Chapter 143 Small class, let me help you (please subscribe)

“You guys are too rude!!

Tian Xiaoban’s fists are overwhelmed. While resisting the offensive of the bald man, he has to release weak energy to block the corrosive liquid of the sour monster, and by the way, he has to avoid the attack of the Gorgon!

This made his physical strength consumption very fast, and even his eyes began to be dazed and groggy!

The situation is very dangerous!!

After all, Tian Xiaoban still had little combat experience, and his physical strength was not strong enough.

The picture returns to the inside of the circus again.

Here, the situation is equally critical.

The clown Posang on the stage, riding a prop car, drove around the stage and stopped, rammed the car door and walked out, posing a funny posture, the jokes were very neat.

“Ha ha ha ha!!”

“It’s so funny, I’ve never seen such a happy clown in my life!”

“It’s more fun than Belling’s comedy movie!

The audience in the auditorium, including Mark and Tian Xiaowen, gave applause and laughter without hesitation, which made Posang the Clown very gratified, as if this personal show belonged to him.

Only Xiao Chen, with a very stiff smile, has been forcibly adapting to the atmosphere in the auditorium.

“I can’t stand this guy’s full-footed joke, it makes me so embarrassed that I want to get into the ground!” Xiao Chen resisted the disgust in his heart and looked at Tian Xiaowen and Mark beside him, “Grandpa and Xiaowen , It seems to be getting more and more serious, and even I ignore it!”

He must leave here, and take Xiaowen and Mark away together! Others, leave it alone for the time being.

Thinking of this, Xiao Chen stood up directly, holding Tian Xiaowen’s soft little hand in his right hand, and holding Mark’s shoulder in his left hand, and abruptly pulled the two of them up from the seats in the auditorium together!

He hugged the two and wanted to take them out of the audience.


Suddenly, a light came to the auditorium, which happened to be on Xiao Chen and the others.

Xiao Chen’s body movements froze immediately, grabbing Mark and Xiao Wen’s hands and staying on the spot.

Flavor Flavor!!

The eyes of all the audience members in the auditorium converged on Xiao Chen’s body, and those eyes were full of displeasure, disgust, and even anger!!

Like a group of zombies, they found the performance of a normal person

Even Xiaowen and Mark beside Xiao Chen are the same!

“This little boy, what are you doing in such a hurry? Where do you want to go?” Posang still had a chilling smile on his face, his eyes floating on Xiao Chen.

With so many eyes gathered, Xiao Chen is very uncomfortable, and he can’t wait to take a picture of the omnitrix screen immediately to get rid of this discomfort!

He took a deep breath, his emotions (bget) calmed down quickly, and he kept a smirk with a calm look: “Mr. Posang, I want to go out to the toilet.”

Saying that, he released his hands and let Tian Xiaowen and Mark sit back in their seats.

Po Sang stared at Xiao Chen’s face for a while, who was still calm.

Then he smiled again: “Children, go and come back quickly, don’t miss the wonderful performance~ Next, I’m going to tell you a joke about polar bears.

The circus resumed its liveliness, and everyone looked at Posang with a smile.

Only then did Xiao Chen breathe a sigh of relief, carefully avoiding the legs stretched out by other audience members, walked out of the auditorium, and walked towards the outside of the circus!

If he forcibly took Xiaowen and them away just now, I’m afraid he won’t be able to leave, and he can only transform into alien heroes in front of everyone!

God knows if these people will remember this memory if they regain their senses.

Posang on the stage still looked disapproving, thinking to himself: “That kid is so calm even when I’ve been staring at him, he must have been controlled by me, so he doesn’t know he’s afraid. The child has been frightened and cried for a long time.”

How could he know that Xiao Chen had encountered more terrifying ruthless characters than him, so how could he be afraid of a clown?

After Xiao Chen walked out of the circus, breathing in the cold, fresh air outside, his thinking became much clearer: “This time the opponent is a bit difficult to deal with, he controls too many ordinary people, I can’t do it well..

By the way, what about the small class??

He remembered Xiaoban!

bang bang bang!!

There was a dull sound of fists and feet colliding in the distance, and it could be clearly heard from far away. It must be a duel between Xiaoban and those weirdos!!

Right now, Xiaoban is also an important fighting force, Xiao Chen must join him quickly!

Xiao Chen quickly walked towards the source of the sound.

As he got closer, he saw a shadow pressing on a shadow, and there were two shadows beside him to help control the one below.

I became a little wary in my heart.

Get closer.

Xiao Chen was stunned to see the battle situation.

Tian Xiaoban’s body was tied by red hair, and pressed by a bald tyrant. The sour monster was assisting him, and he was directly pressed and beaten!!

“Xiao Ban, why did you do this..

Xiao Chen covered his face and said helplessly to Tian Xiaoban.


“Why is there another brat? He sounds like he still knows this kid!”

“Damn it, are the little brats so restless these days!”

The three bald tyrants were startled again, and their eyes fell on Xiao Chen coldly, full of impatience.

“Xiao Chen, it’s not that I can’t beat it, it’s really these people who bully the less, it’s too shameless!” Tian Xiaoban wailed, still trying to save his face.

“Okay, let me help you.” Xiao Chen looked at Tian Xiaoban, who was eating marks, and couldn’t bear it.


“Does this kid have any super powers too??”

“Could it be the little brother of this little brat called Xiaoban?”

The trio looked at Xiao Chen uneasily for a while, thinking that the latter was Xiao Ban’s younger brother or something.

After all, in their cognition.

As a child, Tian Xiaoban is strong enough, it is impossible to have another child, is he more powerful than him??

Xiao Chen ignored them, raised his finger and pressed the omnitrix’s screen, the screen popped up, and he turned his watch again.

Seeing this, Zhang Kaiba was about to spit the corrosive liquid at Xiao Chen. He didn’t know what happened to the omnitrix, but his intuition told him that it must not be something beneficial to them!!

“Don’t move, if you dare to shoot, my palm cannon will blow up your body!” However, Tian Xiaoban vigorously raised his palm cannon, threatening the sour monster.

Just so little time,


Xiao Chen has already photographed the omnitrix screen, and the body is surrounded by green light particles, which are particularly conspicuous in the night!

What armor is this? Fluorescent armor? How can it be so dazzling?!

The three superpowers all jumped up their eyes subconsciously, looking at the green light with anxiety!

The green light dissipated,

What appeared in front of them was not the so-called steel armor…

But a brand new, completely unseen humanoid creature!!

Especially his body is very dazzling!

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