Chapter 139 A circus with superpowers!! (Subscribe)

the night passed,

Dawn comes.

Xiao Chen and others, who had stayed in this big hotel for more than two days, also checked out in the morning, and drove the old car to the new town. They didn’t encounter any dangers along the way, it was an accident.

When we arrived in town, it was already noon.

The town is the same as Aunt Vera and the others before, except that the settings are relatively backward, and it is also in some remote suburbs.

“Grandpa, did we spend almost all the funds for our entire summer vacation in the big hotel that stayed in those two days.” Looking at the small town in front of him, Xiao Chen teased with his head up.

“It’s also very fun here, and there will be a meeting at night, you will definitely like it.” Mark said indifferently, and when it came to the meeting, his eyes lit up even more.

“Let me just say, Grandpa must have regarded summer vacation activities as his retirement life. Who still watches the rally?” Tian Xiaoban leaned over to Xiao Chen and whispered to Mark.

“Okay, okay, just say a few words less, don’t let Grandpa hear it, his ears haven’t carried that level yet!”

Xiao Chen looked at Mark carefully, and reminded Tian Xiaoban to prevent him from talking more and more.

Next, the four of them ate in the town and played around. Although it was not very fun, it was quite comfortable.

It wasn’t until the time of the rally that Xiao Chen and the others, led by Mark, came to the rally site and felt the prosperity of this town!

There were large tents erected everywhere at the rally, like the dome tents in a circus, with people walking around everywhere, and it was very lively.

“What’s going to be fun here? It’s so sleepy, Grandpa.” Tian Xiaoban looked around, and after confirming that there were no video games or the like, he immediately dozed off.

“I heard that there will be a circus performing at the rally tonight, why don’t we go to the circus together. It just so happens that we haven’t had a good time these days, and watching the circus will relieve our boredom.”

Mark said with a look of interest.

Xiao Chen was the first to raise his hands in approval: “Good to send, going to the video game hall will meet the unruly gangsters, there should be no dangerous people in the circus, today can be my vacation day.”

Well, as long as he is willing to go, Tian Xiaowen definitely wants to accompany him, and Xiaoban is not willing to be single, which is directly equivalent to unanimous approval.

Mark is very pleased and saved a lot of trouble.

The gathering was not big, and the four of them only needed to follow the majority of the people and walked forward to reach the circus. It could be seen that the circus was very popular, and people from the whole town might have come to watch it.

After walking for about a few minutes, a circus appeared not far in front of Xiao Chen, and there was a clown’s big face on the door of the circus.

It was a clown with pale skin, a fat face, and a pair of gloomy eyes. It didn’t look like it could bring laughter to people, but it had a gloomy feeling!!

Is this an illusion?!

“Maybe I’ve been too sensitive lately.” Xiao Chen comforted himself, or the villain might be so weak that I didn’t even have an impression of him.

And on the stage next to the circus.

A host was facing Xiao Chen and all the visitors, and explained generously and enthusiastically: “Everyone, come and see, our circus people, the most ferocious and invincible geeks in the whole universe, who can cover mountains and rivers with boundless strength– Skinhead!!”

“It’s so powerful? I’d like to see it.”

Xiao Chen stopped and said with interest.

“The most invincible monster in the universe? He is so powerful, have you ever asked Mojas?” Tian Xiaoban also joked.

Others also stopped one by one, without him, this host is too appetizing, everyone wants to know what the most ferocious geek in the universe looks like!

His hand pointed to the side, and the light matched the light to cast a beam of light, illuminating the dark stage.


A tall man dressed in black like a prison uniform, with a small inch of green hair, a tiger-backed waist, and a muscular man in a comic, appeared under the light!

He was holding a steel bar in both hands, and the steel bar was just like that against the back of his neck!


The bald tyrant groaned and pushed forward with both palms. Nothing happened to his neck. Instead, the steel bars twisted instantly, and the two sides directly pressed against the sides of his neck, twisting from straight to the shape of a collar. !

“Wow!! What a lot of strength, and his body is so strong!”

“As expected of the most terrifying monster in the universe…

“Hahaha, this time the ticket price is worth it, to see such a powerful geek performance.

The passers-by let out an exclamation of admiration, all admiring and touting the bald man, in their eyes, this is almost a superpower!

As for Xiao Chen, he looked at the “thin” body of the bald fighter and thought to himself: If he turned into a four-handed tyrant, one punch would probably make the bald fighter and the steel bar end up in the same way!

However, this guy is also a freak compared to ordinary people, and he is worth guarding against.

…for flowers…


The bald tyrant raised the bent steel bars in his hand high, as if he was about to fly into the crowd to smash people, and many people screamed.

The host said unhurriedly: “Applause to welcome the snake hair girl!!


A long red hair like a vine curled up the rebar that was thrown high, hanging in the air until it was pinched!

It was a hot, fair-skinned woman, wearing a black dress, but she herself had a cool, repulsive temperament. As for her hair, it was more like Medusa. The roots of red hair are actually cooked, like countless red snakes!

Many people’s eyes were sunk in, and they couldn’t take their eyes off the hot girl, the snake-haired girl.

Even Xiao Chen showed a hint of surprise at first glance: “It’s really pretty, mainly because of her good figure.”


The most important thing is that she is a superpower. In Xiao Chen’s knowledge, among all superpowers she has met, the snake-haired girl has the highest appearance and first-class figure.

Kevin and the bald guy just now, you know what you know,


How could this small circus actually have two superpowers?? This deserves Xiao Chen’s vigilance.

You must know that he and Xiaoban are the famous “death physique” in this world. Wherever they go, things will happen. Although I don’t remember exactly what will happen here, Xiao Chen knows that,

Nothing good will happen!

In short, keep an eye out and pay attention to these people, you can’t go wrong!

Next, Gorgon used her red hair to make a heart shape, and the steel bar was deformed again, and finally she used her hair to gently put it on the display cabinet beside it.


A man wearing a metal mask, looking really sorry for the audience, with a thin body, like a walking dead, finally made his debut!

He took off his mask.


Spit out a mouthful of corrosive liquid, and the entire steel bar is completely corroded!!

Seeing this scene, many viewers almost vomited, and the emotions that had been raised by the appearance of the snake-haired girl were suddenly extinguished.

“Three superpowers.

Xiao Chen narrowed his eyes slightly: “It’s better not to do anything for me, I just want to watch a circus, if you guys do something with me, then don’t blame me for being rude!!”

[The snake-haired girl is pretty, and belongs to the Onee-san type, mainly because she doesn’t appear too many times. I am struggling to make her have something to do with the protagonist. . ]100 million,

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