Chapter 152 The life and death of Po Sang?! (Subscribe)


When the Gorgon reacted, she was so frightened by the terrifying appearance of the monster in front of her that she let out an extremely loud scream, and even the ghost hurriedly closed her body and blocked her ears: “Noisy! ! Why do you women like to scream so much?”

This is more than jarring? It’s jarring! Ultrasonic attacks are hard to guard against!

However, Gorgon’s screams came to an abrupt end, her beautiful eyes closed, and she fell straight towards the ground, as if she was fainted by the true face of the ghost!

bang bang bang!

Posang was also covered in cold sweat, and he took a few steps back, his expression was very stunned and fearful, like a child who did something wrong and met an adult!

Just now, the monster he saw was definitely a picture he would never forget!

“You are not bad, you can continue to stand still,

Ghost Shadow smiled coldly, looked at Po Sang, and slowly clenched his fists with both palms: “Now you’re the only one left, have you figured out how to be beaten down by me?!”

“No, don’t move!”

Po Sang hurriedly shot, grabbed the neck of the ordinary person beside him with his palm, and said tremblingly: “If you dare to come and shoot at me, I will break this guy’s neck, and I will break everyone else’s neck one by one. Do it! In front of you!”

“You can try, as long as you dare to kill an ordinary person, I guarantee you will die horribly!

The ghost figure was not threatened by Posang at all, with a very cold expression, slowly drifting towards Posang, posing a gesture of indifference!

Posang was really scared.

He looked at the unmoved ghost, his tone began to tremble violently, his body also trembled, and he stammered and asked: “For example, if I, let go of these ordinary people now, and then surrender, can you Can’t you spare my life?”

Of course, “I will definitely let you go!” Ghost Shadow was very happy on the surface, and readily agreed to Posang’s request.

Posang’s palm slowly opened, and hesitantly pushed the puppet in front of him to the side, as if he had reached an agreement with the ghost.

This is “Right~!”

Ghost Shadow nodded contentedly, praising Posang’s “sensibleness” coldly.


Posang’s eyes suddenly became fierce, and the palm of his hand raised the puppet that was about to fall, and threw it towards the ghost: “Don’t try to deceive me!! How can you be so stupid!”

“It’s a pity that you chose a dead end.

Looking at the flying puppet, the ghost figure stretched out his palms and grabbed the man’s body, then gently put it on the ground, like a declaration of death, and spit out this understatement!

“Don’t think you can scare me!!

Posang tried his best to restrain the fear in his heart, and roared with courage, his swollen hands opened again, and a white mist instantly changed!

The white fog dissipated, revealing his hands that were holding several knives like Wolverine’s claws!

The sharp knife just got stuck between his two fingers and was clamped so hard that it clamped as many as several knives, as if it was about to split the ghost directly into pieces!

As long as the ghosts dare to come, he will cut the ghosts into eight pieces!


The ghost shadow stayed in place, and in front of him, began to condense a dazzling energy ball, filled with high temperature and light, like a fireball!!

“What, what is this?!”

Posang’s eyes flickered with that little bit of starlight, and his body’s senses suddenly produced a violent sense of threat, and even made him a little unable to control his feet and wanted to retreat!

What happened to that trick?!

This “trick, see if you can stop it! If you can’t stop it, I will send you back to the west, clown!”

The ghost shadow threw the condensed purple energy ball out, and the energy ball shone on the ground along the way and flew towards Posang, like a ufo!


The energy ball suddenly exploded on Posan’s body!!

Not only was his body bombed, but the surrounding ground was also smashed to pieces. The cement floor directly turned into a puddle of broken mud. The smoke and the remaining impact force spread to the surroundings, but the impact force obviously spread faster!


A gust of wind blew Tian Xiaoban’s body to the side. He quickly got up from the ground and turned his eyes to the area shrouded in black smoke in front of him: “Has that clown Posang been killed?!”

“I don’t know, anyway, he definitely won’t be alive and kicking.” Ghost Shadow squinted his eyes and looked towards the smoke. His body slowly floated up and flew towards the smoke.

He wanted to check on Posan’s condition.


The ghost figure came to the side of the smoke, and just wanted to enter the thick smoke area, the sound effect of the omnitrix pattern on his body attracted his attention.

His eyes fluttered directly to the side of the omnitrix pattern, and his eyes became helpless: “At this time, this little broken watch must be asking for me!”

As soon as he finished saying these words, his body radiated a burst of light!

Xiao Chen slowly fell to the ground from the rays of light. After losing his ability to float, he returned to the ground and felt a little weightless.

It took him several seconds to get used to the current state of his body and stabilize his pace.

“Okay, let me see how our clown is doing!”

Xiao Chen cast his eyes into the deep smoke, took a deep breath, and was about to dive in.


A pitch-black palm suddenly stretched out from the smoke and slapped the ground in front of Xiao Chen heavily, pulling at the broken mud!!

It’s the hand of Posan the Clown!

“Ah !!” The wild roaring sounds, and the smoke, rushing out of a black painted humanoid moon, roaring towards xiao chen!

He was obviously seriously injured. After walking out of the smoke, he wanted to do something to Xiao Chen as soon as possible, but he didn’t know where he bumped into it, so he stood there and straightened his eyebrows for a while.

“I didn’t expect your life to be very big, and I picked up a life (of the king’s money) for you.

Xiao Chen slowly took a few steps back, came to Tian Xiaoban, and threatened Po Sang, “Po Sang, I wanted to give you a way to survive, but I didn’t expect you to attack me, then I would also I had to transform into an alien again Gu!”

His palm pretended to be on the omnitrix, trying to frighten Posan.

Posang opened his mouth, exhaled a burst of smoke, and then made a hoarse voice due to roar: “Boy, if I guess right, your watch must have a time limit for transformation! Otherwise, you will become When you’re a diamond god of war, you’ll never let me go!!”

Then he and the bald bullies can’t even run away!

“you’re right.

Xiao Chen raised his eyes and said indifferently: “However, do you still want to resist? All three of your subordinates were knocked down by me, and you can’t stand up, even you are in this miserable state, don’t Dead!”

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