master with ice water attributes to reduce the fire with water and cold air.

In the original book, Ma Xiaotao was the first to find Xu Sanshi, Black Tortoise Martial Soul, water attribute fire extinguishing.

The second is the new student Huo Yuhao, who has always been him since then.

Of course, there is another disciple Ling Luochen of Martial Soul with the pure ice attribute, but she has always looked at Ma Xiaotao uncomfortable, and refused to help her, otherwise, she would not ask Xu Sanshi to put water on the fire.

In fact, in addition to this method, there is another method, that is, the method of Ma Hongjun, to find a partner directly, and vent the fire with the joy of men and women.

Yan Shaozhe has mentioned this method many times with Ma Xiaotao, but she has always adhered to the bottom line and has not taken that step.

If one day, Ma Xiaotao couldn’t bear this kind of suffering, she really took that step, and she didn’t know what it would be like afterwards.

Anyway, Wang Xiao didn’t know what it was like for a girl to become like Ma Hongjun more than 10,000 years ago.

When Wang Xiao thought of this, he thought of another thing. If the evil fire Phoenix was positive, then Ma Hongjun could not control the evil fire at the beginning, and it would be normal.

But Ma Xiaotao is a woman, a woman belongs to Yin, but Xie Huo is more ridiculous than Ma Hongjun, which is enough to explain.

Evil Fire The evil fire of Phoenix Martial Soul is not simply the fiery heat in the body, but the evil fire that directly affects that aspect.

This kind of evil fire can excite the owner’s spirit and increase his desire to the extreme.

It’s like the effect of “Viagra” in that world.

And with the Ascension of Martial Soul’s soul power, this kind of evil fire becomes more terrifying.

Once it occurs, if it is not discharged in time, extinguished or suppressed, Qi Deviation will occur, and it will even die by self-immolation.

Wang Xiao felt that, from a fundamental point of view, Ma Xiaotao’s evil fire Phoenix Martial Soul had its roots in favor of evil soul masters.

Once depraved, there is no guide, it will be out of control.

Back then, if Ma Hongjun hadn’t eaten the fairy grass, Cockscomb Phoenix sunflower, which Tang San had given him, he would still be unable to get rid of the pain of being tortured by the evil fire for a while.

Therefore, Wang Xiao felt that to cure Ma Xiaotao, just give her a cockscomb Phoenix sunflower.

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