Chapter 114 The upcoming showdown with Kevin! (Subscribe)

Of course, after Xiao Chen deprived Kevin of the matter, he still had some selfishness and kept it secret, because it was not confirmed that it was Kevin who did it.

In other words, it means that he thinks Kevin will do something wrong in the future”, so he did something to deprive Kevin of his superpowers, which is unreasonable.

“I didn’t expect him to be such a person…

Tian Xiaoban said with a stunned expression, and he also had one more thought.

In the future, be cautious about making friends.

“Xiaoban, we are still not sure if it is him or not. Maybe it is the other enemies of this gang of gangsters? We can’t make a conclusion too early.” Mark was still quite calm, first to appease Tian Xiaoban, and then asked Xiao Chen, ” Xiao Chen, do you only have information about the grievances between Kevin and this group of people?

“um, yes.

Xiao Chen nodded.

This is troublesome.

Mark, Tian Xiaoban and others all frowned.

How to investigate?

Can’t condone that monster’s reckless behavior!

at this time.

Xiao Chen had a flash of inspiration and said in a whim: “I have a solution!!”

“any solution?”

“Did you think of it so soon?”

Mark, Tian Xiaowen and the others all looked at Xiao Chen, looking very curious.

“This serial killer must be the enemy of the gangsters, that’s for sure! Then we just need to find the other gangster friends of those gangsters, who haven’t died yet, stay there in advance, and we can wait for the murderer!!

Xiao Chen said in a series of words, and also threw out an idiom!

“good idea!”

Tian Xiaoban tapped his palm with his right fist and said in agreement.

“But, Xiao Chen, how do we get the information of these people?” Tian Xiaowen asked with some worry.

“It’s very simple. It can be done!

Xiao Chen turned on the omnitrix screen, twisted to the pattern of Xiao Qibing, and took a photo!


His body disappeared in place, replaced by a super dwarf-like little soldier.

“Gavin star, the most intelligent species.” Mark looked at the little surprise soldier and recognized the latter’s race at a glance.

“Now, I need a laptop.”

Little Qibing’s small eyes are full of wisdom and calmness, and there is absolute majesty in his words!

Tian Xiaowen quickly took out his laptop and spread it out in front of Xiao Qibing.

Xiao Qibing sat on the touchpad of the notebook, stretched out his fingers laboriously, and started typing on the keyboard of the notebook!

Just the moment he touched the keyboard, he turned on the computer system and took a look.

He immediately understood all the mysteries and codes of the computer!!

“Now, it’s time to witness the miracle.”

Xiao Qibing showed a win-win expression on his face. After asking Mark to bring some chopsticks, he quickly clicked the buttons that were far away with his chopsticks, and his legs were responsible for stepping on the buttons that were close!

clap clap clap!

With the sound of knocks, the screen instantly went black, and then, countless strings of codes appeared!

Xiao Qibing selected one of them and clicked it without hesitation!

A brand new picture jumps to the computer screen!

That, is an image of a green-haired punk with his profile underneath!

Home address, elementary school, and even his dense network of relationships are all compressed under the hood!

“What, what did you just do?!”

Tian Xiaowen stared at the scene in front of him dumbfounded.

She has always been smart among her peers.

I can’t keep up with the thinking rhythm of Xiao Qibing!!

“It’s very simple. I just figured out all the codes of the system, and then broke through the firewalls of the world in a few seconds, and found all the information of this gangster through big data.”

The understated words of Little Raiders are enough to make all hackers take a deep breath!

In just two or three minutes.

He broke the Internet all over the world!!

In other words, it doesn’t matter if he wants to build a “Matrix”!!

This is the terror of the Little Raiders!

The potential is endless, and no system enhancement is required at all!

“Relationship network, open it up.”

Xiao Qibing pointed to the mouse in front of him, asked Tian Xiaoban to help move the mouse, and clicked on the little gangster’s network.


His family, girlfriend, and his dog…and all his punk friends are on screen!

Friends, to sum up in one sentence: colorful.

Then exclude some of the gangsters who died…

Xiao Qibing immediately commanded Tian Xiaoban, clicked on the information of the other gangsters, and found their residence!

“Abandoned RV at the entrance of Xixiang… I didn’t expect you to live in such a place.” Tian Xiaoban exclaimed.


Xiao Qibing jumped off the bed and onto the wooden floor, looking anxious: “There’s no time!! The murderer has high technology and must be very fast. If he shoots at these people, we don’t catch up, At that time, the clues will be completely cut off, and you can’t find it if you want to find it!”

 …for flowers  …

This is the last clue!

Hearing the words, Mark leaned forward and grabbed Xiao Qibing’s body with his hands and put it in his pocket: “I’m sorry, Xiao Chen, your speed is really worrying. Xiaoban, Xiaowen, let’s go!!”

Here, “It’s too condescending.” Little Qibing, who was in his pocket, had a lifeless expression on his face.

After waiting for the old broken car, Mark let him down. Fortunately, after he came out of his pocket, he turned into a time release and turned back into a human.

If you change it back in your pocket, the consequences are unimaginable.

“Seat belt, put it on!”

Mark looked at a nearby path, his expression became solemn, and he tied himself tightly.

Although he knew that grandpa didn’t do anything he was not sure about, Xiao Chen sat nervously in his seat and fastened his seat belt: “Grandpa, be careful, if there is a car accident, it will be over.”


“Don’t worry!” Mark showed a confident smile.

Your grandfather and I, I never drove anything back then! An old and broken car in the area, no problem!

The old broken car began to deform, unfolded the thruster state, and rushed directly into the path at full speed, advancing towards the west alley!!

Outside the back door of a burger joint not far away.

Kevin used his robotic palm to grab a hot burger that he had just snatched, stuffed a gust of air into his mouth, and said vaguely, “You still have to eat something to feel comfortable.”

“Things, everything is given to you, and the money is also given to you, please, don’t kill me..

The shop owner knelt beside him, the whole person was extremely frightened, and said tremblingly, as if he had encountered a devil

“Don’t worry, I’m just taking revenge on my enemy. You don’t have to worry.

Swallowing the hamburger, Kevin smiled comfortingly.

“Phew, thank you, thank you.” The shop owner felt relaxed when he heard this, and quickly raised his head to thank him.

His expression suddenly solidified, and the hairs on his body stood up.

Seeing him, the cannon in Kevin’s palm was aimed at himself.


A red light penetrated the body.

The shop owner fell heavily to the ground.

Kevin’s eyes didn’t change at all, as if he had killed a bug: “It’s so long-winded, what do I want, there’s no need for you to talk nonsense!!”



Kevin took off in place and flew towards the West Alley!

Time to find the last few enemies!! Billion,

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