Chapter 134 One for each person?

Poor Xiao Zhuqing!

Wang Xiao sighed and saw the painful look on Zhu Zhuqing’s face. It was a little bit intolerable for her to suffer such suffering.

As a result, Gu Yuena, Ning Rongrong, and Zhu Zhuqing all failed to pick flowers.

In the end, only Xiao Wu was left.

If nothing happens, this lovesick heartbroken red is none other than her.


Since this flower must be Xiao Wu, is there any better choice than this?

Obviously not.

“Let’s do it!” Wang Xiao picked up the Acacia Heartbroken Red and placed it in front of Xiao Wu: “Xiao Wu, since Naer, Zhuqing, and Rongrong all failed to pick, then you can pick it.”

“Good Brother Xiao Xiao!” Xiao Wu was very happy.

She couldn’t help it a long time ago, just waiting for him to say this.

He immediately took the Wu Jue Stone and forced the blood to spit on the petals.

At first, there was no response.

Zhu Zhuqing’s gaze also looked at this flower at this time.

Xiao Wu stared at it with her eyes wide open, hoping that a miracle would happen to her.

At the same time, Zhu Zhuqing was also a little depressed, because he failed to pluck the flowers.

Gu Yuena had returned to normal in Wang Xiao’s arms at this time, and Zi Miao was also staring at the flowers.

Wang Xiao was also watching. Although he already knew the plot from the original book, he still wanted to see if Xiao Wu could successfully pick the flowers.

After all, due to the addition of own, the plot of the original book has also changed.

Son of luck is no longer just Tang San alone.

The protagonist’s status is also changing.

Of course, Wang Xiao had become a more powerful traverser than Tang San.

If nothing happens, he will be the protagonist in the future.

And Ning Rongrong’s gaze was already attracted to this flower at this time.

Under everyone’s gaze, Acacia Broken Heart only moved slightly, then fell from the Wujue Stone and flew in front of Xiao Wu.

And turned around Xiao Wu’s delicate body, and fell into her hands.

Xiao Wu was overjoyed, and tightly held the flower stem with her hand and looked at Wang Xiao and said, “Brother Xiao Xiao, it seems that this flower is nothing more than Xiao Wu!”

What else can Wang Xiao say: “Well, Xiao Wu, you can eat it directly.”

Xiao Wu did shook her head immediately: “No, Brother Xiao Xiao, I’m not going to eat it.”

“I want to keep it by my side, never eat it, and treat it like a good friend or even a relative.”

Sure enough, Xiao Wu’s disposition is still the same as the original plot, with a kind heart and understanding: “That’s OK!”

“Since the flower is already yours, it is up to you to handle it no matter what.”

“Thank you Brother Xiao Xiao!” Xiao Wu looked at Xiangsi heartbroken, already in love.

Wang Xiao took out a bag and stretched it out in front of Xiao Wu: “This thing is called the Ruyi Scepter Hundred Treasure Bag. It can be used to hold flowers, plants, and all kinds of animals. If you put a living thing in it, it won’t die. ”

“Xiao Wu, since you don’t plan to eat this lovesick heartbroken red, I will give you this Ruyi Scepter bag to store it.”

Originally, Wang Xiao planned to keep this thing for himself.

But now that I have a purple gold ring with nine patterns, I no longer need this Ruyi Scepter bag, and I gave it to Xiao Wu to store this flower.

“Wow!” Xiao Wu was a little flattered, tears streaming out almost moved.

Unexpectedly, Brother Xiao Xiao was so kind to himself, and gave away immortal grass and treasures.

Immediately reached out and took it.

Gu Yuena, Ning Rongrong, and Zhu Zhuqing all looked at the Lovesick Heartbroken Red and Ruyi Scepter in Xiao Wu’s hands, and envied her very much.

Two treasures were obtained in one fell swoop, and they were both sent by Wang Xiao, so how could one not be envious.

Ning Rongrong was a little better, and at least got one Qiluo tulip.

Gu Yuena, Zhu Zhuqing didn’t get anything.

