Chapter 156 The clown house incident is over, go to the museum with magic! (Subscribe)

“The situation is not right, this guy Abosan, why is his expression so wrong?!

Among the countless afterimages, the flashing star looked at Posang, who was getting more and more bloated in the distance, and noticed the other party’s fear!

Why is this guy scared?!


Posang’s body is now like a balloon, swelled up high, his face is swollen, his facial features look extremely frightened, he keeps looking at the flashing star with begging eyes: “Please, save me…you Aren’t you a hero who saves people? I, I need your rescue!”

Looking at Posson’s terrified look.

The afterimage around the flashing star kept disappearing, and the body slowly walked out of the afterimage group and walked towards Posang with a very silent expression.

Posang’s heart was so excited all of a sudden, his fists clenched tightly: “I didn’t expect that he would really come to save me!! After I am rescued, I will let you die very relieved and very relaxed!!”


However, the flashing star just stopped not far from Posang, it stretched out its claws, and 16 grabbed the puppets on both sides!

“call out!!

He disappeared in place in an instant, and the two puppets he caught also disappeared, and he was carried to the town by him!

In an instant!

The flash star is back in a hurry!

The reason why the speed can be so fast is because the Fengshen legs can also increase the speed, although it consumes physical strength, but the increase force is particularly large, so that his speed is directly supersonic I don’t know how many times!

“Xiaoban, you have to follow me too, otherwise it will be very dangerous here!”

For the second time, Flash Star still ignored Posang, but grabbed Xiaoban and the others and rushed out!

“Wait, wait, you’re moving these people to avoid the impact of the explosion? What about me?? Are you just going to leave me alone?!”

Posang’s mood suddenly dropped from excitement to rock bottom, unable to control his emotions at all, roaring hoarsely, questioning the flashing star!

The flash star was always silent, and quickly moved the people inside out!!

The atmosphere is very depressing!

Posang also became completely frightened a little bit, and he didn’t even have the strength to shout.

until everyone was moved out.

Flash Star returned to the scene again, looked at Posang who had almost occupied half of the clown house, and indifferently repeated the previous sentence.

“I used to say that if you just pretended to be dizzy like that, you’d get through it all, but you chose to stand up, didn’t you?”

One thought difference.

I can make this guy Posan pay the price!!

As for Posang’s subordinates, bald tyrants, snake-haired girls, and the others, Flash Star didn’t even think about helping them, so please pray for yourself!

Ignoring Posang’s pleas for mercy, Flash Star left the scene very ruthlessly, leaving behind no regrets, Posang wailing frantically in the clown house.

He rushed out of the clown house, about a few hundred meters away, and was about to reach the entrance of the town.


A nuclear bomb-like explosion sounded, and a mushroom cloud of terrifying smoke instantly rose from the suburbs in the distance. The explosive force directly swept the entire clown house, and even the trees in all directions. Plain ground!

Flashing Star turned his head, looked at the smoke in the distance, and murmured: “Unfortunately, this guy Posang’s strength is on the same level as the six or six monsters. If it doesn’t work, it won’t work.

Fengshen legs, there are still three stunts that have not been used!! The actual combat intensity of this move is stronger than all previous martial arts!

Maybe I can leave it to Mojas to enjoy it slowly!

He turned his head again, the mask dropped, and he flew to the town.

On the way of the flashing star to the town, strands of transparent material like a soul passed by him and fell into the bodies of those people in the town at a faster speed!!

One, another puppet, stopped smiling unconsciously, and looked around in confusion after the soul returned.

They only know that they were still in the audience one second before, how could they be in such a place the next second?

“What happened? Where is Xiao Chen?”

Mark also rubbed his head and asked in a daze.

“Grandpa, Xiao Wen, both of you are being controlled by that clown from Damn it… Xiao Chen was not there, the only sober Tian Xiaoban began to talk about the ins and outs, of course, when it was about a dozen or three, he deliberately put himself Blow so hard that you won’t be too embarrassed.

“I didn’t expect, Xiaoban, you actually fought with that clown Po Sang for a while to cover Xiao Chen! Really? I remember you were very afraid of clowns.” Tian Xiaowen looked at Tian suspiciously when he heard the end. Small class.

Tian Xiaoban was about to defend himself when a voice came from beside him.

“Yes, I can prove it for him, Xiaoban will no longer be afraid of clowns! Flash” star appeared in front of everyone like a ghost, stretched out his palm and patted Xiaoban’s shoulder, casting a look of approval.

“You are all heroes.

Mark praised without hesitation.


With the arrival of the flash star’s transformation time, the four of them checked into the town and spent the evening as if nothing was wrong.

over there in the suburbs.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

In the thick smoke, the bald tyrant came out first, his expression was very frightened, and he was half-kneeling on the ground at this moment, almost collapsed.

“What should I do, the clown guy has died without a burial place, and we don’t have a new boss.” The sour monster walked out, coughing heavily for several times, as if he was eaten by the thick smoke.

“Since there is no boss, we will be our own masters! Don’t be too public, just grab some money and maintain a living, that’s enough 680.

The snake-haired girl finally walked out, her fair body was not stained with a trace of dust, and her pale red hair fell gracefully beside her cheeks, setting off her delicate face.

The three unanimously endorsed the Gorgon theme.

After all, that child, no, that man’s death-like power has made them tremble even now!

Absolutely, never run into this guy again!

The three of them left the suburbs under the moonlight, as if they had never appeared before.

The sun rises the next day.

Xiao Chen, Mark and the others had a good night’s sleep and all got up from their sleep. Among them, Xiaoban and Xiao Chen both developed the good habit of getting up early in the morning and exercising by the way, which can also strengthen their physical fitness and cope with higher-intensity training.

After eating until breakfast, everyone came to the old broken car and drove to the next destination.

In an old broken car.

“Grandpa, where are we going next?!” Xiao Chen asked lightly, holding his head in his hands.

“This time, we are going to a museum, where you will learn a lot of knowledge, things you can’t learn in textbooks.” Mark said persuasively.

“Museum? Quite interesting.” Xiao Chen didn’t feel anything.

Xiaowen and Xiaoban, one is happy, the other is sighing, obviously two extremes.

They don’t know yet.

The museum you want to go to is a museum with magic books!!

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