Chapter 117 Evil Fire

There are not many dormitories in Shrek Academy, almost two people per room.

The dormitory is actually about the same size as an ordinary farmhouse.

Larger ones, one room for up to three people.

Dai Mubai immediately took a few people to the boys’ dormitory, and pushed one of them away and said, “Tang San, you and Xiao Ao sleep in this room.”

“Okay.” Tang San responded and immediately walked inside.

Wang Xiao immediately walked over and glanced inside, only to see two beds, one of which had a person lying on it, it was Oscar.

Just now Oscar had been seriously overdrawn for business, and he had not yet woken up from his coma, lying in bed motionless.

Dai Mubai didn’t say much, and took Wang Xiao to another dormitory.

After the arrangement, I took Gu Yuena, Xiao Wu, Zhu Zhuqing, and Ning Rongrong to the female dormitory.

Wang Xiao walked into the dormitory and glanced at it. There were three berths in total.

Two of them have mats and quilts, and only one is empty.

There are two beds in a row on the right, and only one bed on the left. It seems that something is wrong.

Wang Xiao took a closer look. Through observation, there is a quilt on the bed on the left.

As for the two beds on the right, one has and the other does not.

Look at the picture on the left again, there is a portrait hanging on the wall, no doubt that it is Dai Mubai.

That said, the bed on the left belongs to Dai Mubai.

The one on the right should be Phoenix.

A few of them are later students and they are still teaching.

Therefore, the dormitories are separated from each other, not in the same area as the old student dormitories.

It may be that the college considers the relationship between freshmen and old students. They are not in the same world. They also live separately in order not to be disturbed by each other.

Wang Xiao thought for a while, and said to his heart, how could he sleep with Phoenix!

In case the evil fire comes up at night, he can’t help but climb directly onto the bed next to him, it won’t be over…

So it’s better to change with Dai Mubai, let him sleep with Dai Mubai in the same room, and sleep on the left alone by himself.

Wang Xiao did what he said, and immediately moved Dai Mubai’s mat and quilt to Xie Huo Phoenix’s side, and everything was OK.

Then he took out the quilt he carried with him from the soul guide, and put it on the mat.

I took a bath in the bathtub at the back, and planned to sleep for a while.

“Wake up…”

I don’t know how long it took before Wang Xiao was awakened.

I was a little annoyed, and immediately opened my eyes to take a look. There was a little Fatty standing in front of him, about 1.7 meters tall.

Isn’t this the evil fire Phoenix?

Wang Xiao recognized this young man at a glance. It was Ma Hongjun, who thought he had just come back from the outside to rest.

“Who are you? Why are you sleeping on Boss Dai’s bed?” Xie Huo Phoenix said, his tone of voice filled with questioning.

“You dare to sleep even in Boss Dai’s bed, let him see that it might kill you.”

It was full of intimidation: “That’s right! Today the college enrolls students, you should be a new student and don’t understand the rules.”

“But I advise you to quickly change the bed back before Boss Dai comes back. I will keep you safe.”

When Wang Xiao heard what he said, he was annoyed: “Boss Dai, Boss Dai, those who don’t know think he is your uncle!”

“Dai Mubai just wears Mubai, why do you say it so humble? Do you think I’m scared?”

“I advise you to stay cool, wherever you go, and then quarrel me to rest, you’re welcome.”

“Do you say it again?” Evil Fire Phoenix was angry, gearing his hands, his body spread, and something like a flaming red plump bird emerged from behind.

Wang Xiao took a look at his Martial Soul and said it was Phoenix, but it was nothing like Phoenix.

“Boy, since you are so ignorant, then I will teach you a lesson on behalf of Boss Dai first.”

“When you’re done, tell Boss Dai about this, and let him fix you again.”

Bang bang bang~

After several muffled noises in the dormitory, the evil fire Phoenix had already flown out of the door.

Then he fell into the flowers three feet away, half of his body sunk inside.

Evil Fire The anger on Phoenix’s body was extinguished at once.

