Chapter 149 Take it home, the sign-in at the Soto City auction site is complete, collect seven pieces?

Well, this little milk wolf is not a little milk wolf, you can buy it by yourself!

Suddenly, Wang Xiao became interested in this little milk wolf.

Xin said that she originally received the sign-in system and came to the Soto City auction house to sign in.

Don’t plan to buy things.

But I saw such a little wolf who can sing, dance, and act.

How can you not buy it back, how can you not fight with others, how can you not take it home? ? ?

Wang Xiao finally made up his mind and photographed the little milk wolf.

The more the protagonist laughed, the more excited he became, and he said to the little milk wolf: “Little wolf wolf, can you count from one to ten?”


The guests looked dumbfounded, wondering if the protagonist was Xiudo.

How can a little wolf wolf count from one to ten?

It’s not human, too much.

“Wow, 13345678910, 10987654321…”

When everyone didn’t believe it, the little milk wolf counted from one to ten, and quickly counted from ten to one.

This this this. . .

It really subverted everyone’s imagination.

Unexpectedly, Little Milk Wolf really did it.

“Wow, what a smart and cute little wolf wolf! Come here, OK Big Brother will take you home?”

“The meaty little wolf wolf, Uncle loves it the most! Come here soon, can I make you braised pork ribs every day?”

“That little wolf wolf, in fact, Big Brother and Uncle are not suitable for you. Come to Big sis soon, okay? Big sis is the one who understands the wolf the most, is gentle and considerate.”

“Grandma is a good person. She is kind and gentle. Coyote is coming to grandma. Don’t believe the bad guys. You abduct you just to eat hot pot. Please trust grandma. It’s sincere.”

“Cut, you are all falsehoods. Grandpa has eaten more meat than the pigs you have seen. Little wolf wolf, you choose me to be the wisest choice.”

“A group of hypocritical films, the uncle is true love, come to the little wolf wolf, the uncle will take you to pretend, and take you to fly.”

Suddenly, the guests scrambled to please the little milk wolf.

I want to get the goodwill of the little milk wolf first, and then buy it.

Or take it away forcibly.

Wang Xiao was not irritable or impatient, and didn’t worry that the little milk wolf would be snatched away by others.

After all, in the auction arena, Gu Ran’s goodwill is important.

But I have to admit a reality, that is, everyone present, as long as the money is higher, whoever is the ultimate owner.

This is an eternal principle.

Unless the auction house does not sell.

Afterwards, the main shooter fought the little milk wolf for a while before facing the guests sitting there and said: “Guests, this little milk wolf has a starting price of 1,000 gold soul coins, and each increase is at least not less than 1,000 gold coins. Please start your bid?”

“two thousand!”

“Three thousand.”

“Five thousand.”

“Ten thousand.”

When the 10,000 gold soul coins were reached, the bidders present became quiet.

When Wang Xiao swept away, he saw a woman in red who had bid 10,000.

Although she was wearing a mask, she couldn’t see her true face.

But it can be seen, the long one is okay.

At least, the bottom of the neck is pink and tender.

From his point of view, this woman should not exceed thirty-seven-eight.

At most about thirty-nine.

“Ten thousand, ten thousand, ten thousand,” the protagonist called out, “this guest paid ten thousand, is there any bid?”

Everyone was stunned and did not respond.

The main shooter was a little embarrassed, and waited for a while before he said: “Ten thousand once, once or twice, is there any increase in the price? Without this little milk wolf, will it belong to this guest?”

The woman in red saw no one bid, her eyes smiled proudly.

“Ten thousand and three times, it’s…”

“Twenty thousand!”

Suddenly, a shout came from the white guest seat.

There was another bid, interrupting the main shooter.

Everyone looked at it, and saw that a young photographer sitting in the white area at the back called out.

The woman in red also glanced at him, and saw that it was a young man wearing a tiger mask, with murderous eyes in her eyes.

And this boy is not another boy, it is the beautiful boy Wang Xiao with a peerless appearance and twelve-pack abs.

For him, how can he give to others what he is fond of.

As soon as the main shooter heard that there were guests, it doubled from 10,000 to 20,000 gold soul coins, and I was overjoyed.

More than 10,000, the auction house will earn 10,000 more. How can it be unhappy and not pleasantly surprised.

“Oh, this customer paid 20,000 yuan at once. Is there any price increase?”

“Twenty-five thousand!” the woman in red gritted her teeth.

The main shooter was shocked again. I thought it would be nice to add 10,000.

But now that these two guests came out, they more than doubled when they mentioned 25 thousand.

“Is there any price increase for twenty-five thousand?”

“Thirty thousand!” Wang Xiao held up the sign again.

“Thirty thousand, thirty thousand, thirty thousand,” the protagonist was shocked, shocked, shocked again.

The photographers present were also dumbfounded.

Among them, it is not that they do not have this strength.

I just think it’s not too cost-effective to spend so much money on just buying a little milk wolf.

No one will grab it.

“Fifty thousand!” The woman in red was very unconvinced and raised the sign again.

It seemed that she no longer wanted to buy this little milk wolf alone, but was fighting with Wang Xiao.

“Fifty thousand?” When the main shooter heard the price, the little heart “thumped and thumped” and kept beating.

Almost blushed because of his excitement.

“One hundred thousand!” Wang Xiao raised his card to one hundred thousand.

“One hundred thousand?”

The guests at the scene, including the woman in red, were shocked.


The main shooter on the auction stage finally couldn’t stand the stimulus and fainted directly on the stage.

Then three big guys ran out and helped the master to massage the whole body up and down before he woke up.

“One hundred thousand? One hundred thousand? One hundred thousand?” The main photographer said with a trembling voice: “One hundred thousand once, one hundred thousand twice, one hundred thousand three times…a deal!”

Finally, the woman in red did not increase the price.

Wang Xiao was gone, and he smoothly bought this little milk wolf.

“Ding, congratulations on your sign-in at the Soto City auction site. Reward: Two pieces of the Golden Magnetic Hand Glory Edition! Note: The seven pieces of the Golden Magnetic Hand Glory Edition have been collected and can be combined to complete one Golden Magnetic Hand Glory Edition. .”

Loli sound system said.

Wang Xiao was overjoyed: “Okay, the Little Sister system, finally collected seven pieces!”

“Ding, when will you merge?”

“No hurry, it’s not convenient here, just find a place where no one is at night to merge.”

“Ding, too.”

“Well, the system Little Sister, that’s right.”

“Ding, what’s right?”

Wang Xiao smiled: “Of course, the system Little Sister is gentle and considerate.”

“Ding, wow… you are a bad guy!”

Wang Xiao smiled without saying a word, and walked away.

Now it’s time to sign, and the wolf has bought it, and it’s time to leave and go back.


Wang Xiao took the little milk wolf he bought from the auction scene backstage, and walked the wolf all the way back to Shrek Academy with a small iron chain.

Little Milk Wolf faces this new owner and is still obedient.

Taking cute little steps along the way, follow the new owner back to the college dormitory.

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