Especially Zhu Zhuqing, who has lost love and care from his relatives since childhood.

For the feeling in front of him, it was obviously a contradiction in Ning Rongrong’s heart that could not be touched by Miss, a daughter like Ning Rongrong who came out of her honey room and spoiled herself.

As for Gu Yuena, she didn’t really value these flowers and plants, as long as Wang Xiao was with her, nothing was more important than this.

So I didn’t take it to heart.

Wang Xiao naturally saw the loss on Zhu Zhuqing’s face, so he took out a flower from the purple gold nine-pattern ring.

A few people’s eyes are bright again.

Look at it immediately, this is a spotless white flower like a green lotus and white couple.

At a glance, I knew it was not Fanpin.

Wang Xiao smiled at Zhu Zhuqing: “This flower is called narcissus jade muscle bone. You can eat the petals first and then suck the stamens.”

“Zhuqing, I will give it to you, and eating her is good for your body and Cultivation Base.”

“Thanks…Thank you, Brother Xiao Xiao!” Zhu Zhuqing was a little panicked.

She was disappointed, but she suddenly saw hope again, and it was normal that she couldn’t react for a while.

Zhu Zhuqing took the flowers from him and walked aside to eat them.

At the same time, the degree of favorability towards Wang Xiao has reached more than 90%.

Seeing that Xiao Wu, Zhu Zhuqing, and Ning Rongrong all had gifts, Gu Yuena didn’t have them, and immediately felt unhappy.

Thinking that Wang Xiao didn’t love her anymore, he immediately twisted his belly with his hands and was unhappy: “Brother Xiao Xiao, what about my Huahua?”

It seems that Naer is in a hurry, but how could she be missing: “I’m sorry Naer, the flowers are gone.”


Gu Yuena exclaimed, and immediately hammered his chest with a pair of pink fists: “Na’er ignored Brother Xiao Xiao, huh!”

Wang Xiao smiled, and then took out another fairy grass from the purple gold nine-pattern ring.

Gu Yuena’s eyes lit up immediately, and the flower in Wang Xiao’s hand was a big pink flower.

No leaves, crystal clear petals, lavender stamens.

Wang Xiao collected it from the banks of the Yangquan and Cold Springs where the eyes of ice and fire intersect.

The fragrance of Qi Luo fairy product, the fragrance that exudes, forms a pale pink light cover over itself.

Wang Xiao introduced to Gu Yuena: “Na’er, this flower is called, Youxiang Qiluo fairy product.”

“The fragrance of flowers refreshes the heart and the spleen. It is the nemesis of a hundred poisons. Although it cannot detoxify, it can prevent any toxins.”

“Naer, eat it soon, right?”

Wang Xiao felt that the attributes and medicinal effects of this flower couldn’t be more suitable for Gu Yuena.

“Well, Brother Xiao Xiao!” Gu Yuena smiled happily, and immediately took the big pink flower and started eating.

Except for Xiao Wu who didn’t eat Acacia Heartbroken Red, Gu Yuena, Ning Rongrong, and Zhu Zhuqing all ate the fairy grass they had allocated.

In the following days.

Apart from sleeping, Wang Xiao occasionally went to see how Master Jade taught Xiao Wu, Gu Yuena, and Tang San.

Then I went to the library of the college to check some materials and books about the flowers and plants of the world of Douluo Continent.

Materials, books that are not available in the Shrek Academy library.

Wang Xiao can go to the library and small book stand alone to look for it.

The other time is spent playing with Gu Yuena, Xiao Wu, Zhu Zhuqing, Ning Rongrong and the others.

I have been here leisurely and at ease.

In a blink of an eye.

Half a month has passed.

Shrek Academy male dormitory area.


Around two o’clock.

“Ding, you have a new sign-in task. Please rush to the Great Arena of Souls in Soto to sign in within one day, and you have won ten consecutive victories. Note: If you have not signed in out of date, the task will be repeated, and heavy fines will be imposed.”

Loli sound system said.

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