Chapter 137 The final outcome, Kevin’s life and death (for subscription)

Looking at Peer who took the initiative to knock himself out, the Four-handed Overlord also twitched the corners of his mouth speechlessly, but his pace of progress still stopped slowly, and he did not continue to trouble Peer any more.

Look further.

In the Times Square of Nuoda, only he and Kevin in his hands, Tian Xiaoban and the small robot were left.

“Xiaoban, stop playing, let’s fight quickly!

The four-handed bully said to Tian Xiaoban boldly.

“Understood, Xiao Chen, I just want to get used to the various functions of this steel suit!” Tian Xiaoban sounded a dull voice, looking at the small robot in front of him, he no longer held back!

bang bang bang!

Tian Xiaoban’s fist hit the robot’s head, causing the latter to make a visual error. Then he kicked the robot high and flew. The last jump, over the small robot that flew up, hugged his fists together like a heavy hammer. Swipe down hard!


The small robot slammed to the ground like a basketball, but did not bounce up again like a basketball, but directly bombed the ground and was smashed!

“Beautiful, little class!

The Four-handed Overlord looked at this fluent set of movements, and gave Tian Xiaoban a thumbs up without hesitation.

“Phew~ You’re done.” Tian Xiaoban’s palm rested on the reactor, and he pressed it hard again, the suit was quickly lifted, and the body dripping with sweat fell to the ground, panting like a cow.

Really exhausted him.

However, although the body is very tired, the heart is very happy, just like the four-handed bully, he vented that “qi”.

“Kevin, it’s time to deal with you, your death is coming.”

The Four-handed Overlord slowly copied Kevin in front of him, staring fiercely at the Kevin in his hand, flashing a rare killing intent towards humans!!

Who let Kevin and Mojas touch his bottom line?

What’s more, Kevin has done too many evil things, much more than Jonamel, and must be punished!

Just as he was about to strike.

Flavor Flavor!!

Two small machine figures flew down from the sky again, and they were two small robots of Mojas!

One collided with Tian Xiaoban, who was sitting on the ground, unarmed, and the other flew towards the four-handed overlord!

“A choice of two again?~!”

The Four-handed Overlord reacted in a very fast time, and instantly saw Mojas’s intentions!

It’s nothing more than letting him choose one of these two people to deal with Kevin and save Tian Xiaoban!


Mojas doesn’t seem to give him a chance to choose!!

Even if the Four-handed Overlord does not let Kevin go and smashes the small robot flying towards him with one punch, Tian Xiaoban will die! On the other hand, if the Four-handed Overlord puts down Kevin, he will not be able to reach Tian Xiaoban in time to save Tian Xiaoban. Small class!

Could it be that Morjath hates himself to such an extent that he doesn’t even want to be an ally like Kevin, and only wants to kill Tian Xiaoban?

on the spaceship.

“Lord Mojas, are you sure Xiao Chen can understand what you mean? I mean, in normal times, Xiao Chen can definitely understand what you mean, but in this critical moment, the time to think is only a few seconds, even No, can he react?

Mojath’s deputy, the red robot leaned over and asked.

“It doesn’t matter. That kid named Tian Xiaoban is also a scourge. Even if he gets rid of him, it will not be a loss. Kevin, although it is worth taking advantage of, it is still untrustworthy.” Mojas said in a low voice.

“I understand what it means to abolish Jas!!”

The Four-handed Overlord suddenly had a flash of light in his mind, and he suddenly realized!

He no longer hesitated, directly lifted Kevin and smashed the small robot flying towards Tian Xiaoban!!


Kevin’s body was like a football, spinning rapidly while flying outwards, almost vomited, and directly turned into a humanoid magic circle.


The small robot that attacked Tian Xiaoban really stopped attacking Xiaoban, and instead raised its limbs to catch Kevin who was flying in.


However, it was not all smooth sailing to catch Kevin.

The power of the four-handed overlord’s throw is so terrifying!!

As soon as it touched Kevin, the small robot flew back dozens of meters, and it couldn’t stop the impact of the four-handed tyrant on Kevin, and it was almost shattered!

Fortunately, it still stabilized its body, grabbed Kevin and flew up quickly.


The Four-Handed Overlord raised a palm, grabbed the small robot flying towards him, pinched the palm inward, and the entire robot was directly squeezed into a round iron ball by him, completely deformed!!


Unwilling, he also held the iron ball and threw it hard. The iron ball and the small robot turned into a small dot in the sky. I don’t know if it hit the enemy.

These “guys, it’s so insidious!” The four-handed overlord stared at the sky for a while, and then stomped his feet in annoyance. The ground cracked open a large hole, and the soles of his feet were stained with a pile of broken soil and gravel.

“Scared me to death, how many robots does that guy Mojas have?! Could he be a super-large Titan robot?” Tian Xiaoban wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, said with lingering fears, and full of anti-magic Jas’s guess.

The Four-handed Overlord couldn’t help but smile.


The head is like an octopus ball, but the body is very strong, but he really wants to see, who is stronger than the power of Mojas now!


Long bells rang out from outside Times Square.

“, “Okay, we should go too. “The Four-Handed Overlord heard this voice, stopped staying, and hurriedly came to Tian Xiaoban’s side, as if carrying a convenient bag, and gently picked Tian Xiaoban.


With Tian Xiaoban jumped out of Times Square.

Times Square, except for the potholes caused by the fists of the four-handed bully, and Pell, who fell to the ground, returned to its calm appearance.

It seems that Morjath will not continue to send robots, and its plan is completely broken.

“Report and report, the suspects are basically gone, only one person is left! Times Square was destroyed like this, it must be the suspects!”

“Don’t think about it, those big pits are all made by that damn robot. It’s too outrageous. If you can catch them, you must make them compensate.”

(Wang Qian’s) The police officers who had just entered were wandering in the square, and the voices made through the walkie-talkie.

The culprit, the four-handed bully, was at ease, grabbed Tian Xiaoban and fell to the previous open space together.

The surroundings were quiet, and the shadows of Tian Xiaowen and Mark disappeared.

“Strange? People? Was it taken?” The four-handed overlord who put Tian Xiaoban down looked around with a strange expression on his face.

“It’s Xiaoban and Xiao Chen.

At this moment, behind an abandoned building in the distance, Tian Xiaowen’s voice rang out.

She and Mark walked out of the building one by one, and after seeing the four-handed overlord and Tian Xiaoban, they waved to the two of them and rushed over.

To be cautious, they hid behind the house. Unless Xiao Chen or Xiaoban came over, they would never go out, lest they be caught and become hostages.

“Grandpa, Xiaowen, everything is over.” The Four-handed Overlord said softly to the two with a relieved smile on his face.

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