Chapter 259 I am me, Qian Daoliu, can’t sign in, never stop looking back?


Wang Xiao immediately jumped down from the chair, turned to one side of the window and looked out, only to have a false alarm.

“Uh, I thought it was Qian Daoliu and the Seven Elders!”

It turned out that outside the temple, there was a group of guards patrolling the house, so they didn’t think about it.

The sign-in has not received the system prompt yet, so I can only continue to nest inside.

Wang Xiao thought about it, he couldn’t stay here all the time, it was too boring.

He raised his head and looked at the dome, and his eyes lit up.

There are two floors above, and it happens to be boring to stay on the first floor of the Great Hall, so you can go to the top to have a look.

After smiling, he turned and walked towards the stairs in the back hall and climbed to the second floor.

Then he took out a grilled sausage and a bottle of juice from the twenty-fourth bridge in the moonlight night.

While eating, climbed upstairs.

Before Wang Xiao came, he was afraid that it would be boring to sign in the Elder Hall, so he bought some snacks to pass the time.

Within a few steps, he climbed up the corridor on the second floor. There was also a hall in the middle with neat rows of bookshelves.

Books are neatly stored on each shelf.

Wang Xiao wandered in front of the bookshelf with interest to see if there were any novels he was interested in, and took them away one by one.

After checking it, I found a few copies and packed them away.

There is too much left, and Wang Xiao can’t finish it at once, so he can get a few copies, just get a few copies first.

Otherwise, I didn’t see anything with practical significance, let alone Qian Daoliu’s figure.

Go up again, but you will reach the third floor.

After taking a closer look, the entire third floor is a complete hall with no small rooms.

Wang Xiao walked to the window and glanced at it. There were three three-story small buildings in the backyard, which should be Qiandaoliu’s resting place.

As for the three-storey Elder Great Hall, it is used for office purposes, so he naturally wouldn’t live in it.

Wang Xiao inspected the three floors and made sure that he did not see Qian Daoliu, and he relaxed a little again.

What is certain is that he is indeed not at home today.

Looking down from the third floor, you can see a dozen guards standing there unimpeded at the gate, guarding the safety of the Elder Hall.

“What a young man, the scenery is beautiful from here!”

Just as Wang Xiaoli was looking downstairs from the window, a gentle word from a man suddenly came out behind him.


Wang Xiao cursed secretly, and he didn’t need to look back to know who was behind him!

Xin said, won’t be so unlucky!

What are you afraid of?

“Oh,” Wang Xiao nodded, and didn’t reply: “Frankly speaking, it’s really beautiful!”

“So you are calm and confident?” the man behind him said again.

The voice is still gentle.

But the tone was mixed with a few cold, Cangsang.

Daddy calms down a hammer!

But Wang Xiao could only talk about these words in his heart.

Although not calm, you have to pretend to be calm.

Wang Xiao still didn’t look back, and didn’t want to look back. Once he turned his head, it was definitely a sword, light and sword shadow, and the soldiers met each other.

The man was silent for a while, and then said: “Boy, I really want to know who you are. Can you take off your tiger mask and let me have a look?”


This is the point!

Wang Xiao was speechless, this Qian Daoliu was indeed an old treacherous man.

But it is impossible to take off the mask, and it will never be possible.

Xin said that what should be faced is always something to be faced. Then, let the storm come more violently!

He finally turned around and looked at the man three feet away. He was a handsome young man in his 30s.

There is something like an eighty or ninety-year-old man.

It was also the first time Wang Xiao saw Qian Daoliu, and all the pictures were taken from the original book of Douluo Continent.

Not sure, this person is Qian Daoliu.

And Qian Daoliu’s age should be the same generation as Jian Douluo’s father.

In other words, even if Kendo’s heart comes, he still has to call him Uncle.

Now, Gu, Jian Er Douluo are more than seventy, they are already a little old.

But Qian Daoliu in front of him was obviously twenty or thirty years older than the two, but more than half younger than them.

He was even younger than Zong Ning Fengzhi of the Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect in his teens or 20s.

Regarding the secret of Qian Daoliu’s immortality, Wang Xiaodao learned a little from the original book on the Douluo Continent, that is, the owner of the angel Martial Soul of Qianjia has a skill to change his image.

Take Qian Renxue as an example. She is a woman disguised as a man, and she doesn’t miss the slightest. Even if it is the Great Xueye, she can’t see that Prince Own is a fake.

On the surface, no matter the image, voice, eyes, and breath, he is undoubtedly a man.

It can be seen that Qianjia’s transformation skills can not only change a face, but also conceal the body shape of the whole body, including the unique body odor of women.

Therefore, Qian Daoliu’s secret of being 80 or 90 years old should be changed by using his own skills.

There is another possibility that he, as a 90 ninth-level limit Douluo, a demigod, is not as fast as others in old age.

In addition, Wang Xiao couldn’t think of the fifth possibility.

Wang Xiao suddenly smiled and said, “It doesn’t matter who I am, but who are you? Why are you here?”

“Quickly, if you don’t tell me, I will arrest you as a thief and hand it over to the Martial Soul Hall for processing. Then, you will not be able to survive or die.”

“Hehe, what a thief calls to catch the thief!” The man was unable to complain.

Xin said, this young man, with enough brains, is the most deadly if he doesn’t play cards according to the routine.

It seems that the old man met his opponent today!

“Hey, don’t spit people, okay? Who is the thief calling to catch the thief? If you want to bite back, then bite back. Does it make sense to say this?”

Wang Xiao pretended not to know that the other party was Qian Daoliu, so he would fight with him first.

Anyway, it can drag for one second, it’s one second.

Think about it, it’s best to drag it until the system prompts you to sign in successfully.

When the time comes, he will be invisible, and slipping away is not a problem.

Hearing what he said, the man was speechless for a while, and said to his heart, now that he, the master of the Elder Hall, has become a thief?

What’s the situation?

“I’ll tell you the truth! The old man can change his name, sit down and change his surname, I am the Elder Qian Daoliu of the Elder Hall, what do you know now?”

The man finally had a showdown.


It’s him, it’s him, it’s him!

Wang Xiaoxin said, Qian Daoliu, even if it is you, I will not admit it. Once admitted, daddy won’t have to go out.

Although I don’t want to stay here for a second, I can’t leave until the sign-in is completed.

Even if you leave in the morning, you still have to come in the afternoon.

The sign-in was not successful. Tomorrow, Houtian will have to come.

Anyway, it’s just a sentence, the sign-in can’t be completed, and you will never stop looking back.

“Are you Qian Daoliu?” Wang Xiao asked rhetorically.

“Well, I am me, so is Qian Daoliu!” the man responded.

Wow haha~

Wang Xiao was not afraid, but looked up to the sky and screamed.

“What are you laughing at?” Qian Daoliu asked a little displeased.

I know that you are Qian Daoliu, but I just don’t admit it, I am mad at you!

In order to fight the war of words, Wang Xiao must continue to pretend to be confused and show him the act. There is nothing more useful than this.

The old saying goes well, villain died of talking too much, not without reason.

Villain could have solved the protagonist with a single knife, but he had to fight for a long time, fight twice, and sit down to chat and talk about life when he was half dead.

When the rescuer comes, Villain can’t win, the protagonist is saved, and Villain is dead.

As a traveler, Wang Xiao has a history of five thousand years of humanities in that world, down to one hundred thousand whys, unsolved mysteries of the world, novels, and videos.

Most villains die from talking too much.

“Are you Qiandaoliu?” Wang Xiao “hahaha”: “You are Qiandaoliu, and I am Qiandaoliu his father.”

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