Chapter 149 A container for imprisoning people’s souls?! (Subscribe)

Posang, the bald bully and the others led the controlled crowd into the clown house one by one, and calm soon returned to the outside.

“Go, let’s follow!”

Xiao Chen suppressed his temper, and after confirming that no one would be ambushed, he whispered to Tian Xiaoban.

“Really, do you really want to~ go in!!”

Tian Xiaoban’s eyes were slightly blurred, looking at the bust photo of Po Sang on the signboard, the red nose, and the makeup eyes were all scary!

At this time, Xiao Chen noticed that Tian Xiaoban’s mood was not right, and asked with concern: “What’s the matter, Xiaoban? What do you think of this clown?”

“I, I’m not afraid of clowns!!

Tian Xiaoban said anxiously, and immediately stopped recruiting himself.

“I believe you are not afraid of clowns, but we have been in the crowd for too long just now, you need a breath of fresh air, right?” Xiao Chen also gave face very much. He did not expose Tian Xiaoban and pretended to be confused.

“Hey, let me wait a moment.

“Okay, I’ll give you some more time.”

Tian Xiaoban took a few breaths again and again, looking at the bust of Posang, he kept encouraging himself: “Don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid, he’s just a fat man with a red nose, don’t be afraid at all. He’s still Mediterranean.”

Thinking of this, he took the first step bravely!

Raise your head and look directly at the bust of Posang, and finally don’t feel scared because of the image of the clown!

“Let’s go!”

Xiao Chen looked at Tian Xiaoban’s growth, cast an approving look, and walked out immediately, heading towards the clown house.

He takes the lead!

After the two entered the clown house.

It’s a long corridor!!

There are mirrors all around the corridor, which directly mirror each other, making the figures of the two people everywhere!

“A lot of me and you!”

Tian Xiaoban looked at the mirror around him nervously and said horribly.

“It’s just a little trick to play tricks, don’t worry.” Xiao Chen was very rational, he looked at the mirror around him dismissively, and continued to walk at a relaxed pace, as if he was walking in his own courtyard, and walked forward!

With a very brave teammate, even Xiaoban’s courage also improved, the two walked out of the mirror area like an enclave, and encountered some tricks along the way.

This corridor seems to be endless, after several areas in a row, the front is always dark and long!!


It was pitch black in front of Xiao Chen, and the soles of his feet continued to walk forward, subconsciously thinking that the front was still a corridor.

“call out!

He suddenly lost his foot, his body suddenly entered a state of weightlessness, and fell down!!

There is a dead end ahead!

It was just because the clown house was so dark that he didn’t see the road clearly!!

Fortunately, Xiao Chen only fell down for a short while before falling onto the soft carpet, barely able to stand up again.

But Tian Xiaoban at the back was hesitant. After he noticed that Xiao Chen had fallen, he stopped moving forward and did not dare to shout.

It was as if the darkness would devour him.


The headlights in the clown house suddenly turned on, and the light dispelled a large area of ​​darkness, illuminating the area where Xiao Chen was!

All around, Mu Ran appeared one after another with smiles on their faces, but they couldn’t laugh anymore, as if they had lost their souls!

In the center of the hut, there is a huge container with a glass cover around it. Inside the glass cover is a clear black smiley face, as if something wants to run out of it!!

“It’s… a smiley face!”

Xiao Chen looked at the smiling face in the container, and then looked at the person beside him.

They also have a smiley face, the same smiley face! Moreover, it is because they came to this ghost place that they lost their laughter and just stood there stupidly!

“It must be the one who pounded the container!” Xiao Chen reacted instantly, he looked at Tian Xiaoban, who was still standing in the corridor above, suppressing his voice, “Xiaoban, come down, jump on the carpet, and try to be as quiet as possible! ”

Saying that, he stepped back a few steps and gave up the distance.

“It’s simple, just don’t make me face the clown and the darkness.

Tian Xiaoban was very courageous, he took a few steps back, and actually used one end to run, so that he could jump out of the corridor and landed directly on the carpet!!

His physical fitness was obviously not as good as Xiao Chen’s, and he held onto the carpet and cried for several seconds before being helped by Xiao Chen.

“Is there nothing wrong?” Xiao Chen asked Tian Xiaoban while supporting him.

“Alright, Xiao Chen, compared to those people’s ghost appearances, I’m much better!” Tian Xiaoban patted his chest and pretended to be fine, but this shot made his expression twitch.

After waiting for another half a minute, the pain subsided, and Xiao Chen didn’t need to change to Futian’s class.

Tian Xiaoban also noticed the people around him, as well as that terrifying container!!

ask for flowers…

“What’s going on with that container? There are still many faces in it, and they’re still stuck to the glass leather!!” Tian Xiaoban looked at the huge container with a look of admiration.

First, Dong Wu, a biologist, and then Posang, a leading scientist.

Holy crap, these scientists, they should be in textbooks!

Watching their stories is no more exciting than watching theories!

This is Tian Xiaoban’s “witty” idea.

“Laughing, it corresponds to a human expression, that container probably holds people’s smiles in it!” Xiao Chen’s answer was almost the same, and he immediately made a decision, “Xiao Ban, we are going to destroy this container now! ”


Tian Xiaoban quite agrees with Xiao Chen’s decision.

It was Xiao Chen who took the lead, Tian Xiaoban was behind, and the two of them tiptoed towards the huge container, walking out until the crowd approached the huge container.


“I didn’t expect that, after capturing so many people’s joy value, in the end, the two of you were still missed!!”

A yin side voice suddenly came from behind the container!!

Posang staggered out from behind the huge container, his pale face was illuminated by the pale yellow light, his face was bloodless, and he grinned: “I originally wanted to hide here, thinking I could ambush that diamond god of war, but I didn’t expect that, The two of you are in ambush!

“Clown!!” Tian Xiaoban’s expression became tense, he instantly squatted down, lowered his head, and wrapped his hands around his knees, looking pitiful and helpless.


Xiao Chen did not laugh at Tian Xiaoban, but stood in front of him silently, facing the clown Posang without any fear.

“Boss, I remember him.

The bald head, the snake-haired girl, and the others also walked out from behind the container, and the sour monster pointed at Tian Xiaoban and said, “He is the kid with the steel battle suit, the one who fought us before you came out!”

“Huh??” Posang raised his eyebrows, looking at Xiao Chen with a meaningful look, “He’s the kid in the steel suit, so that diamond god of war is also a kid transformed. Could it be you?! ”

His tone suddenly became fierce: “What tricks do you want??

“I would really like to ask, what is the function of this container? It looks like a piece of broken metal.” Xiao Chen pointed to the huge container and asked deliberately.


The bald tyrant on the opposite side put on a not-so-smart Yazi, blushing and holding his bald head, he directly shook out the role of the container. 100 million,

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