Chapter 154 Belongs to the strengthening of the flash star, the system settings! (Subscribe)

“So this is the so-called steel battle suit… Posang looked at Tian Xiaoban, who was terrified, and suddenly showed a sneer, “Looking at you like this, I’m afraid you don’t even have the courage to throw a fist at me. no!”

“Xiaoban, it’s up to you, resist these few minutes!”

Xiao Chen was behind Tian Xiaoban, and after encouraging him several times, did he distance himself from Tian Xiaoban and Po Sang.

“Huh, Xiaoban, it’s just a Mediterranean red nose, nothing to be afraid of!!”

Tian Xiaoban also comforted himself, but the moment he raised his head and saw Posang’s pale and colorless face, he showed a look of horror again!

He had to hold back the emotion of fear and let himself be no longer cowardly.

“Huh? There’s actually a meaning to fight back?” Posang’s eyes jumped up slowly, to be honest, he is also a strong bow, and I’m afraid it will be very difficult to fight again.

Instead of attacking Tian Xiaoban directly, he pointed at a group of puppets beside him, and asked Xiang Tian Xiaoban loudly: “Boy, look, are there any of your family members there!

“Xiaowen, grandpa.”

Tian Xiaoban’s eyes followed Posang’s fingers, and at a glance, he recognized the orange-haired man and the tall and strong Mark, and couldn’t help crying out, his eyes were very worried.


Posang’s expression was satisfied, and he snapped his fingers. Tian Xiaowen and Mark walked out of the crowd with weird smiles on their faces. It was obvious that Ghost Shadow’s illusion had shown mercy to them, so much so that Po-Sang’s illusion is still there.

Seeing the two laughing loudly, Tian Xiaoban felt uncontrollable fear, and his body began to gradually retreat.

Even if Xiao Chen shouted and comforted him from behind, he couldn’t hear him at all, and the world in his eyes was only the face of Posang that made him extremely frightened.

“The two of them will keep laughing like this until they die. If you are not obedient, you will end up like them! Lose your family!”

Posang began to threaten directly, he thought Tian Xiaoban would be more afraid of him.

After hearing this.

Tian Xiaoban suddenly showed an expression like waking up from a dream!!

His anger burst out instantly, looking at Posang in front of him, his sense of fear was shattered little by little!

Instead the idea is..

I’m going to beat up this ridiculous clown and save Grandpa and Xiaowen!!

“Now, immediately release my transformation and kneel on the ground, otherwise you will be servants!!” Posang said to himself, still immersed in the state of intimidating Tian Xiaoban before.

Unexpectedly, Tian Xiaoban’s fist swung out instantly, and the heavy fist covered with super alloy slammed into Posang’s body.

“You, you are not.”

Posang held the blood-stained rock horn in his hands and looked at Tian Xiaoban who was waving his fists in disbelief.

“Right now, I just want to crush you, that’s all!” Tian Xiaoban said decisively, rushing to Posang bravely, constantly using his hands and feet to attack, palm cannon and other tricks!!

This makes Posang suddenly fall into a passive stage, overwhelmed!

This “idiot, I don’t even know how important Grandpa and Xiaowen are in our hearts, how dare they use this to blackmail us.” Xiao Chen sneered and looked at Posang dismissively.

He, let Xiaoban wake up completely!!

Tian Xiaoban has several previous combat experience, and Posang’s physical strength is already insufficient, and it has gradually become a big experience pack!

Small class has ever encountered the biggest experience pack!

During the battle, his fighter skills gradually increased, he could defend against Posan’s attack, and then hit back with a backhand!

Soon Posang was beaten all over his head, and hit the container heavily, making a loud “bang”!

“Xiao Ban, after you beat him up, smash his clown instrument! That is the most crucial instrument!” Xiao Chen reminded Tian Xiaoban loudly, for fear that Tian Xiaoban would forget.

“No, no!! You can’t do that, it’s my heart, you can’t ruin him!!”

When he mentioned the clown instrument, Posang was even more excited than before, and instantly grabbed a tube on the clown instrument and firmly attached it to his back, as if it were connected together!

He wants to use his body to maintain this clown ritual!

“Weird, you have to be careful, I will try to blow up the clown instrument, so as not to make you look too ugly.” Tian Xiaoban was a little unbearable, but more of it was determined to fight for his family, raising the palm of his hand. , aimed at the clown behind Posang!!


A ray of light flickered.


It’s not that the palm cannon is flickering.

It is the energy of the reactor on Tian Xiaoban’s chest.

“Jing, that’s too bad!! Xiaoban has had too much time to transform today, several times, so the reactor energy is not enough!” Xiao Chen saw a clue, and his expression became worse.

“Ah call,

Tian Xiaoban lowered his head to look at the darkened reactor, the armor on his body quickly faded, his body gently landed on the ground, and he showed an embarrassed smile towards Posang.

…for flowers…

“Xiaoban, you’ve dragged on enough time, it’s time for my omnitrix transformation.”

Xiao Chen looked at his Omnitrix, his expression suddenly brightened with a smile, and he said calmly.

The fully charged omnitrix!!

Now, don’t worry about how big a storm that Posang can make!

“No! I won’t let you have another chance to beat me!! I’m going to absorb the power of these joys and swell my body!”

Posang’s eyes suddenly firmed up, looking at Joker Yilian’s soul behind him, he suddenly pressed a button with his finger!


The clown instrument made a roar, and the strange face inside was suddenly sucked into the tube, and the tube was squeezed through the soul until it was poured into Posang’s body!


Every time it is injected, its body is also distended a little, and its expression is even more ferocious, as if it is getting stronger a little bit!

Seeing this scene, Tian Xiaoban quickly stepped back and came behind Xiao Chen, this time Xiao Chen should protect him.

Idiot “, do you think I’ll give you a chance to absorb your soul?”

Xiao Chen sneered, while muttering to himself, he quickly turned the omnitrix screen away and left on the flame man’s pattern.


Detected “Sign-in object: full-body clown Posan (drained a lot of human joyful souls!”

“The host chooses to transform into an alien hero flash star to complete the sign-in!

The system’s voice resounded in Xiao Chen’s mind, and it had not appeared for a long time, and its voice was a little unfamiliar.

This time, it is actually the exclusive enhancement of Flash Star!!

Finally, it’s the turn of the most handsome alien hero!

“Wait, system, what do you mean by the full-body clown Posang?” Xiao Chen recalled the content of the check-in, and noticed something was wrong. After twisting to the position of the flashing star, he consulted the system again.

“Heh, as the host’s strength increases, the check-in conditions will gradually become stricter. The host will only meet the check-in conditions if the enemy he faces is strong enough!!”

Is there such a thing as a setting?!

Xiao Chen was surprised!

No wonder when he first transformed into a flame man, the transformation conditions were so low, but now it is so harsh.

It turned out that the enemy was not strong enough to keep up with him! The stronger the enemy, it would bring him a sign-in opportunity.

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