Wang Xiao clapped his hands, closed the door of the dormitory, and continued to lie back on the bed to rest. The dormitory also became quiet.

Xin said, this evil fire Phoenix relied on his igniting qi, and threatened him. Before he went to find him, he went to the door.

Today is a warning to him, and the next time, it is not as simple as slaps.

After half an hour.

Evil Fire Phoenix struggled a few times from the flower outside the door, and finally pulled out half of his body from the inside, with a few green leaves stuck to his head.

One face is already green and purple.

Unexpectedly, this new student was not very good on the surface, and he was even cleaner than Dai Mubai when he started.

Evil Fire Phoenix couldn’t provoke him, and couldn’t swallow the breath, so he could only go to Dai Mubai to repair him.


Soon, the door of the dormitory was pushed open again.

At this time, Wang Xiao had already woke up, leaning on the bed, looking at the ceiling Meditation.

Then, six people broke in from outside the door.

Wang Xiao took a look, and the leader was the evil fire Phoenix who had just been slapped by his palms.

Four of the other five people were carrying a stretcher, and a blonde boy was lying on the stretcher, looking towards him at this time.

It was Dai Mubai.

Xie Huo Phoenix immediately pointed to the beautiful boy on the bed, and said to Dai Mubai on the stretcher: “Boss Dai, he is the one who occupies your bed.”


Dai Mubai had already seen that the person lying on the bed was Wang Xiao, and he almost got frightened.

No matter where I dare to provoke, I dare not say a word.

Look at the bed on the right again, it’s own quilt, and then look at Phoenix Phoenix: “Fatty, come and put me on the bed.”

“Which one to hold?” Xie Huo Phoenix said, looking at Wang Xiao’s side.

“Of course it’s that one. Could you let me sleep on your bed?” Dai Mubai said in a bad mood.

Evil Fire Phoenix obviously didn’t expect that Dai Mubai’s personality today seemed to be different from before.

He was not a fool, he saw it at a glance. When Dai Mubai looked at the beautiful young man, his expression was obviously wrong.

It seemed that he was deliberately avoiding him, very afraid of him.

His face became paler and paler.

He didn’t dare not listen to Dai Mubai’s words, and immediately picked him up from the stretcher and put him on his new bed.

The four teenagers who carried the stretcher were relieved and glanced at Wang Xiao’s side secretly, as if a mouse had seen a cat, they immediately escaped.

When Xiehuo Phoenix saw it, he felt that something was wrong. He immediately leaned his head and whispered in Dai Mubai’s ear, “Boss Dai, you seem to be afraid of him?”

Dai Mubai glanced vigilantly at Wang Xiao’s side, and saw that his gaze was not on his side, so he whispered a few words in Xiehuo Phoenix’s ear.

After Ma Hongjun listened, his face became paler and paler, completely unlovable, his legs softened and his ass sat on the ground.

It was completely unexpected that the person lying on the bed was someone who could not even provoke Dai Mubai.

Moreover, Dai Mubai also told him about what happened to the college enrollment today, which was all related to this beautiful young man, and it was even more frightening.

Xie Huo Phoenix finally understood that he had just been frivolous and careless, offending someone more powerful than Dai Mubai, and even his intestines were regretful.

Looking at Dai Mubai lying on the bed, his dying horror, you can see how easy it is to provoke a beautiful young man.

The heart said, okay, okay!

He was kind enough to himself, otherwise, he might end up worse than Dai Mubai.

So he turned his head and glanced at Wang Xiao behind him, just to meet his gaze.

Wang Xiao grinned and gave him a big smile.


Evil Fire Phoenix trembled all over and ran away.

Seeing the evil fire Phoenix ran away, Dai Mubai didn’t feel safe in his heart, so he hurriedly turned to the side, pulled the quilt, and did not dare to face him.

Wang Xiao was not interested in them for the time being, and to see if it was early, he planned to get up and see Gu Yuena, how is Xiao Wu’s dormitory settling down.

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