Chapter 195 Sending flowers to four women, if you get a treasure?

Three days later.

Three o’clock in the afternoon.

The sky is sunny.

Not long after Wang Xiaogang woke up in the afternoon, he got up and washed his face. He planned to call Zhu Zhuyun and a few people to go to the back mountain for a walk.

By the way, for several women Ascension Ascension Cultivation Base.

When I came to Zhu Zhuyun’s dormitory, I glanced through the crack in the door, and the women were all there.

Wang Xiao walked in and said, “Zhuyun, I want to take a walk in the grove at the back of the college. How about together?”

“Okay!” Zhu Zhuyun didn’t think much, he agreed and put on his clothes immediately.

It has been raining for a few days, and the women have long been bored, and they should go for a walk.

Dong Hui didn’t have any comments, so they dressed up and walked back to the mountain together.

Wang Xiao took a few women and drove over a few small hills before sitting down on a rocky hillside.

Zhu Zhuyun and the others also sat around him.

“Today’s weather is really suitable for mountain climbing.” Dong Hui first opened the topic.

Yang Mingxin said, “Well, it has been raining for several days, and I’m tired of staying in the dormitory for a long time, so I can breathe out, otherwise I will be suffocated.”

Zhu Zhuyun smiled and said, “You two, let me tell you what is good! There is no patience at this point. What big things can I do in the future.”

Dong Hui mischievously said, “Sister Yun is right, Ming Xin, we can study hard with Sister Yun in the future.”

The second woman nodded immediately.

Zhu Zhuyun was speechless.

Wang Xiao also didn’t join the topic of a few women. After they finished speaking, he glanced at them and asked, “Zhu Yun, what level are you now?”

“I’m… thirty eighth-level, what’s wrong with Brother Xiao Xiao?” Zhu Zhuyun didn’t understand, he asked what this was doing.

Come to think of it, should be concerned about own.

Thirty eighth-level.

Wang Xiao thought for a moment, this level is not high or low for her age.

Then he looked at Tang Hongning’s several women: “Then three of you, how many levels are you?”

“I’m thirty fifth-level.” Dong Huixian said.

Yang Mingxin continued: “I am also thirty fifth-level.”

Tang Hongning finally said: “I am already thirty sixth-level.”

Wang Xiao nodded when he heard. Relatively speaking, the current level of the women was quite a bit higher than that of the Shrek Seven Monsters.

The reason is that they are six or seven years older than Ning Rongrong and the others.

Of course, in terms of qualifications, it can be considered one of the best among peers.

After all, Ning Rongrong, Zhu Zhuqing and the others later took the fairy grass given by Tang San, and they broke through so quickly within two years, and Martial Soul was also upgraded.

However, Zhu Zhuyun and Yang Mingxin had never taken immortal grass. Their level was quite impressive in the Elite Soul Fighting Tournament at the All-Continent Advanced Academy.

Davis even reached forty ninth-level. Zhu Zhuyun is forty seventh-level. Tang Hongning also has forty third-level. Dong Hui and Yang Mingxin also have forty levels.

Li Yang and Ying Wei also have more than forty levels.

If several people have Xiancao charging, level 50 shouldn’t be a problem.

After Wang Xiao pondered for a while, he said, “Although your spirit power level is not as high as mine, it is already very good among people of the same age.”

The women were happy when they heard this.

In the first half sentence, Wang Xiao is suspected of showing off, but the latter half sentence is indeed a true compliment.

Of course, other possibilities are not ruled out.

Wang Xiao did not think too much, and he was telling the truth, but it did not rule out that the strength behind the few people was backed by the entire Star Luo Empire.

After speaking, he took out a big fiery red flower and stretched it out in front of the four women: “This flower is called Yanhuo Mantianhong. It is the best product in the fairy grass. After taking it, it is very good for the body.”

“Of course, the most important thing is to be able to Ascension some physique, increase the Martial Soul quality, soul power level and so on.”

The women were overjoyed when they heard this, and they all looked at the flower.

It’s just that there is only one flower, and there are four of them in total, which obviously can’t satisfy everyone.

So Dong Hui didn’t know who Wang Xiao would give this flower to.

Wang Xiao’s eyes swept back and forth on the women, and finally fell on Tang Hongning: “Hongning, your Martial Soul is a fierce thunder jackal. I have studied it repeatedly, and I think this gorgeous red flower is more suitable for you. Take it quickly. NS.”


Tang Hongning was a little flattered, just now how could he have imagined that he would give this flower to himself.

I thought it was Zhu Zhuyun, but I didn’t expect the result to be unexpected.

It can be regarded as not playing cards according to the routine.

The remaining Yang Mingxin and Dong Hui were a little disappointed.

Especially Zhu Zhuyun, as an existence in the team second only to Davis, Wang Xiao did give the flowers to Tang Hongning. I have to say that he somewhat doubted that he was in his mind and his status was not as high as Tang Hongning’s. .

But the women all misunderstood Wang Xiao, there are still a lot of fairy grass, they all have a share, but they have to be given away one by one.

The front and back are not important, the key is to see how much Xiancao helped them.

If there is only one fairy grass, then the first one to get it is indeed taking all the advantages.

“Hongning, don’t eat the stems and leaves of this flower, just take the petals and take the stamens directly.”

“Okay Brother Xiao Xiao.” Tang Hongning took the Yanhuo Tianhong cautiously from him, and then sat aside to take it.

Like a treasure.

Wang Xiao didn’t say much, his left and right hands took out two more flowers from the purple gold nine-pattern ring.

A pure white flower the size of an adult’s palms together, like a Lotus flower, stretched out in front of Yang Mingxin: “Ming Xin, this is also an immortal grass, called Jiuxin Jade Lotus, which fits your Martial Soul as good as water.”

“Nine heart jade lotus, there are nine flower hearts in the stamen, which is also the origin of the flower name.”

“The method of eating is the same as that of Yanhuo Tianhong, here.”

“Yeah!” Yang Mingxin nodded hurriedly, took it immediately, turned around and sat aside to take it.

Below, only Zhu Zhuyun and Dong Hui have not been assigned the fairy grass.

And there was only one flower left in his hand, and the two daughters didn’t know who he would give it to.

Wang Xiao immediately looked at the second daughter, and finally fell on Dong Hui.

Then stretched out the big blue flower in her hand in front of her: “This is called Bing Chu Xuexue Xianyan, and it is more suitable for you, Martial Soul, the same way as they take it.”

“Thank you.” Dong Hui took it immediately and sat aside to take it.

In the end, Zhu Zhuyun was the only one who was not assigned, so he was very unhappy.

Xin said, did Brother Xiao Xiao forget me, or in his mind, he is not as important as Huihui and the others.

Wang Xiao finally swept towards Zhu Zhuyun, already seeing a bit of unhappy and pitiful appearance from her face, and she couldn’t bear it either.

Naturally, her fairy grass will not be missing.

He took out another plant and placed it in front of Zhu Zhuyun.

When Zhu Zhuyun saw it, he was overjoyed and his heart felt warm. Xin said, I knew that Brother Xiao Xiao would never forget own.

However, he has a lot of immortal grasses, one per person, or four, and they are all priceless, and there is nowhere to buy them.

After taking a closer look at this big flower, it was not red or white, but pure black.

The size of the flower is the size of an ordinary vegetable pot.

“Brother Xiao Xiao, what kind of flower is this again?”

Black flowers represent a symbol of nobility and mysterious.

These immortal grasses were picked by Wang Xiao from the eyes of the two mountains of ice and fire, and they were more or less contaminated with immortality.

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