Chapter 119 Golden Helmet?

“Little San, what do you want to do?”

Xiao Wu saw the murderous look in Tang San’s eyes, and knew that he was going to do something, so she immediately questioned.

Tang San dared to mess around, Xiao Wu must be the first to stop him.


Tang San didn’t dare to say anything, he turned around immediately and went back to the dormitory.


Wang Xiao brought a few women to the outside of the college, found a restaurant on the side of the street, and filled his stomach first.

Then go shopping.


Several people came back late and bought a lot of things.

There is a Soul Guidance Device, and when you put things in it, you are not afraid of how many things you buy.

Gu Yuena, Xiao Wu and the others don’t have to mention it, saving time and effort.

Gu Yuena’s Soul Guidance Device was bought for her by Wang Xiao, and it took more than 3,000 gold soul coins to buy a good one.

Xiao Wu used to have a Soul Guidance Device, but the capacity was not large. Wang Xiao bought another one as a gift for her, and also had more than two thousand gold Soul Coins.

Wang Xiao will naturally not be stingy with own girls.

The key is that it’s not short of money.

a week later.


“Ding, you have a new task, the next sign-in location: Binghuo Liangyiyan! Note: rush to the destination to sign in within ten days, the outdated task is repeated, and punishment will be given.”

Loli sound system said.

“Ice and Fire!” Wang Xiao thought for a while. This sign-in task is relatively difficult.

First of all, it is not easy to enter the eyes of the ice and fire.

Now Tang San hasn’t gone to the Sunset Forest, nor does he know the granddaughter of Poison Douluo Dugu Bo, so naturally he will not be caught by Dugu Bo.

Wang Xiao felt that this opportunity would definitely not allow Tang San to take the lead.

So it’s a good time to sign in at Binghuoliangyi.

After Tang San had gone, there would be no meaning to go again.

As for Sunset Forest, Wang Xiao was no stranger to it the last time he visited.

He almost knew the approximate location of the Eyes of Ice and Fire. As long as the Poison Douluo Dugu Bo was not there, it would be more troublesome.

After all, the eyes of the two eyes of ice and fire are now Dugubo’s reclusive place.

But he is a real man who occupies the pit and does not shit.

I turned a blind eye to the rare exotic flowers and grasses growing around the eyes of the two instruments of ice and fire.

As a result, Tang San was caught inside, almost barely holding him to death.

Wang Xiao went to Binghuoliangyi to sign in this time. Naturally, he couldn’t miss such a good opportunity. No matter what kind of grass, as long as it is mature, it will be wiped out.

However, there are still some things to be solved before going to the eyes of the ice and fire.

That’s Gu Yuena’s business. It’s not impossible to leave her alone in the academy.

As long as you don’t irritate her, nothing will happen.

But not afraid of ten thousand, just in case, some people irritate her unconsciously, it may be a catastrophe.

Gu Yuena of the first personality is not as well-behaved and obedient as the Gu Yuena of the second personality.

Once her nature is awakened, it means meeting gods and killing gods, meeting Buddhas and killing Buddhas, and meeting people and killing people.

Wang Xiao got up from the bed and looked at the time. It was two o’clock in the afternoon.

After taking a nap for two hours, I was full.

Evil Fire Phoenix and Evil Eye White Tiger are not in the dormitory, and they don’t know where to go.

Wang Xiao pondered for a moment, and looked forward to the sunset forest early tomorrow morning to look for the eyes of the ice and fire.

Just in case, I planned to absorb the soul bone attached to the head of the dragon scale pangolin of the one hundred thousand year soul beast, and then go to the eyes of the ice and fire will provide an extra layer of protection.

Absorb soul bone, can’t be disturbed.

Wang Xiao immediately thought of a good place, and that was the small forest on the mountain behind the college.

These days, Wang Xiao has been to the small woods several times, and almost no one goes there during the day.

However, when there were no classes in the morning and afternoon, Tang San would secretly go to the mountain to cultivate.

Wang Xiao had seen him many times, but didn’t bother him.

