Chapter 409 Tang Ya on the other side?

Xiaoxiao and Ayun are both new students, and they don’t have much money with them, so they only bought one or two cheap things.

After all, there is still no time for the treasure show, and Jubao Pavilion has not registered membership cards for Shrek Academy students, so there is no credit for those discounts.

Wang Xiao left the Jubao Pavilion and suddenly stood still and said to Wang Dong: “Dong’er, Xiaoxiao, I urinate suddenly, you just wait at the door, and I will go back.”

“Lazy people urinate a lot!” Wang Dong spit out angrily, and didn’t think much about it.

Xiaoxiao smiled and said, “Okay Brother Xiao Xiao, go quickly.”

Ayun smiled and didn’t say much.


Wang Dongzheng was awkward, and angrily sat down on the next step.

Xiaoxiao quickly walked over to him and sat down and said, “Wang Dong, are you still angry with Brother Xiao Xiao?”

Ayun also walked over and sat down beside Xiaoxiao: “I know Wang Dong, are you still thinking about the Dragon King soul bone, a golden land of ten thousand years?”


Wang Dong sighed, “What’s the use of thinking, 9.5 million, five hundred and ten million short, where can I get so much money!”

Xiaoxiao patted him on the shoulder and comforted: “If you can’t afford it, let’s not buy it. It’s not good to be angry.”

“Keeping the green mountain, I am not afraid that there will be no good soul bone. If there is a chance in the future, maybe I can get a one hundred thousand year old soul bone.”

Wang Dongqiang smiled happily: “Maybe! I hope there is such a day.”

Xiaoxiao smiled and said: “Will Dongdong, believe in yourself…”

Wang Dong: “…”

As the three talked, Wang Xiao had already walked out of the Jubao Pavilion with a smile on his face.

In fact, where did he go to urinate just now, he just went in to help Wang Dong buy the seven-figure Dragon King soul bone.

Now that the soul bone is in hand, he is just waiting to find a chance to surprise him and give him this favorite soul bone.

When Wang Xiao walked halfway, he suddenly thought of someone who seemed to be working in a nearby restaurant, so he wanted to see it.

They also said to Wang Dong three: “Wang Dong, Xiaoxiao, Ayun, I suddenly remembered that there is one more thing to do, so I won’t accompany the three of you, go back by yourself.”

Wang Dong: “…”

However, Wang Xiao’s figure flashed, and he disappeared in front of the three of them.

Xiaoxiao was stunned: “No, Wang Dong, Xiao Xiao, this speed is much faster than I thought.”

Ayun also nodded: “At this speed, it’s faster than I can fly with spirit abilities.”

Wang Dong stomped his feet with anger: “This Wang Xiao, pitted all my money, and ran away! I don’t know where the fool went!”

After hearing this, Xiaoxiao hugged his shoulders and said while walking forward: “Wang Dong, I don’t think Brother Xiao Xiao is that kind of person. You are too nervous about him. I think it’s not right?”

“No, I just think he is too insincere!” Wang Dong flushed when Xiaoxiao looked at him.

“Then why are you blushing?” Xiaoxiao exposed.

Xin said, Wang Dong wouldn’t have that kind of relationship with Brother Xiao Xiao, right?


Xiaoxiao thought of this and couldn’t help but caress her mouth slyly.

When Wang Dong saw it, he knew that Xiaoxiao was thinking about something bad, and immediately kicked her ass out of anger: “You bad girl, what are you laughing at?”

“No, I didn’t laugh.” Xiaoxiao denied immediately.

Ayun didn’t know what dumb the two were playing, so she didn’t talk to each other.

After a while, Wang Xiao came to a restaurant, glanced at it, and walked inside.

He knew that Tang Ya was working in this restaurant to supplement the funds.

Although she is the master of Tang Clan, Tang Clan is no longer the Tang Clan 10,000 years ago, and she is the only master of Tang Clan.

