Chapter 122: The Old Poison Is Here?

Wang Xiao’s perception told himself that someone was coming, and he was behind him.

With the exquisite heart of seven orifices, his perception is much stronger than other soul masters.

If you guessed it correctly, few people behind him could enter the eyes of Ice and Fire except Poison Douluo Dugubo.

Can come and go freely, silently.

Without turning his head back, Wang Xiao turned his back to humanity: “If I’m right, you should be Dugu Bo, the ninety second-level control spirit master known as Poison Douluo, old poison?”

“How do you know?” the voice said coldly.

Although speaking slowly, Wang Xiao could feel that there was a serious murderous aura hidden in the words.

Poison Douluo didn’t have a title, but it wasn’t for nothing.

The person he wanted to kill, unless he was more powerful than him, would not escape the palm of his hand.

There is no suspense, absolutely not soft-hearted.

But people who don’t want to kill, he will never kill indiscriminately.

How did I know, how could I tell you!

Wang Xiao chuckled: “I have heard people say that Dugubo is good at using poison. Among the two empires of the Douluo Continent, if you rank second, no one dares to rank first.”

“When I entered the eyes of the Ice and Fire Two Instruments just now, I saw the poisonous arrays surrounding this small valley.”

“Generally speaking, natural poison arrays cannot be so perfect. Unless artificially, it is impossible to arrange these poison arrays so strong and airtight.”

“And these poison formations are obviously your expertise, so I don’t think there will be a second person besides you who can arrange this kind of poison formation.”


The people behind listened to his words and suddenly burst into laughter: “Sure enough, he is a genius boy. One wave is stronger than one wave. Since this alone can guess who I am, you can see how careful your thoughts are. .”

Wang Xiaoxin said that he knew the story of the original book on Douluo Continent, and he knew things even when he closed his eyes.

Who else but you?

Of course, this cannot be told to you.

Wang Xiao turned his head and saw a person standing on an icicle a few meters away.

A green man.

A person with green from head to neck, shoulders, chest, hands, waist, fingernails, thighs and heels.

Green oily.

Green to greasy face, whole body shiny.

Wang Xiaoxin said, this is not Poison Douluo Dugubo, who else can it be?

However, face-to-face, the poisonous Douluo I saw with my own eyes, and the poisonous Douluo encountered in novels, cartoons, manga, and games are completely different.

Wang Xiao felt apathy from him.

In his eyes, full of killing intent.

The whole body is full of poisonous gas.

After all, it was Poison Douluo, with its own poison gas.

Seeing him turning back, Dugu Bo immediately looked at him from top to bottom, and then said: “Yes, I am Poison Douluo Dugu Bo.”

“But I really want to know, how did you get across the poisonous array I laid down and enter the eyes of the ice and fire?”

“You know, the guardian of the poison array that I set up around the eyes of the ice and fire two instruments does not have a spirit power of 70 or higher. As long as you step into it, you will undoubtedly die.”

“Even if it is a spirit beast of ten thousand years or more, I dare not step beyond the thunder pond!”

“And once you came in, you still looked red, there was nothing at all, you have to make people wonder how you did it?”

“Look at your Cultivation Base again, soul power is about eleven second-level at most.”

“And your age, seventeen or eighteen, it’s totally impossible to do it.”

Wang Xiao now hides his strength, at about ten first-level, just as he absorbed the first ring.

Therefore, Dugu Bo couldn’t see his true strength.

Wang Xiao smiled and said, “This is not important. The important thing is that I came in. What do you want?”

“What do I want?”

Dugu Bo became gloomy, and took a closer look at the beautiful boy in front of him. It seemed that he was completely different from the beautiful boy he had seen before.

Xin said that with his strength, facing a Title Douluo as powerful as himself, I am afraid that he would not even have the courage to take a look at him.

Even less dare to speak to myself like this.

He might have knelt down on the ground a long time ago, apologizing to himself kowtow, and begging me to forgive him and not kill him.

But he didn’t, and he was so calm and calm, he really made the old man look at him with admiration?

“Aren’t you supposed to call me a diadem?” Dugu Bo asked murderously.

“I will call you a hammer, and you will have the right to call yourself a champion?” Wang Xiao said unceremoniously.

Anyway, he came to his site to steal medicine and was caught. In any case, he couldn’t easily let go of himself, so why be afraid of him.

Even if you can’t fight at the end, escape is not a problem.

“Are you kid looking for death?” After hearing his words, the murderous look on Dugu Bo’s face became even more serious.

Wang Xiao pretended to be a very weak person: “Are you going to kill someone? You are bullying and afraid of hardship, so you only pick soft persimmons?”

“As a ninety second-level Title Douluo, would you dare to bully me such a helpless, weak and helpless beautiful boy?”

“Stop my little heart, don’t you feel shameless in your heart?”

Dugu Bo still had no expression on his face: “For a person like you, I never thought that killing you would have any mental burden.”

“I just want to know, why are you here in the eyes of Binghuo Liangyi?”

“As long as you say it, I can save you a little life. If you don’t say it, I will turn you into a pool of thick water, the kind that you can’t even find the bones.”

He couldn’t even beat the chrysanthemum pass, and even pretended to be coercive in his own face. He really had him, thinking that he was so good to bully.

“Fuck the old poison.” Wang Xiao didn’t take him seriously at all: “If I see it right, you will be dead soon.”

“Presumptuous!” Hearing this, Dugu Bo was already angrily.

With both hands, the whole body’s spirit power fluctuated, and he was about to do it.

Wang Xiao hurriedly waved his hand and said calmly: “Don’t worry, I’m here, I can’t run! It’s not too late to let me finish what I have said before you kill me.”

Dugu Bo heard it and felt it made sense, so he immediately controlled his own anger: “You say, I see what tricks you can do.”

“But I said ugly things ahead, today you fell into my hands, and you spoke rudely to me, and secretly entered my territory, it would be hard to tolerate if you didn’t kill you!”

Wang Xiao smiled: “I don’t care what you kill, you can’t kill me, let me talk about your illness first.”

“I have studied medicine since I was a child, and I can observe with my eyes, and I can see the specific situation of the patient.” Wang Xiao bragged.

As for Dugu Bo’s illness, it was seen from the original book. Naturally, he knew that he was poisoned too deeply and died soon.

“Oh?” Dugu Bo was dubious: “If you can tell a little about it, I might save you half your life.”

“If it’s all right, I might kill you and then bury you with poison, just to use your body’s nutrients to nourish the flowers and plants around the eyes of the ice and fire. I think they will grow more moisturized, brighter, and more vivid. Red.”

Wang Xiao ignored his words and continued: “Whenever it rains on a cloudy day, there will be a tingling sensation in your ribs, and it will gradually increase, lasting for more than an hour.”

Then he said: “Also, you have one attack at noon and one at midnight.”

“Whenever late at night, about three hours later, there will be needle-like tingling on the top of your head and the soles of your feet, and your whole body will be convulsed, for at least half an hour.”

“I think this, except for yourself, no one else knows, right?”

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