Chapter 118 The Death of Kevin? (Subscribe)

Underground, there is a large space!

Therefore, the four-handed bully punched the big pit and directly connected it to the underground space, and Kevin fell into it!

And in there…

There was a roar of the engine starting!

The Four-handed Overlord instantly understood what was under the hood.

It’s the subway!!

“Damn, if he gets on the subway, he won’t be caught!” The four-handed tyrant stomped his feet and stepped on the big pits, his expression was a little annoyed, “I had known that I didn’t work so hard, the ground is like tofu scum, a dozen It’s pierced.”

Of course, Kevin had another result, that is, being directly crushed by the subway, but that result can be said to be extremely tragic.

“Xiao Chen, where did that Kevin go?”

Mark and the others trotted over from a distance, looked around suspiciously, and asked the Four-handed Overlord.

“It’s down here, I don’t know what’s going on.”

The Four-handed Overlord pointed to the subway under the big pit, and said solemnly: “If I go to pursue him, I will definitely catch him, but I will most likely be trapped there!”

Compared with his own safety, a mere Kevin is not worth his risk.

“He should be miserable.”

Tian Xiaoban could no longer imagine what happened to Kevin, and said with some disgust.

“Over there, there are aliens there!”

“And there’s a robot in 663, and the aliens and robots are fighting! It sounds like a movie, but it’s true!

At this time, the voices of the gangsters came from a distance, accompanied by the sound of footsteps, those footsteps were very heavy, and they must be people in full armor!

At this time, the Four-handed Overlord doesn’t want to face the media, the official force, he just wants to be an urban legend!

“Come on, Grandpa, Xiaoban can’t be wasted here.”

Each of the four-handed overlords stretched out one arm and hugged Xiaoban and Xiaowen, while the remaining two arms were protecting Mark and led them to jump out!

One jump is as far as ten meters, and soon disappears in this alley!

Only a mess left in place!!

Inside the hotel!

The Four-handed Overlord took Mark and the others to the back of the hotel, put down a few people, and the time for transformation just arrived, lifted the state of the alien hero and changed back to the human state.

“Okay, Xiao Chen, I still need you to explain some things.” Mark looked at Xiao Chen with a solemn tone, “The conversation between you and Kevin was not easy.”

As expected of the grandfather of the plumber~

Xiao Chen sighed in his heart, but he still couldn’t hide from Grandpa Mark.

He recounted what happened yesterday, and successfully speculated that it was probably last night that Kevin picked up Mojas’s alien technology and merged with it before he regained his supernatural powers. ability!

“If these things hadn’t happened, I might have thought that you were just conjectures and wronged Kevin. However, seeing Kevin’s harm to so many innocent people, you did the right thing, Xiao Chen !”

Mark in turn encouraged Xiao Chen, but did not blame Xiao Chen for not telling the truth.

Because he was very smart, he knew that Xiao Chen at that time would definitely be punished for saying this, it would be better to pretend that nothing happened.

Now it seems that Xiao Chen’s approach is simply too witty!!

“Xiao Chen, I still don’t understand, how on earth did you see Kevin’s motives?” Tian Xiaoban held his chin in his hand, still unable to grasp Xiao Chen’s thoughts.

“I always see people very accurately!” Xiao Chen blinked mysteriously, pretending to be mysterious.

“Then Kevin was beaten under the subway, the result should be miserable!” Tian Xiaowen asked a little nervously.

“Even if he is lucky, if he is punched on the subway by me, he will not get better. Taking a heavy punch like mine means that his armor will collapse across the board, leaving only the human body!”

Xiao Chen said lightly.

As for the result, he did not say it, leaving enough suspense.

Some things, if you say too much, will have the opposite effect.

Just let Kevin fend for itself!!

The four of them didn’t stay at the entrance of the hotel for too long, and soon went to the inside of the hotel, and started to play around again, swimming, playing ball, etc. (bget) had a lot of fun.

On the subway!

Kevin, collapsed on the high-speed subway car, his expression is very ugly!

He was like a broken body, paralyzed on the carriage, unable to move his limbs, as long as he moved slightly, it would cause pain like tearing all over the body!

The armor, just like the four-handed overlord said, completely collapsed!!

“I didn’t expect that Kevin would die in such a place. I still want to steal money. I still have many ambitions that have not been realized!!” fear!

It was the attack of that fist that beat him like this!

Now, he must die.

Over time.

The hurricane brought by the high-speed subway will undoubtedly accelerate the time of Kevin’s death, making his consciousness a little blurred!



Kevin noticed that a red light suddenly came from a distance.

His expression was a little demented.

So, is it the light of heaven?

His own death has indeed come.

The red light suddenly enlarged and approached Kevin rapidly, gradually showing the outline of a small robot!

It matches the color of Kevin’s armor quite well!

“What’s the matter? Well, what is that??

Looking at the high-speed moving small robot, Kevin was very confused. The electronic parts left on his body could even match the signal of the fast approaching small robot!


The small robot surpassed the speed of the high-speed rail, arrived in front of Kevin, stretched out its limbs, and directly picked Kevin up from the subway!!

Suddenly from the passive high-speed movement state, Kevin’s body is still weightless and unbalanced!

“I remembered, you were the robot that Xiao Chen killed last night! You, how did you come to save me?” Kevin still couldn’t understand the situation, and asked in confusion.

“Now, take this kid to safety! I have something to say to him.

In the contactor installed on the small robot.

Sending out an extremely domineering, murderous voice, even Kevin was terrified, like a lone wolf meeting a tiger!

No, I ran into a Tyrannosaurus Rex!!


The small robot hugged Kevin’s body, moved to the platform next to the track, and put Kevin down gently!

“Ahem!! You, who are you, why are you saving me, what’s going on with this robot… Kevin lay on the platform and threw the question all at once.

“Hehe, friend, don’t worry, I’ll tell you from the beginning to the end. The story has to start with a watch that fell to the earth.”

Mojas slowly described his grievances and grievances with Xiao Chen. (no hatred),

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