Chapter 146 Best of the Game: Diamond God of War (Subscribe)

The Diamond God of War looked at Posan, who was rolling on the ground while calling: “You really chose a good name for yourself, Joker, it suits you very well, how did you come up with your brain, and confront me head-on ?

If you want to meet him head-on, at least you have to be a character like a titanium alloy all over the body, so you can touch him!

“It hurts, it hurts me!

Po Sang strongly resisted the pain, wiped away the tears that he had shed, and hurriedly got up and stepped back, pulling a lot of distance away from the Diamond God of War, as if he was very afraid!

“Boss, are you alright?”

“Do you need our help?

Seeing the cancer-eating boss, the stinky weirdo, and the bald head bullying them, his confidence instantly weakened, and he asked Posang in a submissive manner.

“No, no need, I was just careless, I can handle this guy!

Posang is still pushing hard, after all, he is a boss-level character, how can he lose face in front of his younger brother?!

“call out!

Suddenly there was an axe in his hand, and a sharp mountain axe appeared like magic, showing a strange smile: “Hahaha, if I can’t touch you with my hands, I will use an axe, like chopping wood, to kill you monster. Split!”

“Come to 16 to scare me with a toy?

The Diamond God of War sneered and immediately counterattacked, taunting Posang until his face flushed and he was speechless!

“I’m going to kill you!!”

Posang looked crazy, waved the mountain axe in his hand, lifted up the cold blue light, and slashed at the body part of the Diamond God of War!


ping ping ping!!

Every time it collided, the body of the Diamond God of War swayed slightly, and the axe was directly shaken back, causing Posang’s palms to go numb one after another, and he almost couldn’t catch the axe!

No matter how many times he attacks!

The Diamond God of War has always had a calm expression on his face, standing proudly in the same place, as invincible as Xingtian!!

“I don’t believe it, I can’t stop cutting you!!”

Posang roared hoarsely, and jumped from the ground in an instant, waving the axe in his hand and falling from the air to the body of the Diamond God of War. The combination of weight and strength caused the axe to set off bursts of cold light, and the surrounding buildings appeared directly. Cracks!

“It’s useless.

The words of the Diamond God of War made Posang’s heart beat fiercely, and he felt a trace of fear inexplicably.

He raised his right arm casually and blocked it in front of him, not paying any attention to Posang’s tricks!


Another crisp roar!

The axe on Posang’s hand, the top half was directly chopped off by the huge anti-shock force, and flew out, the bottom half was still in his hand, followed by him by the anti-shock force and flew bald to Ba’s side!

As for the body of the Diamond God of War, his knees were only slightly bent, and he did not take a step back!

“Pick up, catch up boss!”

The bald man and the others looked at Posang who was flying over, and they were in a hurry, using snake hair and both hands, and finally the bald man hugged the flying Posang.

“Don’t worry about me, let’s see if that guy is injured!” Posang didn’t care about his own safety at all, but looked at the Diamond God of War eagerly.

He just wanted to know now.

How different is it between me and this guy!!

Is there any chance of winning!


The next moment, the Diamond God of War took a deep breath, turned his arm over, frowned and looked at the arm that had blocked the axe.

“Hahaha, are you suffering now?! Your hands must be ripped apart!!

Posang’s eyes were full of twisted bloodshots, showing an excited smile, and said sarcastically.

“Xiao, Xiao Chen, are you all right?”

Tian Xiaoban’s eyes opened a gap, trying his best not to look at Posang, but looked at the Diamond God of War with some worry.

“I’ve never been injured so badly!”

The Diamond God of War suddenly raised his head and turned his arm over. On the arm illuminated by the moonlight, a shallow white mark could be seen, which is probably equivalent to the kind you cut out by pressing hard on your arm with your fingernail. mark.

He was very upset.

What kind of cat and dog can hurt him now??

At least it has to be at the level of the six or six monsters to have face!

“Haha… After Posang saw the mark, he immediately laughed out loud. Just as he was about to sneer a few words, his face turned completely dark.

White, white stamp?

After a few seconds, the print became lighter.

Be sure to hurry up and send the diamond god of war to the hospital, and never send it again,

The wound will heal on its own!!

Posang once thought that the Diamond God of War was mocking himself in a way of high emotional intelligence.

But looking at that guy’s angry look…

It’s not pretending at all!!


this moment!

The Diamond God of War has moved!

He showed warrior-level speed, and rushed to the stupefied Posang very quickly, with a fist like a whirling cannon, his elbows bent, his fist clenched, and he perfectly hit Posang’s body from the side in a whirling manner. body!


Posang opened his mouth instantly, spit out a small mouthful of white foam, his body bent like a small shrimp, and was knocked flying into a building with a “bang”!!

The building was smashed by Posan’s body on the spot, and countless broken wood bricks pressed against his body, like a natural coffin prepared for him.

From coming, and then to fly Posang.

The whole process is less than ten seconds.

The Diamond God of War even kept leaning forward and punching, staying beside the stunned bald man and the others.

“Old, the boss was punched and flew out

Snake-haired pretty face was covered with cold sweat, her delicate body was trembling, and she began to fear the Diamond God of War from the bottom of her heart.

“I, we’re going to rescue the boss!!” The sour monster scrambled to the side of the ruins, frantically scraping at the debris.

“Stop pulling, maybe your boss has already been knocked out by that punch.”

“Remind in advance that if you don’t save your boss now, I will let you go to prison and get a good death. But you must fight me again, then do it well and die here!!”

As long as you dare to find Posang, we will fight again.

Just hold on to the determination to die here!

The Diamond God of War said so.

680’s domineering and unparalleled remarks directly shocked the three people present, their bodies remained motionless, and their hands began to slowly throw up, because they could feel the real killing intent from the words of the Diamond God of War!

Surrender now, before it’s too late!

Seeing the effect of his mind attack, the Diamond God of War also showed a satisfied expression. In the face of these scumbags, you must be violent enough!

He is not a “Spiderman” hero like Xiaoban, he prefers to be,


The three of them were about to surrender.


Suddenly a figure appeared from the ruins, and that figure was accompanied by countless pieces of wood and broken bricks that had been thrown away, rolling down in all directions, and some of them also flew towards the Diamond God of War, but they were shot down by his palm!

It was Posan with a trace of blood on the pig’s horns and a crazy expression. His magic hat disappeared, and only the hairstyle of the Mediterranean Sea was left. He looked very embarrassed!

It looks like he is very angry!


The Diamond God of War sighed and looked at Posang with cold eyes: “Why come out again? If you keep pretending to be dead and wait until you are caught, you can still escape, and now that you have come out, you can’t let me turn a blind eye. Bar?”

How do you know.

He just finished saying such a domineering sideline.


Posang turned his head and fled to the circus!

This made the Diamond God of War stunned, and the three Posang superpowers all stared blankly at his back.


Skinhead: Boss, have you made a mistake! The Diamond God of War is in front, why did you go in the wrong direction?!

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