Chapter 109 I’m a Monster?

“Humph!” Xiao Wu nodded: “It’s him, I know him all burned to ashes!”

Gu Yuena recognized it immediately, and said angrily: “Brother Xiao Xiao, do you want Na’er to go up and beat him again?”

Wang Xiao smiled and said, “Na’er, I don’t need it for now.”


Xiao Wu suddenly laughed and said, “Sister Naer, look at him, yesterday he fought with Xiao Xiao, and his injuries were serious. They were all carried on a stretcher!”

“If you beat him up again, it is estimated that today will be his memorial day next year.”

Gu Yuena blinked and immediately laughed: “Well, Xiao Wu, then we will let him go for the time being, and there will be another time, absolutely not to be merciless!”

Xiao Wu nodded happily, and took Gu Yuena over to watch the show.

Tang San walked up to Wang Xiao and said carefully: “Brother Xiao Xiao, are we really not entering Shrek Academy?”

Wang Xiao turned his head and glanced at Tang San behind him. Whatever the situation, he entered as soon as he wanted to enter, and Aite himself considered what was going on.

“This little third, I can’t answer you. Just now you saw that Xiao Wu and Na’er didn’t want to enter, and I couldn’t help it.”

Tang San was stunned when he heard the words, but was still unwilling: “Brother Xiao Xiao, Sister Xiaowu and Sister Naer listen to you, you tell them to stay, they can’t help but give you a face.”

Uh huh, you still have a little self-knowledge!

Wang Xiao thought for a while and said: “Well, let’s go take a look first, and I will persuade them later, if they disagree, I can’t do anything.”

With Brother Xiao Xiao coming forward, things will be much easier.

Tang Sanxi: “Brother Xiao Xiao, you are so kind!”

“Don’t beat me up.” Wang Xiao was too lazy to talk nonsense with Tang San, turned and walked towards Xiao Wu.

Tang San immediately followed…

The young people who stayed continue to register in front of the old man.

The old man grabbed the hand of a young man again, touched it a few times and said, “Unqualified, next one!”

The young father heard this and immediately questioned the old man: “My son is a talented student in the junior college. Why is he not qualified?”

When the old man heard this, he became a little impatient: “Monsters, our Shrek Academy only accepts monsters, not ordinary people.”

“Those who are over thirteen and whose soul power has not reached the first-level level of twenty will not be accepted.”

“When you came to the college to sign up, didn’t you understand our college’s admission standards? Otherwise, if you came to sign up, it would be a waste of the registration fee. Now I regret it’s too late.”

After hearing this, the young father was speechless.


The old man’s spirit power fluctuates, immediately, one, two, three, four, five, six.

Six spirit rings rose from under him.

It is, white, yellow, purple, purple, purple and black.

One ten years, one hundred years, three thousand years, one ten thousand years.

It really is a monster.

With a hand, another long stick, Martial Soul, appeared in his hand.

Everyone is drunk.

Originally looked down on this old man, but now he feels vomiting blood.

The young father didn’t come up in a breath, he could only hold his son’s hand and said, “Here, I don’t want to keep my master. I have a place to keep my master. Dad will send you to a better college to sign up.”

“Hmm!” The boy answered.

Although he didn’t say anything, it can be seen that the blow was not light.

But is there any way.

Even those who registered were all sixty-odd soul emperors.

Assistant, thirty seventh-level war spirits.

He couldn’t beat and beat, and he didn’t dare to scold, so he could only swallow his breath.

With the lessons of the first few teenagers who signed up, those who hadn’t signed up yet didn’t dare to go up again, all turned around and left.

Only some passers-by were left watching the excitement.

Xiao Wu saw that everyone was scared away by the elder who signed up. It was a little funny. He didn’t expect that this old man was also a monster, and he was also an old monster. She thought Shrek Academy was a bit interesting!

But Gu Yuena was unhappy, and with a hand, the silver dragon spear appeared in her hand, ready to hit them.

The old man was not angry either. Seeing a few people hadn’t left, he smiled at her and said, “Little girl, are you here to sign up too?”

“Yes, so what, isn’t it so?” Xiao Wu said with a look of disgust.

Tang San immediately went over and took Xiao Wu’s hand, and whispered in her ear: “Sister Xiao Wu, don’t talk nonsense.”

“Are you in charge?”

Tang San couldn’t help but walked to Wang Xiao’s side and asked him for help: “Brother Xiao Xiao, can you say a few words?”

“Never mind your business!” Xiao Wu was angry with Tang San’s glance.

Wang Xiao did not answer Tang San’s words, but looked back behind him.

I saw a white dress and white shoe girl walking towards the old man.

Tang San followed his gaze, suddenly his eyes lit up.

I saw that the girl in the white skirt was petite and exquisite, naturally beautiful, and very cute.

The gazes of Xiao Wu and Gu Yuena also fell on the girl in the white skirt.

The girl in the white skirt walked up to the elder who signed up, without looking around: “Can I sign up?”

“Of course!” The old man immediately grabbed the white tender girl’s hand, and said after a while: “Well, let me take a look at the spirit ring and Martial Soul?”

The girl in the white skirt didn’t say much, the Spirit Power on her body fluctuated, with a picture on her right hand, and a colorful tower-shaped Martial Soul appeared in her hand, dazzling.

Two yellow spirit rings rose above them, exactly two hundred-year spirit rings.

The old man looked at the white and tender girl with a complicated mood, and felt inexplicable before beckoning to an assistant behind him: “Take her in.”

The assistant immediately stepped forward and took the girl in the white skirt into the gate of the academy.

Wang Xiao looked at the back of the white and tender girl, smiled in his heart, and Rongrong came too!

“Brother Xiao Xiao, do we want to sign up?” Xiao Wu suddenly became excited.

Especially seeing the old man in charge of signing up, he gave people a kind of unpretentiousness.

When Tang San heard Xiao Wu’s words, he knew she had changed her mind.

But he knew better that the final decision was still in Wang Xiao’s hands.

As long as he said the newspaper, Xiao Wu and Gu Yuena absolutely obeyed.

If he said not to report, of course the two women would definitely listen to him.

So he immediately turned his gaze to Wang Xiao, with a hint of begging.

Wang Xiao nodded: “Xiao Wu, Na’er, it’s okay to sign up. It won’t be too late to leave if you don’t like. Anyway, we don’t miss the registration fee.”


The second woman nodded and agreed.

Without saying a word, Wang Xiao took out thirty gold soul coins and put them on the table: “I, and those two girls are together.”

The old man nodded, and immediately put away thirty gold soul coins.

Don’t don’t want the money delivered to your door in vain.

Tang San saw that Wang Xiao paid Xiao Wu and Gu Yuena the registration fee, but didn’t pay it to himself, and he was shocked again.

I had to walk over by myself, took out ten Golden Soul Coins from the Soul Guidance Device and handed them in.

The old man didn’t say much, and immediately tested Xiao Wu, Gu Yuena, and Tang San.

Without any suspense, all three passed.

Then they were taken into the academy one by one to accept the next assessment.

Wang Xiao walked up last and stretched out a hand to the old man.

The registered old man still did the same, grabbed his hand and tested it, then waved his hand and said: “You can leave now!”

Wang Xiao did not leave, but looked at the old man’s eyes and said: “Why should I leave? Isn’t your academy only recruiting monsters? I am a monster, and a super monster. Don’t you want to destroy Shrek Academy? What about the admissions standards?”

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