Chapter 229 Tang Hongning, absorb the fourth spirit ring?

“Ningning, here!”

Wang Xiao handed the dagger to her: “Before the Dali Vajra bear soul beast awoke, I killed it, so I didn’t have to spend any more effort.”

“Good Brother Xiao Xiao.”

Tang Hongning took the dagger and stepped forward.

Then he raised the knife and dropped it, cutting it down, and plunged straight into the vital part of Vigorous Vajra.

Can’t kill with a single sword, and stabbed a few more times.

Vigorously Vajra bears twitching a few times before hanging B.


A big purple spirit ring immediately lit up from its body.

After all, it was an eight thousand-year-old soul beast, with a big and bright soul ring.

Tang Hongning’s eyes flickered, and he didn’t expect that an 8,000-year spirit ring could be easily handled like this.

Only the eight thousand year spirit ring is still a challenge in terms of absorption.

Maybe it will be life-threatening.

Tang Hongning took small steps, returned to him, and returned the dagger: “Brother Xiao Xiao, thank you for giving me the soul beast!”

“Yeah.” Wang Xiao stretched out his hand to take the dagger, and touched her head again: “Ningning, I will protect the law for you, hurry up and absorb it.”

“Eight thousand years of spirit ring, although it is difficult to absorb, but I think with the immortal grass you took a few days ago, plus your own level is not low, absorbing this eight thousand years of spirit ring should not be a problem.”

Tang Hongning nodded. Although there is pressure, it is also motivation.

As long as the absorption is successful, there will be a lot of benefits, and it will be of great help to the road of future cultivation.

She didn’t say much, turned around and walked towards the spirit ring.

Tang Hongning reached the spirit ring and looked back at him again.

Wang Xiao smiled and nodded to her as a sign of encouragement.

She was relieved and sat down in front of the vigorous Vajra bear, closed her eyes and calmed Dantian.

After the mind is stable, Meditation starts.

Wang Xiao smiled and glanced around. There was no danger of approaching, so he sat down…

In a blink of an eye.

Three days later.


The weather is a little gloomy.

There are so many dark clouds all around, it is estimated that it will rain soon.


After Tang Hongning coughed twice, he finally opened his eyes, and the absorption of the spirit ring was completed.

It is vital for her that the fourth spirit ring can be absorbed and completed.

If it weren’t for Wang Xiao’s fairy grass, her level 40 wouldn’t be able to break so quickly.

Looking back, seeing Wang Xiao still sitting on the big tree stump behind him, he was moved.

Xin said that Brother Xiao Xiao treats herself well, that’s nothing to say.

Wang Xiao is dozing off her child, after all, after guarding her for three days and three nights, it is normal for her to be sleepy.

“Brother Xiao Xiao…”

When he was sleeping in Zhengxiang, a cry came from his ear, awakening him from his dream.

When I opened my eyes, I saw a delicate face appearing in front of me.

It is Tang Hongning, which shows that she has successfully absorbed the fourth ring.

I am also happy for her.

“Brother Xiao Xiao, thank you for protecting me!” Tang Hongning immediately thanked him when he woke up.

This Tang Hongning is so polite.

Wang Xiao gave her a small chestnut, and put his hands on her jade shoulders: “Ningning, in front of Brother, you don’t have to be so polite.”

“Yeah.” Tang Hongning nodded, suddenly pear blossoms with rain, pitiful.

Seeing that she was crying, Wang Xiao had to put her in his arms. She was relieved for a while, and she was better.

Tang Hongning cried for a while, then wiped away the tears and put her fragrant lips in front of him.

Then, the two hugged each other…

Two and a half hours later.

Wang Xiaocai took Tang Hongning’s hand and walked out of the grass behind the big tree. There were sweet smiles on each other’s faces.


The two returned to the dormitory.

Zhu Zhuyun didn’t see Wang Xiao for a few days, and saw him and Tang Hongning come back together. He didn’t know where the two had gone, and was upset.

Immediately stepped forward and asked, “Brother Xiao Xiao, where are you and Ningning Heavenly Stems going?”