Now there is an extra babe, who is still a boyfriend, plus Huo Yuhao’s novice village.

Her parents are dead, so naturally she has to live on her own.

Wang Xiao also knew that Tang Ya was carefree on the surface, like a Big Sister, with pistachios.

In fact, when there was no one, when she was alone, she secretly shed tears in the corner, thinking of her parents.

Therefore, her heart is also lonely.

At the same time, although Tang Ya is the master of Tang Clan, Martial Soul is also Blue Silver Grass.

But it wasn’t like Tang San’s kind of grass that had been handed down to A Yin Lan Yin Huang for 100,000 years, it was just ordinary Blue Silver Grass Martial Soul.

After 10,000 years of inheritance of Tang Clan, the sect masters chose to inherit the spirit masters who own the Martial Soul of Blue Silver Grass.

Tang Ya’s parents were not Tang before, but in order to commemorate Tang Clan, the ancestor of Tang Clan, Tang Clan changed the name of the family owner who owns the Martial Soul of Blue Silver Grass to Tang completely.

As a result, Tang Ya and Tang San have no blood involvement, only the Sect relationship.

Therefore, Tang Ya is not a descendant of Tang San, and her Martial Soul is just an ordinary Blue Silver Grass Soul Master.

Later, through the second evolution, and with the power of devouring, he degenerates into an evil spirit master.

Because Tang Clan’s original site was occupied, he became an evil spirit master after revenge, and became the blue silver grass Holy Maiden in the two Holy Maiden of the Holy Spirit.

You know, the spirit masters of ordinary Blue Silver Grass Martial Soul have very poor qualifications.

Therefore, Tang Ya’s cultivation speed was also very slow, she had just reached the 30th level of the Great Soul Master when she was fourteen or five years old.

Her third spirit ring was also obtained by encountering Huo Yuhao in the Star Dou Great Forest not long ago with the help of Bei Bei.

But Beibei was about her age, thirty-seven, eighth-level, almost forty-level.

Therefore, among Shrek Academy’s peers, Tang Ya is considered to be the bottom.

After all, Jiang Nannan and Xu Sanshi are about the same age as her, but they are faster than her, have a higher level, and have more powerful soul skills.

Tang Ya didn’t seem to care at all on the surface, but in fact she was very anxious.

She has her own goals, her own pursuits, and her own grudges to repay.

All of this requires strength. Without strength, it simply cannot be done.

Wang Xiao walked into the dining room, climbed up to the second floor, and sat down on a table by the window.

Facing the window, you can see the street view below.

Da Da Da~

A sudden sound of footsteps sounded behind Wang Xiao.

He didn’t look back, his eyes kept looking out the window.

“Hello sir, may I have something to eat?”

A girl waiter walked to him and asked in a soft voice.

Wang Xiao still didn’t look back, and took a look at the menu on the table: “This…that…that…”

He ordered several dishes at one point.

It’s almost a table.

And they are all delicacies of mountains and seas.

Wang Xiao’s current taste is not as big as usual.

Eat seriously, he can eat at least the size of a super elephant in one meal.

After all, he is already a god. If you don’t eat, you can eat a lot, and you don’t have to worry about the problem of indigestion.

The girl waiter nodded while taking notes, and then took it to the kitchen to prepare.

After that, she brought drinks and entertained customers.

Wang Xiao picked up the wine glass and took a sip. To be honest, the wine of this world plane is really not very good.

The taste is far worse than the drinks he had drunk in the original earth world.

Suddenly, Wang Xiao had a whim, and when he had time, he would do it himself and make a few jars of good wine to drink.

“Your name is Tang Ya?” Wang Xiao suddenly looked at the girl waiter who wiped the table and asked.


Tang Ya was a little surprised how this young man met own.

Wang Xiao was now wearing a big red robe and a tiger mask, and she did not wear Shrek Academy. Naturally, she didn’t know the origin of Wang Xiao.

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