Chapter 116 Kevin, there is a way to heaven, you won’t go! (Subscribe)

Kevin was getting closer and closer to Xiao Chen, just when he thought he was going to succeed.


A strange sound came from Xiao Chen’s wrist.

“what happened?

Kevin was stunned.

He clearly did not see that Xiao Chen’s double activation had any amplitude, how could there be such a start-up sound?

that end.

Tian Xiaowen helped Xiao Chen to open the omnitrix screen, and then, regardless of the three-seven-two-one, he directly pressed in, there was no time for any choice.

Think of it as a lucky bag!


A burst of green light, emitting countless DNA, combined on Xiao Chen’s body, changing him into another creature!

The stature gradually became tall and burly, with a new pair of arms, eyes, and red fur all over the body as hard as armor!

“Ah!! Four-handed king!”

The four-handed overlord’s roar was like thunder, instantly dispelling the green light particles beside him, and waves of power fluctuations spread in all directions, causing gusts of wind!

Absolutely powerful!

“What, what’s going on?! How did you become another alien?”

Kevin, who was the closest to 16, was caught off guard by the roar and knocked back several meters, his expression looked very surprised!

At first, it was running fast, then the purple light, and then the guy who was on fire.

This time, it’s a super muscle man!

Devil muscle man!!

“Kevin, I have given you a way to choose life, but you haven’t chosen.” Four-hand Wang four palms are put together, relax, massage joint, send out “Krator” sound, such, 揍人more powerful.

“Life? Please, if you really give me life, you should kill all those people to make me feel better!!”

Kevin growled frantically.

Hearing his words, the Four-handed Overlord was secretly happy.

This is equivalent to admitting in disguise that he had dealt with those people before, so even if he deprived him of his superpowers,

It’s also justifiable!

“This Kevin, I almost became friends with him, I didn’t expect this kind of person!”

Dumb “, compared with him, I feel that you have become extra pleasing to the eye.

Tian Xiaowen and Tian Xiaoban whispered in a low voice. Mark’s eyes showed a little surprise when he heard the conversation between Kevin and the four-handed bully.

There seems to be a story between the two!

“Okay, gossip time is over!!

Kevin took a step without any fear, his alloy fists clenched tightly, and at the same time, bursts of high-intensity blue electric currents lingered: “I just want to try, super power plus high technology, can you, Beaten up!!”

Not only did he want to become a strong man like Xiao Chen, but he also had to step on him!

“High tech…I get it!”

The four-handed tyrant suddenly thought of a certain setting, and suddenly he was at a loss!

Kevin’s body is exactly the armor of the robots of Mojas. He must have picked up the armor ruins last night and merged with it to become what he is now. His super powers have also awakened and become stronger!


Kevin’s body jumped hard, like a rabbit, and the mechanical punch bent, like a heavy cannon, and slammed it heavily on the shoulders of the four-handed overlord!

The Four-handed Overlord was caught off guard!

“Xiao Chen!!”

“Are you OK?!”

Tian Xiaowen, Tian Xiaoban and others shouted anxiously!

“Oh? It turns out that there are helpers, no wonder you can transform into an alien hero without moving.” Kevin’s face was a little provocative, “Don’t worry, he’s fine, he’s just going to die!

The next moment, the current on Kevin’s mechanical arm spread all over the body of the Four-handed Overlord!


The Four-handed Overlord shone with blue light all over his body, bathed in electricity, and seemed to smell a little burnt!

“Hahaha, go to hell!!”

The blue light reflected Kevin’s crazy face.

This scene made Mark and the others even more shocked, and their hearts couldn’t help but twitch!

“Hey, you’re boring.”

Who knows.

The four-handed bully in the high-voltage current, with a calm face, made a complaining sound, stretched out a hand and clasped his ear!

Like a normal person!


Looking at the unscathed four-handed bully, Kevin couldn’t believe his eyeballs, and his current was strengthened again, changing from light blue to dark blue!


The four-handed bully has puffed up his muscles, like an exploding balloon, releasing an unparalleled impact!


Just the impact!

He flew out Kevin’s mechanical body and slammed it on the opposite wall, smashing a crack that matched his size!!

current goes.

The four-handed bully has only some fur, barbs, and was burnt to black, but his steel-like skin is completely fine, not to mention his explosive muscles!

“I, I don’t believe it!!”

Kevin fell to the ground in disbelief, his self-esteem seemed to be frustrated, he frantically raised his palms, a huge electric current gathered in front of his palms, like a wave of light!

I don’t know how many times stronger than before!

“La? Are you going to play table tennis with me?” The Four-handed Overlord raised his eyebrows when he saw this scene, and the monster-like body full of intimidation began to slowly walk towards Kevin , Every step is stepping on the ground and shaking!


Kevin let out a low growl, and pushed the current light wave out with both palms, with a long light tail!

Look at that current light wave.

The Four-Handed Overlord’s expression was still very calm, he stretched out his four arms, and hugged the huge current light wave head-on in a hug-like way!

“He, he is dead!!”

Kevin clenched his fists tightly, his expression full of ecstasy!

That move can be said to be his strongest move, so he can definitely win, right?


next second.

The Four-Handed Overlord actually picked up the current light wave and slammed it upwards, the light wave flew high in the sky, and he threw it directly into the sky and exploded!

“You won’t, just this trick?

Retracting his arms, the Four-handed Overlord asked casually.

But this, 650 stung Kevin’s little heart, making his eyes extremely angry.


I don’t know how many times stronger than before.

He can even harass those who bully him at will.

Can face this Xiao Chen.

Still as powerless as before!

No, not willing!

“call out!!

Kevin angrily moved to the front of the four-handed bully, and his fists continued to attack the four-handed bully, forming a dense attack like raindrops!

bang bang bang!

Countless fists hit the chest, shoulders, arms, and even shoulders of the four-handed overlord!

Every fatal weakness is being attacked madly!

“Look, it looks like, is Xiao Chen taking the beating?” Tian Xiaoban clasped his hands anxiously.

“No, no, you can see the state of the two of them.”

As an old plumber, Mark has a vicious eye, and he can see the situation at a glance!

The Four-handed Overlord stood on the spot and was attacked, but his body was as stable as a mountain, and he was never touched at all!

Even his eyes looked irritated.


A tiger is attacked by a cat, and it really doesn’t feel anything.

And Kevin!

His physical strength is getting weaker and weaker, and he can’t even catch his breath!

The most outrageous.

Obviously he is the attacker.

Just like hitting a steel plate with both fists, it actually started to hurt!!!

Co-authoring the four-handed overlord standing in the same place and bringing his own anti-armor, can he kill this kid Kevin?

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