Tang Hongning didn’t speak, she walked to the bathroom shyly, absorbed the spirit ring of three days and three nights, and was also tired.

The whole body is also dirty.

I also need to cleanse, and then take a good night’s sleep to replenish my physical strength and Mental Energy.

Yang Mingxin and Dong Hui saw that there was something wrong with Tang Hongning, but Zhu Zhuyun was asking Wang Xiao, so they didn’t bother her.

Wang Xiao touched Zhu Zhuyun’s head, then took her hand, and sat down on the head of her bed. You could smell the fragrance that radiated from her.

“Zhu Yun, it’s like this. Three days ago, I gave Ningning a test, and it has broken through forty level. This will not lead her to absorb the spirit ring.”

Only then did the three women understand that although some guesses about where the two went these days, when he said it personally, it was confirmed.

Zhu Zhuyun couldn’t say anything to him, so he lay down on the bed: “Brother Xiao Xiao, what spirit ring did Ningning absorb?”

“Vigorously Vajra bear soul beast, eight thousand years old.”

“Eight thousand years!”

The three women are very envious.

But Dong Hui is the only one who is most disappointed.

After all, among the few people, Zhu Zhuyun had absorbed a nine-thousand-year human face demon spider spirit ring.

Yang Mingxin’s is also six thousand years old.

Now, Tang Hongning has also absorbed an eight-thousand-year old.

Dong Hui looked at Wang Xiao, and said to her heart, when she reached the forty level, she would also ask Brother Xiao Xiao to take her to absorb the spirit ring.

Wang Xiao and Zhu Zhuyun chatted for a while before returning to their dormitory.

Protecting Tang Hongning for three days, I didn’t take a bath and didn’t sleep well.

Immediately put a bathtub of water, soak in the bath, and plan to get a good night’s sleep.

Another day.

Bang bang bang~

“Brother Xiao Xiao, Brother Xiao Xiao…”

In Wang Xiaomei’s dream, he was awakened from the dream.

The door of the dormitory was knocked loudly, and when I heard the shouting, I immediately recognized that it was Dong Hui’s voice.

I don’t know, what is she going to do.

It shouldn’t be a trivial matter just to make such a big movement.

Wang Xiao didn’t open the door right away. After getting up, he washed his face, washed his head, and coughed before going to open the door.

Sure enough, standing outside the door was a young girl wearing a short green skirt.

It’s not Dong Hui, who else can it be?

“Huihui, so what?”

Dong Hui giggled, walked into the room, and sat down on his bed: “Brother Xiao Xiao, I also broke through level 40 last night.”

“Oh!” Wang Xiao didn’t need to think about it, and knew what she was doing here: “Congratulations then.”

“Also, your purpose here, isn’t it just to tell me this?”

Brother Xiao Xiao is really bad!

Dong Hui was a little unhappy, since she couldn’t think of her purpose here.

“I’m level 40, so I want to absorb the fourth spirit ring. Can you accompany me to the hunting forest? I dare not go alone.”

“That’s the case.” Wang Xiao thought for a while, the soul beast is already ready for her, and there is no need to go to the soul hunting forest, just find a small hillside.

“What’s the matter, Brother Xiao Xiao, don’t you want it?” Seeing that he didn’t say a word for a while, Dong Hui thought he didn’t agree, and became a little anxious.

“You all took Sister Yun, Mingxin, and Ningning. It’s impossible not to accompany Huihui, right?”


Seeing Dong Hui’s pitiful appearance, how could Wang Xiao refuse her: “Well, then go right away.”

“Yeah!” Dong Hui was a happy, jumping and jumping, really cute.

Wang Xiao immediately put on a piece of clothing, and went out of the dormitory door with Dong Hui, then left the college door and turned left.

After half an hour.

The two came to a nearby hillside, then climbed up together, entered a small forest, and walked inside.

Dong Hui walked for a while with her head down, and suddenly stopped, standing there motionless with an unhappy face, her eyes full of grievances.

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