Anyway, no matter how much Tang San struggled, he couldn’t be the protagonist.

Came to the grove and found a remote place.

Halfway up the mountain, there is a groove.

Wang Xiao sat here to absorb the soul bone, basically there would be no problem.

After meditating, he took out the soul bone of the external head of the dragon scale pangolin and entered the Meditation.

after an hour.

Wang Xiao was finally absorbed, and his physical appearance had also changed.

After the soul bone attached to the head of the dragon scale pangolin is absorbed, the skills it produces are amazing.

That is a golden helmet on his head.

This is the benefit brought by the absorption of the spirit bone attached to the dragonscale pangolin, directly having a defensive skill for the head.

But the real golden helmet is not only strong in defense, but also high-end and high-end.

After putting it on, Wang Xiao was even more mighty and handsome.

It looks like a golden helmet, and the back is covered with dense golden scales.

Because the scales on the dragonscale pangolin are golden, this is why the helmet is golden after absorbing this soul bone.

When Wang Xiao came out of the small forest, the sun was almost down.

It’s dinner time.

Wang Xiao immediately went to the women’s house and called Gu Yuena, Xiao Wu and the others had a meal.

Naturally, Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing also called in.

The food at Shrek Academy is not very good, and there is no nutrition at all because of the rough tea and rice every day.

In order to improve Xiao Wu’s food, Wang Xiao naturally opened a small stove for them and asked them to eat outside.

Wang Xiao’s current wealth and worth in Douluo Continent is not comparable to that of a small Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect.

The logistics, takeaway, and express service stores under his name have spread throughout the Tiandou Empire and various affiliated kingdoms.

Moreover, it is still spreading to the Star Luo Empire and other affiliated kingdoms, and within a few years, it will be almost as rich as an enemy country.

Wang Xiao basically didn’t intervene in business matters, and left it to his subordinates to take care of it.

If his people really can’t handle a major event, and money can’t be settled, he will take the initiative to settle it.

Wang Xiao’s current strength was still not enough when he walked sideways in Douluo Continent.

However, some small matters, especially business matters, can be easily settled out of the box as long as they show up.

When he came to a restaurant, Wang Xiao ordered ten dishes and one soup, and enjoyed it with Gu Yuena and Xiao Wu.

Although Ning Rongrong has money in her family, she has grown used to spending money.

The hundred or so gold soul coins brought out from home have long been spent.

So these days before, they basically followed Wang Xiao and ate and drank.

Wang Xiao is not short of the money now, she is not much more, and she is not much less.

Not to mention Gu Yuena, Xiao Wu, Zhu Zhuqing, plus her Ning Rongrong, even if there are thousands of them, they have already been raised.

After building Sect, empire or something, it will be more powerful, and will support Gu Yuena, Xiao Wu and the others.

What’s more, with their strength, the future is boundless, in fact, they don’t need him to raise them.

If others don’t say anything, just take Gu Yuena’s strength and don’t have to worry about life fees at all.

She can live longer than others even without eating or drinking.

Gu Yuena herself was a god above the 100th level, and it could be said that in Douluo Continent, few people were her opponents.

If it weren’t for her injury and her strength could not be fully utilized, her strength alone would probably be enough to destroy the entire Douluo Continent.

Of course, if the gods and gods of the gods intervene, Gu Yuena will be weak, and even if God is added, Brigitte and other top ten fierce beasts have little chance of winning.

After all, the God Realm occupies the right time, the right place, and the right people, plus hundreds of thousands of years of nourishment, they can be stronger than Gu Yuena and the others.

Now, if Wang Xiao wanted to help Gu Yuena kill the gods, he couldn’t help.

Wang Xiao is currently only sixty third-level, not even titled Douluo, and gods are at the level of one hundred and several hundred.

Although there is an auxiliary system bonus, the system does not make him a god at once.

After signing in, doing tasks, and getting rewards, it is not a matter of one or two days that you can become a god, and you can go to the gods.

However, Wang Xiao felt that this day would not be too far away.

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