Chapter 269 Sign in at the Douluo Palace, reward the Thunderbolt Super Edition gift pack?

The Papal Palace was quiet again.

Under Bibi Dong’s curious gaze, Wang Xiao took out a large purple flower from the purple gold nine-pattern ring and stretched it out in front of her.

There is a strange floral scent that permeates the Great Hall.

Bibi Dong enjoyed the smell, immediately refreshed, and felt that this flower was a little different from other flowers.

“Xiao Xiao, is this for me?”

Wang Xiao: “Of course!”

Bibi Dong immediately took the big purple flower, and a happy smile flashed on his face: “It’s so fragrant!”

All right.

It seems that Bibi Dong regards this flower as an ordinary flower.

“Dongdong, besides being beautiful and beautiful, this flower actually has a nice name, Ling Xiao, Furong Wang, which is a kind of fairy grass.”

“Xiancao!” Bibi Dong was very surprised.

I can also see that this flower is indeed somewhat different from other ordinary flowers and plants.

But I didn’t expect it to be a fairy grass.

Wang Xiao said again: “Eating it can improve your physique and Martial Soul, Ascension.”

“Of course, I haven’t done any experiment yet to see how effective it is, but what is certain is that the reason why the immortal grass is immortal grass is not for nothing.”

“Yeah,” Bibi Dong nodded, extremely happy.

Put the flower in front of your eyes and observe carefully, the eyes are full of light.

Wang Xiao smiled and said in his heart, I hope this fairy grass can change her original intention, make her sunny and live a happy life.

“You eat the petals first, then the stamens, but not the stems and leaves.”


Bibi Dong immediately sat down in the chair and started taking it…

Martial Soul City, Douluo Palace.

The Douluo Temple is at the top of the Martial Soul Temple’s sacred mountain.

Compared with the Pope Hall, Douluo Hall is smaller.

Wang Xiao knew from the original story of the Douluo Continent book that all titles of Douluo’s tablets were enshrined in the Douluo Hall.

At this moment, Wang Xiao was standing not far from the gate of Douluo Hall.

Both eyes looked at the Douluo Temple surrounded by the high wall. If you want to enter, you have to climb over the wall to enter.

Also know that the temple is guarded by a temple master, he is Qian Daoliu.

At this moment, he did not dare to determine whether Qian Daoliu was inside.

Only if you go in and take a look, you will know.

Wang Xiao intends to use the invisibility technique limited edition skills to become invisible, and then enter inside.

So as not to collide with Qiandaoliu, it is bound to go into war.

Not afraid of him, but just don’t want to trouble.

Without saying anything, Wang Xiao succeeded in stealth, and then walked over the wall silently and entered the wall.

For him, this obstacle is almost effortless.

Wang Xiao walked into the Douluo Great Hall and glanced inside first, but did not see Qian Daoliu’s figure: “It seems that he is not in the hall anymore.”

In fact, Qian Daoliu usually stays in the Elder Hall, and occasionally visits here.

There are guards outside, and there is nothing to steal inside.

It was the storage place of some Title Douluo’s title tablets, basically no one would be interested in this place.

Besides, the three forbidden areas of the Martial Soul Hall, the Pope Hall, the Elder Hall, and the Douluo Hall soul masters are all places where the spirit masters are talking about the tiger’s face, and even the title Douluo dare not enter without permission.

Wang Xiao walked into the hall and didn’t see Qian Daoliu’s figure. It was already certain that Qian Daoliu was indeed not in the Douluo hall today.

This is better and saves trouble.

I took another look at the situation in the hall. There was no gorgeous decoration, only the quaint rock repairs.

On these primitive rocks, a very light golden brilliance appeared.

Wang Xiao touched it with his hand and felt a strange energy swimming in his palm.

I have to say that the place where the six “angel god outfits” soul bones are hidden is definitely not ordinary.

Wang Xiao dare to assert that the mysterious power endowed by angelic gods must be hidden here.

He walked toward the middle of the hall again, and he could see a statue standing ten meters high and full of brilliant gold.

Three pairs of wings stretched out behind him, holding a huge golden sword in his hands pointing straight at the sky.

Wang Xiao looked carefully, and the most magical part of this statue was that there seemed to be a faint golden flame hovering around the golden sword.

“This is the Douluo Palace!” Wang Xiao smiled and circled the angel statue with a mysterious aura.

He knew that the foundation of the Angel God was actually not in the Douluo Hall, nor in the Elder Hall, but in a more mysterious place.

That place is the place that can only be reached in a mysterious passage in the angel statue of the Elder Temple.

In that place, is the real place of the Angel Temple.

Wang Xiao currently doesn’t know how to get through the mysterious passage and enter the mysterious angel palace, and wants to see it too.

I don’t know where Qian Daoliu hides the six soul bones that the angel gods have installed.

Wang Xiao searched for a while, but found nothing, and suddenly glanced at the huge titled Douluo tablets in the Great Hall, and suddenly his eyes lit up. It is very likely that these six soul bones were hidden in a certain tablet.

“Regardless of whether there is or not, check Yifan first.”

Immediately took out the iron-cut dagger, raised the knife and dropped it, cutting off the tablets with a single knife, but didn’t see anything at all.

“It’s weird!”

Wang Xiao thought left and right, and suddenly thought of something.

He looked back at the statue in front of him, and suddenly his eyes lit up.

“Yes! Since it is not hidden in those tablets, it is very likely to be hidden in this angel statue.”

“So, there must be a hidden temple in the statue. Qian Daoliu probably hid six soul bones in it.”

Thinking of this, Wang Xiao planned to give it a try. He said in his heart that he didn’t have the abilities of Qian Daoliu, and he could enter it by hitting his head on the statue.

But I have a simpler and more rude way, which is to make a hole out of the statue and just get into it directly.

It’s just not a last resort, it’s better to be courteous first and then to fight.

When Wang Xiao thought of this, he didn’t hesitate to use the copperskin and iron skills, and it wouldn’t hurt to hit the statue.

Bang bang bang~

When the skill was turned on, he ran into the statue head-on.

Wang Xiao hit more than ten times in a row, but it was useless at all.

Obviously the method is wrong.

He is not Qian Daoliu, let alone the secret behind it.

Although he has the skills of copper skin and iron bones, it doesn’t hurt to hit his head with iron, and he can’t bear it anymore.

Fortunately, no one was there, otherwise others thought he was looking for a short-term vision and committed suicide.

“Forget it, soft ones won’t work, just come hard ones!”


The spirit ring on Wang Xiao’s body lit up, and the thunder hammer Martial Soul in his right hand was released. When it became larger, he slammed down on the statue.

Bang bang bang~

Under the continuous thousand hammers, the statue was overwhelmed and burst open.

Then, a golden radiance shot out from the inside and enveloped him.

Wang Xiao felt that his body was light, and he was immediately pulled into it by a huge energy, completely out of control.

It’s more like a suction, sucking his body into it.

After a while, Wang Xiao felt his own body finally stabilized.

Then he slowly opened his eyes and looked at where he was.

Wang Xiao immediately saw that where he was was another place.

The place where he stood at this time was within a long passage that was ten meters high and three meters wide.

“Ding, congratulations on your successful signing in the Martial Soul City Douluo Hall. Reward: a gift pack of Thunderbolt Super Edition!”

Loli sound system said.


Wang Xiao was a little confused, isn’t this an ancient version of the bomb?

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