Chapter 134 Check-in tasks issued continuously! (Subscribe)

“Severe energy fluctuation detected.” Severe energy fluctuation detected…  

The small robots, Kevin, Pell, and the others turned to look at Tian Xiaoban, and what appeared in front of them was no longer the helpless Earth child.

But a warrior in a suit of steel!!

In their pupils, the dazzling golden light waves are reflected, which is particularly dazzling in the somewhat dim Times Square!

“Where did this guy get this suit?? Why does it look more advanced than the suits on us?”

“Fight back against him! Quickly fight back against him!”

“The source of the armor material on his body is the body of a mercenary I sent to Earth before!! How could it appear on him? And it was transformed into this battle uniform!”

Pell’s puzzled voice, Kevin’s hasty tone, and Mojas’ explanation, mixed together, making it very noisy.

Many forts quickly aimed at Tian Xiaoban’s body, and began to flicker faintly, and quickly became dazzling.

Even Kevin’s arms began to flash with two elements of electricity and fire!


That’s too late!!


The palm cannon that Tian Xiaoban aimed at the front burst out a golden energy cannon, which did not directly hit Kevin and the others, but landed in the area in front of them!


The whole Times Square was blown up slightly!

The golden light with extremely high temperature like a fire instantly covered the entire Times Square. Kevin and the others who were in this halo could not see anything, but could only feel the strong shock wave caused by the explosion, which seemed to blow them away like a gust of wind. Body flies away!!

With that shot just now, Tian Xiaoban can be said to have released a lot of energy from the reactor!

Of course, this kind of trick just looks powerful, but the actual lethality may not be so terrifying, it is mainly used to create special battlefields!

“I can’t see!!”

“Why is his move so powerful?”

“It’s not right, it’s not right! He obviously had the opportunity to attack us, but he didn’t attack us. The purpose is definitely not ordinary!”

Times Square is buzzing again!

In the ray of light, Tian Xiaoban, regardless of the 3721, rushed forward with a few strides and hit a left hook in the face of a mechanical robber!


The mechanical robber screamed, and was immediately beaten away by a powerful punch. He didn’t know how many meters away, his face almost turned into a pig’s head!

“Then this light, I will teach you a good lesson!!”

Tian Xiaoban was gearing up and said with great relief.

At the back of Times Square.

The moment Xiao Chen saw the golden light shining, he knew that the plan was successful!!

Tian Xiaoban took advantage of the chaos to release energy cannons, making the enemies in Times Square lose their sight, and then rescued Grandpa Mark and Xiaowen first!

Xiao Chen raised the omnitrix on his wrist, selected the four-handed overlord, and pressed it down, his whole body soared from a child’s body to a Hulk-like burly body!

Four-handed king!!


Detect “Sign-in objects: Tian Xiaowen and Grandpa Mark who were taken hostage by Kevin and Mojas!”

“The host rescued two people, and there can be no less than one, and no major injuries such as disability injuries can complete the sign-in!”


“Signable objects detected: Mojas, Kevin and his gang!”

“The host successfully repelled them and disintegrated their plan to rule the city, and the sign-in can be completed!”

Xiao Chen has just turned into a four-handed bully, and the sign-in system actually issued two sign-ins at one time, which means it is very likely to usher in enhanced sign-in!!

It can be said that the long-awaited sign-in!

“Perhaps Kevin and Mojas, because of the two villains, their overall strength is very strong, so they directly sent me two sign-in tasks!”

The Four-handed Overlord thought ecstatically.

I never thought that the system would have such hidden settings!

To save people, we must save people as soon as possible!

The four-handed overlord, who was eager to save people, even bent his legs like he was on the surface of the moon. middle!


His fall to the ground directly caused the ground below to collapse, and there was a loud noise!

“Yes, who is here?

Mark’s tentative voice came from the corner of the wall.

“Grandpa, it’s me, Xiao Chen! Are you and Xiao Wen in the corner?” The Four-handed Overlord walked towards the corner according to the voice, and lowered his explosive voice so as not to let Mojas and the others notice.

“Yes! When I saw Xiaoban use his palm cannon, he broke free from the rope and escaped with Xiaowen! In fact, I have untied the rope long ago, but I have been waiting for an opportunity.” Mark is insignificant. said.

He is like a skilled hunter, hiding for a long time, and when he encounters an opportunity, he will seize it!

…for flowers…

The Four-Handed Overlord used his four arms to test the surroundings, and knocked out all the things that were blocked in front of the group. Only when his four arms supported the wall in the corner could he feel the breath of the two of them!

“Hold me tight.

With a low roar, he stretched out his arms, one arm grabbed Mark, and the other one carefully hugged Tian Xiaowen who needed more protection!


He stomped on the ground with his legs again, and the endless air was kicked out, forming an explosive force that directly sent him to the sky!!


Tian Xiaowen grasped the four-handed overlord’s arm tightly, shrunk into the four-handed overlord’s body, closed her eyes, and couldn’t help screaming. The strong wind in the sky made her hair a little messy.

“Xiaowen, don’t worry, I will take you to a safe place!” The four-handed overlord comforted Tian Xiaowen, controlled his body, and quickly fell into the distance.

“Xiao Chen, Xiaoban’s steel battle suit, and your battle plan, I must listen to it after this matter is over, because I’m so curious!” Mark said with interest.

Don’t worry, “Come on, Grandpa, I’ll tell you when it’s over!”

The four-handed bully fell into a clearing, and the sound of the fall could not cover his loud voice.


As a big crater appeared on the ground, countless rubble flew out of the crater, like a galaxy surrounding the sun, appearing around the four-handed king!

His pair of bent thighs sank deep into the ground, bearing the punishment of all the shock force!

Muscle, unscathed.

The anti-shock force, to his physique, is like playing a family.

“Okay, you are all right.

The Four-handed Overlord slowly put Mark and Tian Xiaowen down, bent one knee on the ground, reduced a lot of height difference, and looked at the two with a soft expression: “I’m going to help Xiaoban now, grandpa, and Xiaowen, You two have to hide and never be discovered.”

“I know that you will definitely come to save us, so my grandfather and I never doubted you!”

Tian Xiaowen looked at the four-handed overlord, and said with confidence, as if he had given up.

“You are right, I will definitely come.” The Four-handed Overlord smiled slightly, then got up, his expression turned cold again, and looked towards Times Square.

Now, it’s time to kick the aliens!


Oh, by the way, the reward for the first sign-in task in the system is coming! 100 million,

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