Chapter 282 Fighting Workers?

“work to earn a living?”

Li Lianxiang had a bewildered look, but he didn’t expect to buy a few sesame seed cakes to eat, and still have to work for others.

Xin said, I can’t afford it, right?

“Brother Xiao Xiao, no, why should I work for you?”

She looked disgusted: “It’s not that I have no money. I just put the money on the dormitory bed and take it with me. How can I work for you?”

“Impossible. It is impossible to work part-time. It is impossible for me in my life. Even if I give you double the money, it is impossible to work for you!”

This girl!

Wang Xiao didn’t get angry either, but smiled: “Don’t be too busy to refuse. There are other benefits. If you want, I mean we can cooperate to sell biscuits.”


“It’s the partnership between us. You sell to me, and I divide it for you. For example, for every sesame seed sold, I will give you a share of 0.1 copper soul coin.”

“So if you sell ten, you can get a share of one copper soul coin, and so on, if you sell one hundred, you can get a share of ten copper soul coins.”

“If you sell one thousand, then you will have a share of one hundred copper soul coins.”

“The cost is mine, more benefits, and the sesame seed is free. You just need a mouth to cooperate with me in promoting sales, how about it?”

Li Lianxiang heard this, feeling a little moved, and immediately settled an account, feeling a little uneconomical: “It’s not impossible, it’s just a bit unreasonable.”

“Oh?” Wang Xiao didn’t know what he meant.

“Look at you selling two copper soul coins for one biscuits, and you only give me a share of the copper soul coins. That is to say, for every biscuits sold, I can only get a share of twenty to one.”

“And you scored twenty to nineteen, which is too unfair to me.”

“Although the capital is yours, and the technology is yours, I have to contribute at least. No matter how bad it is, it can’t be nineteen times worse than you, right?”


This Lilianxiang is quite good.

Wang Xiao: “Then report the number as much as you want, I can think about it.”

Li Lianxiang thought for a while and said: “Otherwise, we will be divided into six to four. You are six and I am four. This is more fair.”


Wang Xiao didn’t know what she was good about, and she did a good job of abacus: “It’s not Xiangxiang. I pay for capital and technology. You take 40%. Then I will remove the hard work. It’s not that I didn’t make a cent. .”

“I’m working for you?”

Li Lianxiang shook his head hurriedly and smiled: “I think you have misunderstood what I said.”

“I mean, let’s pay for the ingredients together, so that you won’t suffer this loss, but considering that you have this technology, I don’t have it, so you get 20% or 60% more, I only get 40%, and neither of us suffers. .”

I go!

Wang Xiao almost spit out a mouthful of old blood. Considering that this business was only going on for one day, he didn’t care about it with her:

“Well, that’s it, when can you start?”

“It’s okay now.” Seeing that he had agreed to own’s request, Li Lianxiang felt like a chicken blood.

“But I have to finish the biscuits in my hand before I do anything.”

Wang Xiao nodded: “Of course, business is not busy now.”

Li Lianxiang didn’t say much, so he ate it: “Well, your sesame seed is really fragrant, since I was young, this is the first time I have eaten such a delicious sesame cake.”

“Of course.” Wang Xiao said of this sesame seed, with a look of pride.

In this Douluo continent world, only oneself can make this kind of Wu Dalang biscuits, which is unique and not fragrant.

“By the way, what should I do?”

“It’s very simple. Someone comes, just say something for me. I think with your influence in the Tiandou Royal Academy, there must be a lot of admirers.”

“That’s true!” Li Lianxiang smiled.

“As long as you have a good taste, add the tops to be cooked, trust you, and add the quality of my sesame cakes, you will surely sell well. Prosperity is not a problem.”

“How do you call it, there must be a slogan and lines?”

“I already have this, I will read it to you a few times, review it first, and wait for it to come out.”

“Well, will you come then?”

In general, this girl is quite sensible, working as a worker, loving, loving.

Wang Xiao trained and said: “If someone is passing by, you can shout, biscuits, sell biscuits, Wu Dalang biscuits, they are delicious and not hot, unique, you should not miss them when you pass by.”

“You can add another sentence afterwards. After passing this village, there is no such shop. First come first, buy first, then wait in line. They only sell two copper coins.

“Absolutely genuine goods, good quality and low price, come and buy it.”

Li Lianxiang digested it: “But the line is too long, I didn’t remember it at once, can you read it again for me.”

“Of course.” Wang Xiao read to her several times.

She slowly remembered, practiced on the spot, and then backside down, finally remembered.

After a while, three students came from outside.

When Wang Xiao saw it, his eyes lit up and he immediately pushed Li Lianxiang who was sitting aside: “Someone is here, now it’s time for you to exert your strength.”


Li Lianxiang glanced passively at the three approaching people, and suddenly his eyes lit up: “That Brother Xiao Xiao, these three are Yu Tianheng, Dugu Yan and Ye Lingling!”


Is it such a coincidence?

Wang Xiao didn’t pay much attention to it, but listening to her say that, he definitely couldn’t be faked, and he took a closer look at it, and it turned out that there were really three of them.

He also smiled: “It doesn’t matter, no matter who it is, you have to eat.”

Li Lianxiang looked embarrassed: “Don’t you know that our second team and their first team members, but competitors, let them see me working here, wouldn’t it make them look down on me?”

I see!

Wang Xiao comforted: “That Xiangxiang, there is nothing wrong with it. It is not ashamed to work as a worker, and to make money.”

Li Lianxiang thought for a while, and felt that it was the truth.

There is no longer any more horns.

What’s more, this sesame seed cake is really delicious.

Maybe, if I sell sesame seeds with Brother Xiao Xiao, I can become the richest woman in the academy!

Wow haha~

She couldn’t help laughing.

Li Lianxiang held back a laugh, then got up and said to the three people who approached: “Obsam, biscuits, Wu Dalang biscuits, authentic and delicious, but not hot. This kind of biscuits is only available in the sky, and it is rare to see them on the ground.”

“I have missed it and regretted it for a lifetime…”

Oh oh

When Wang Xiao heard her yo, he liked it in seconds.

Although the lines have been changed, the theme remains the same and the performance is better.

I have to say that this girl still has some strength in sales promotion.

Dugu geese approached, and as expected they stood in front of the car and cast their eyes on Li Lianxiang.

After all, several of them are students of Tiandou Royal Academy and have known each other for several years.

Ye Lingling glanced at each other, not understanding how Li Lianxiang was selling biscuits at the academy’s stall.

You must know that there are express regulations in the college that students are not allowed to set up stalls and do business in the college privately.

Seeing the three of them, Li Lianxiang was a little embarrassed at first, but in his mind he remembered what Wang Xiao said just now, that he was also the stall owner.

Immediately smiled to the three of them: “The schoolboy, the second school girl, Wu Dalang biscuits, they are delicious but not hot, eat first and then buy. If they are not good, they don’t need money. Come and buy them.”

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