Chapter 179

“Ding, you have a new sign-in task, please rush to the Xingluo Empire and Xingluo Royal Academy to sign in within half a month! Note: The outdated task is repeated and will be punished.”

Loli sound system said.

“Sing Luo Royal Academy?” Wang Xiao was speechless: “I said the system Little Sister, is this sign-in cross-border?”

“Ding, cross-border is cross-border, didn’t you not cross the border and used it to make a fuss?”

Wang Xiao smiled bitterly: “I said the system Little Sister, and I didn’t speak for a few days. Why did this temper rise again?”

“Ding, what’s wrong with this system? You’re not angry with me. If you don’t angry with me, it’s strange that I can have such a big temper.”

“Okay system Little Sister, you are a good system Little Sister, are you the best system in the world?”

“Ding, huh, you still have a conscience.”

Speaking of going to the Xingluo Royal Academy, Wang Xiao thought of a few characters from the original book on Douluo Continent.

They are Davis, Zhu Zhuyun, Dong Hui, Yang Mingxin, Tang Hongning, Li Ming and Ying Wei.

The key figures are Davis and Zhu Zhuyun.

Not only do they have different talents, they are also high-level, and they can also become soul saints or titled Douluo.

Dai Mubai and Davis are brothers, and Martial Soul is the evil eye White Tiger inherited from the family.

Zhu Zhuqing and Zhu Zhuyun are also sisters, so they look similar.

Zhu Zhuyun is seven years older than Zhu Zhuqing.

Davis was also six years older than Dai Mubai.

In terms of age, they are no longer a generation.

This is the original book of Douluo Mainland, Zhu Zhuqing said by himself.

As for the two looks the same, the names are different, Dong Hui and Yang Mingxin, who have the same kind of Martial Soul, can be said to be the special existence of the entire Star Luo Royal Team.

The goodness is like water, a forgotten Martial Soul, and there are two at the same time.

The special thing about this Martial Soul is that it is a forgotten magical Martial Soul.

The superior is like water, capable of offensive and defensive, able to control and assist.

In fact, it is a kind of water Martial Soul.

And water belongs to the elemental Martial Soul.

Elemental Martial Soul will naturally have offensive power.

Water can carry a boat, and it can also overturn it.

When the water is cold, it can turn into ice.

Ice’s attack power is very powerful.

It can be as hard as swords, spears, and swords, and has extremely strong damage.

It can also cause physical damage, freezing, and decomposition.

Tang Hongning, Martial Soul is a fierce thunder jackal.

But as a dragon set, not many appearances.

Mainly Davis, Zhu Zhuyun’s role.

Wang Xiao pondered for a moment, about the two sisters of the Zhu family, in terms of body, appearance, and style.

In terms of personality, there is a world of difference.

Most of it is because the sisters have had different circumstances since they were young.

Zhu Zhuqing, from a young age, did not realize the love of his parents, family siblings, and grew up in adversity.

Can only bear the humiliation, own the wound, lick it, and heal it.

Zhu Zhuyun, who has been outstanding since childhood, is the jewel in his family.

All benefits and treatments have priority.

Moreover, her target was Dai Mubai’s Big Brother Davis, the future heir of the Star Luo Empire.

No matter from which way, it is like the situation of Zhu Zhuqing’s family.

The rule of competition for the survival of the fittest, she will not be able to reap the slightest benefit in this family.

Unless one day, she can be better than Big sis Zhu Zhuyun.

Similarly, Dai Mubai is the same.

He also couldn’t stay at home, so he ran out to study at Shrek Academy in Soto City, Kingdom of Barak.

The encounters of the two are similar.

If it wasn’t a coincidence, the two had met Tang San, a traverser.

And Tang San encountered Poison Douluo again and caught him in the eyes of Bing Huo Yi.

After encountering so many immortal grasses, it is impossible to defeat Big Brother Big sis if they were given the singular velvet chrysanthemum, narcissus jade muscle bone, and Martial Soul breakthrough upgraded.

After all, Big Brother Little Brother, Big sis Little Sister Martial Soul, the spirit abilities are the same.

If the two of them are not upgraded, how can they break their own limitations and defeat a much stronger opponent than them.

Speaking of the figures of the sisters, they are all based on sexiness.

Zhu Zhuyun is seven years older than Zhu Zhuqing, and his body is plump and mature.

There is a touch of feminine and charming temperament of a woman.

Especially the smile is outstanding.

In the original book of Douluo Dalu, Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing possessed the Martial Soul fusion skill, and became extremely powerful like a tiger with wings and a ghostly White Tiger.

Together with the various Hidden Weapons deployed by Tang San for the two of them, they laid a solid foundation for the road to becoming gods in the future.

Wang Xiao thought for a while, this time he was going to the Xingluo Royal Academy to sign in, and that was going to travel far.

Half a month’s time is almost the same.

After thinking for a while, it’s better to bring Gu Yuena and Xiao Wu with them, and it’s okay to visit the mountains and water together.

Without further ado, just do it

Wang Xiao immediately got up and walked out of the small woods and walked to the dormitory of Gu Yuena and others.

Because of Zhu Zhuqing’s relationship, it is natural not to tell her about going to the Xingluo Royal Academy.

She just said to go to Xingluo City to do something, she should not object.

Wang Xiao went to Gu Yuena’s dormitory first, called Ning Rongrong by the way, and walked towards Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing’s dormitory together.

It just so happened that both of them were there, so it was straight to the point.

Wang Xiao sat on Xiao Wu’s bed.

Gu Yuena sat on his left.

Xiao Wu sat on his right.

Ning Rongrong was sitting on Zhu Zhuqing’s bed, with Zhu Zhuqing next to him.


Wang Xiao coughed twice before saying: “Oh, Naer, Xiao Wu, Zhuqing, Rongrong, I have something to discuss with you.”

The women looked at each other and listened to him to continue.

Because he didn’t reveal the going to the Star Luo Empire in advance, the two didn’t know what he was going to say.

“It’s like this! I plan to go to Xingluo City to do something.”

Star City?

When Zhu Zhuqing heard this familiar name, his eyes were a little moved, but also a little frightened and resentful.

“Well, I originally planned to go by myself, but I feel that I will go by myself, without you, and it’s not authentic.”

“So I will come to discuss with you. If we are willing to go, we will arrange a larger carriage later, and we will set off tomorrow morning.”

“I don’t want to go, I want to stay in Shrek Academy to study, I also respect your opinions, how?”

Ning Rongrong heard this and immediately laughed from ear to ear: “Cousin, how can I not want to go to such a fun thing!”

Xiao Wu smiled and said, “Brother Xiao Xiao, it’s better to be hello. Every time you go out, you don’t forget to take us to play.”

He put his arms around Gu Yuena’s shoulders again: “Sister Na’er, you must also go with us?”

Gu Yuena blinked her beautiful purple eyes immediately: “Well, Xiao Wu, Na’er will go, wherever Brother Xiao Xiao goes, Na’er will go.”

“Great!” Xiao Wu laughed happily.

Ning Rongrong also laughed from ear to ear, seeing Zhu Zhuqing still dull, and immediately turned his head and asked: “Zhuqing, how about you?”

Zhu Zhuqing rolled his eyes and lowered his head again, unable to say what he wanted to say.

Then one got up and ran to the door.

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