Chapter 278 Heaven Dou City Great Fighting Soul Arena?

Tiandou Royal Academy, it’s dinner time.

When Wang Xiao returned to the college, he was hungry just in time for the college cafeteria to have dinner.

I mainly plan to go to the college cafeteria to see if there is anything delicious.

Wang Xiao is now an official teacher of the Tiandou Royal Academy, and he can go to the teacher’s cafeteria for dinner.

After thinking for a while, I still went to the student cafeteria to see if I could see Dugu Goose and Ye Lingling, so I could show off.

Now the cafeteria has just opened, and it’s during the peak hours. There are a lot of students eating, so you need to line up to eat.

Wang Xiao had already experienced that world before, so it was no surprise.

When I walked into the cafeteria, I first glanced in all directions, mainly to look for the figures of Ye Lingling.

After a glance, he saw a few familiar faces on a table, it was Dugu Yan, Ye Lingling, and Yu Tianheng.

The three are similar to those described in the book in the Douluo Dalu anime.

Just the real three people, they look more beautiful and more attractive.

Yu Tianheng is also more handsome and bigger.


Wang Xiao smiled in satisfaction, planning to meet three people and go to cook food immediately.

Then he walked to the table of Ye Lingling and the others.

When we arrived at the table, there were four people at a table, which happened to be empty.

Yu Tianheng and Dugu Yan sat aside, the seat next to Ye Lingling was empty, and she sat down unceremoniously.

Several people saw him and immediately glanced at him.

It’s just that the three of them didn’t know him, so they didn’t think about him, and regarded him as a normal student.

Although Ye Lingling had heard about the conflict between Wang Xiao and Xue Beng, she had also heard about it from other students.

I haven’t seen him personally, so I don’t know that the boy in front of him is the boy Wang Xiao who was captured by Prince Xue Xing not long ago.

Wang Xiao did not speak, nor looked at the three of them, but bowed his head and started to eat first.

I tasted a few bites of the food and a bite of the soup. Although it is not as delicious as the dishes of that world, it is still a good experience.

Getting closer, Wang Xiao could already smell the faint fragrance from Ye Lingling who was sitting on the side.

This is the taste of youth.

Wang Xiao took a few more bites, then put down his chopsticks and looked at the three of them carefully.

Start with Ye Lingling and observe it from top to bottom, then from bottom to top for a while, then to Yu Tianheng, and finally to Dugu Goose, all of them are very sexy and have the aura of a fairy descending to the earth.

Dugu Goose seemed to be not the kind of girl who was easy to get along with and approached.

Ye Lingling, as the name suggests, is also an icy girl with a rather withdrawn personality.

But it is also a quiet type, which should be a little closer than the pungent type of Dugu Goose.

At least Ye Lingling wouldn’t be like a lonely goose, violent when angry.

If you are in a bad mood, it is possible to violently kill people.

She is the granddaughter of Poison Douluo, little poison is not easy to provoke.

Maybe I made a joke with Dugu Yan and got her offended and poisoned people to death.

As the inheritor of Martial Soul of Nine Heart Begonia, Ye Lingling’s status in the auxiliary Martial Soul is second only to the existence of Qibao Glazed Glass Pagoda.

Originally, the status of Jiuxin Begonia in the auxiliary Martial Soul could be ranked first in the Douluo Continent.

It is a pity that it is special because this Martial Soul has a weakness.

That is, Martial Soul of Nine Hearts Begonia is a single pass, and each generation can only have one heir.

At the same time, there can only be two Nine Heart Begonia Soul Masters. In other words, the child’s father and child cannot exceed three persons.

So when it comes to the third generation of inheritors, only Death is an ancestor, and the descendants may have another owner.

This is also the reason why the Jiuxin Begonia is not as good as the Qibao Glazed Tile Pagoda, because the number of inheritors is too small.

Even though the Seven Treasure Glazed Glaze Pagoda has a great weakness, it can only evolve to the seventh level, and the inheritor’s spirit power level is stuck below 80 and can’t go up.

But its number of inheritance will not be limited, and its auxiliary effect is one of the best, which is why it will become the most powerful auxiliary system Martial Soul in Douluo Continent.

At the same time, Jiuxin Haitang was good at only one ability, no matter how many spirit rings it had, there was only one spirit ability, which was exactly its terrifying point.

Its function lies in the scope of the overall treatment, the degree is controlled by the soul master’s mind.

The higher the level, the more spirit rings, the more spirit power used for healing.

Nine Heart Begonia Martial Soul will be accompanied by a faint fragrance of flowers when used.

Although it is Martial Soul, it smells like a flower.

It is just like a flower, with stamens and petals. When assisted, the petals will slowly fall onto the teammates, achieving a 100% assist effect.

As for the Martial Soul of Dugu Goose, as the descendant of Dugu Bo, Martial Soul is naturally the Jade Snake.

Yu Tianheng is the eldest son of the three blue electric overlord Zongdi on the Douluo Continent, and the next heir to the Sect Leader.

As the captain of the Royal Fighting team and the nephew of Yu Xiaogang, Martial Soul is naturally the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus.


Tiandou City Great Fighting Soul Field.

One-on-one soul fighting area.

Tonight, the first game begins.

Under the arena, the audience sat unabated.

The beautiful host with a pair of white wings flew down from the ceiling with a Soul Guidance amplifier in hand, and then said to the audience below: “Ladies and gentlemen, good evening everyone!”

“Today, the first Douluo match in the one-on-one spirit fighting area will begin soon.”

Oh oh oh~

The audience cheered and shouted.

The beauty host continued: “The soul master who played below is also our old face, with eight wins and one loss, 30 second-level control soul master Dugu Goose, Martial Soul Green Scale Snake.”

“Dugu Goose, Dugu Goose…”

The audience cheered.

On the left hand side, a beautiful girl came on stage immediately.

And she did not wear a mask.

No need to wear a mask.

After all, there are many people who know her in Tiandou City. With or without a mask, everyone can see that she is the granddaughter of Poison Douluo.

“All right!”

The beautiful host pressed her hand to the audience and signaled everyone to be quiet:

“Then the other soul master who is going to play next is a pure rookie, the 30 second-level control soul master Yeyeye, Martial Soul, with a record of zero.”


Everyone laughed.

“I thought it was someone who turned out to be a rookie!”

“Rookie also came to fight with the wild geese. I really don’t know the sky is high and the earth is thick.”

“Uncle is uncle…”

The audience hushed immediately, not optimistic that the Ye Ye Ye Soul Master could defeat the Dugu Goose.

The beautiful host didn’t say much, she reached out and pointed to the right crossing:

“Next, let’s invite our second contestant Ye Ye Ye to play.”

Da Da Da~

Immediately, at the right exit, a young man wearing a tiger mask came out.

With his upper body bare, he deliberately exposed the twelve perfect abdominal muscles in his abdomen.

And he is not someone else, but Wang Xiao.

This time I came to the stage with a lone geese, so I spent some money to find someone outside and set up a fake identity. The hidden soul power was about the same as her soul power at level 30, and he played as a newcomer.

Wang Xiao then glanced at the viewing stage and saw several familiar faces, namely, Yu Tianheng, Ye Lingling, Graphite and others.

Xin said, tonight, the first team of the Imperial team is fully present, so let you see what the real masters are!

“Start!” The beautiful host shouted to the two before flying to the ceiling to watch.

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