Chapter 218 Apologize?

“Your Highness… Your Highness, it’s not good!”

Just when several people were worried about Wang Xiao’s safety, a man with wicked eyebrows rushed into the cafeteria from the door and came to Davis.

Panting, a little panicked.

Davis glanced at the person, and immediately got up and went to the window.

The man in palace clothes keeps up.

“Old Dolphin, what’s the matter?”

The man did not speak loudly, but put his head in his ear and whispered.

Davis listened for a while, and his face immediately turned from white to black, then his whole body trembled, and his eyes panicked.

When the man finished speaking, he went downstairs first.

Davis immediately walked up to Zhu Zhuyun and said hello, and quickly walked out of the cafeteria.

Zhu Zhuyun then put down his chopsticks and said suspiciously: “You said, the person just told me, did Brother Xiao Xiao have something to do in the imperial palace?”

Yang Mingxin’s expression was gloomy: “I think Sister Yun is like this. Go to the gate of the imperial palace and inquire about it.”

“Sister Yun, I think Ming Xin is right.” Tang Hongning was also worried and wanted to see it.

Dong Hui nodded: “At the moment, let’s do this first. It’s really impossible. Then we can find a way to get into the imperial palace. As long as we can save Brother Xiao Xiao, we will sacrifice our own life, and we are willing.”

“Me too.”

“I’m still there!”

The women expressed their opinions and all got up, and they couldn’t eat anymore.

Zhu Zhuyun thought for a while, and felt that other than that, there was no other way: “Well, then we will go right away.”


Without eating a few girls’ meals, he walked towards the door.


“Brother Xiao Xiao!”

When the few women arrived at the entrance of the cafeteria, they saw the oncoming boy, Wang Xiao, who finally fell to the ground.

“Brother Xiao Xiao, it’s good if you can come back safely!” Zhu Zhuyun circled him and saw that there was nothing wrong with him, and smiled again.

Yang Mingxin and the three were also happy.

Then sit back to the dining table together.

Dong Hui took his hand and asked, “Brother Xiao Xiao, are you hungry? I’m going to get you a meal?”

She was about to get up, and Wang Xiao grabbed his hand and said, “Huihui, don’t be busy, I have already eaten it. I will eat with Dai Musi in the imperial palace.”

Dong Hui was not surprised when she heard it, because she already knew about it from Davis.

“Then Brother Xiao Xiao, your Majesty didn’t embarrass you?” Tang Hongning asked in a low voice.

Yang Mingxin also turned his attention to him, wanting to know the outcome of the negotiation.

Zhu Zhuyun was a little worried about the outcome of the negotiations between Wang Xiao and Demusi.

I was worried that if Wang Xiao could return safely, would he compromise with Demus and surrender himself to Davis.

This is the answer she least wants to hear, but she doesn’t want Wang Xiao to be hurt, and she struggles and suffers.

Wang Xiao immediately noticed something wrong with Zhu Zhuyun’s face. When she thought about it, she should be worried about it.

In order to give her a reassurance, it is better to say clearly: “Zhu Yun, don’t worry, how dare Dai Musi treat me.”

“If I didn’t do anything to him, he burned incense and was amused.”


After hearing this, the women were immediately amused.

“Is it true?” Dong Hui suspected him, and she had a lot of suspicion of fucking awesome.

Wang Xiao laughed: “Believe it or not, I said it doesn’t count, but the news will come soon, and you will believe it at that time.”

“Well, during meal time, let’s not talk about the unhappy things.” After saying that, Wang Xiao took out a lot of things from the soul guide.

I put them on the table one by one, there are more than a dozen kinds: “Look, the dozen delicacies on the table are all I packed back from the imperial palace, and they will send you to eat.”

“Wow, Brother Xiao Xiao, you are so kind to us!” Dong Hui couldn’t help drooling when he saw so many delicious foods and they were brought out from the imperial palace.

Yang Mingxin and Tang Hongning are not much better.

Zhu Zhuyun also looked at him affectionately, like a little nympho.

Xin said, I also served Brother Xiao Xiao, and Huihui and I were still worried about his safety!

No, he even packed food from the imperial palace for us to eat.

But I really don’t understand Brother Xiao Xiao. What method did he use to compromise with him?

If a few people knew, Wang Xiao was single-handedly in the imperial palace just now, three in and three out, against the 10,000 guards.

He fought with a Title Douluo, a Soul Douluo, and a few people below the Soul Sect, and won.

Certainly doubt that he is not a human being, but a monster, a god-like existence.

Another day passed.

The sun has risen at Lao Gao, and the sun is shining in Xingluo City.

It can be said that the weather today is exceptionally good.

“Brother Xiao Xiao…Brother Xiao Xiao?”

In the dormitory, Wang Xiao was sleeping in Zhengxiang, but there was a sudden shout outside the door.

Alive, awakened him from his sleep.

What’s the situation?

Wang Xiao struggled a few times before getting up from the bed and going to open the door.

I originally planned to sleep late, after all, in a battle in the imperial palace yesterday, my physical strength and soul power were consumed a lot, and I had to make up for it.

But now, there are shouts of killing pigs outside the door, knocking on the door, no matter where you can sleep, you have to go to open the door immediately.

Wang Xiao opened the door and saw that the person outside was not someone else but Davis.

Thinking about it, I really wanted to give him a few slapped urges, but still resisted it.

I didn’t dare to slap him, I just wanted him to finish talking first: “Little Vis, what?”

Davis saw him and knelt up immediately.

Seriously said: “Brother Xiao Xiao, what happened yesterday was that I was not good!”

“I didn’t know in advance that the emperor asked you to go for another purpose. If I knew, I would never let you go, and I would prevent the emperor from doing this!”

“It’s fine if you know it!” Wang Xiao struck his head ten or twenty times, which was considered a warning. If Zhu Zhuyun’s idea was hit, the whole family would be finished.

He said again: “But I want you to bring him a sentence, not as an example, otherwise, what will the end be like? You don’t need to say more, you should know it too?”

“Yes, yes, Brother Xiao Xiao, there will be no next time, I promise you that if there is another next time, I don’t need to say, I will cut my head on behalf of my father to apologize.”

“My emperor also said that in the future, the Star Luo Empire will be your home, and the gate of the imperial palace will be open for you at any time. You can come and play often when you have time, so you can move in and live.”

“Well, you still have a bit of self-knowledge.”

When Davis saw him relax, the stone in his heart finally fell: “Thank you Xiao Xiao, brother for forgiving, I will try my best to repay you for not killing.”

“Get up.”

“Good Brother Xiao Xiao.” Davis got up and wiped the sweat from his forehead with his hand.

I was really scared just now. Wang Xiao would use his knife to vent his anger because of the encounter in the imperial palace yesterday. It would be miserable.

Now Wang Xiao is relieved, and his heart is also let go, and he is relaxed.

Wang Xiao said again: “Davis, you quickly asked someone to bring the carriage yesterday, I’m useful.”

Davis nodded immediately: “This is okay, I will ask someone to get it right away, but Brother Xiao Xiao, I have another thing here.”

“What’s the matter?” Wang Xiao’s face sank, a little unhappy.

I think this Davis has a lot of chances.

“Brother Xiao Xiao, don’t be angry, the dean called you to talk to you about something.”


Wang Xiao thought for a while, this Zhu Jiezhong is now looking for me, wouldn’t it be because of the noise he made in the imperial palace yesterday, wanting to make own trouble, right?

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