Chapter 111 Deprivation of superpowers, Mojas re-offends! (Subscribe)

“Then what are you going to do?!” After being punctured, Kevin put on a vicious attitude, “Kill me? Then you hope you don’t get wanted!”

“It’s really troublesome to deal with you.”

This point, the purple light must be admitted.

Kevin in the original book is indeed a heinous crime, even if he “accidentally” kills Kevin, no one will stop him.

But this motherfucker Kevin didn’t do anything, he killed him by himself, who would believe it?

“Let me go, we can still work together to conquer the world. You and I join forces, and no one can stop us!” Kevin put on a confused gesture again and kept persuading.

He is more cunning than Quewu and them!


at this time!

The purple light suddenly realized that the purple current on his body has been silently blending with Kevin’s blue current!


The current in Kevin’s body will be pumped a little bit, a little bit, without even knowing it himself!

That is to say…

The purple light has the power to suck away Kevin’s super power!!

“Kevin, your super power is the root cause of your personality destruction, and it is also a bomb that will explode at any time, this cannot be left to you!

He stretched out his palm, suddenly grabbed Kevin’s -168 wrist, and one hand flashed a terrifying purple light!


Kevin’s expression became extremely frightened!

He saw the circles of electricity on his arm, like flowing water, disappearing very quickly, and even his sense of superpowers in his body was getting weaker and weaker!!

His ability…

To be deprived?!

Until then, he felt a deep fear, super power is necessary for him to realize his ambition, and he cannot lose it!

“No, no, please, Xiao Chen

Ignore Kevin’s pleadings!

The aura of the purple light is getting more and more extreme, he can feel that his original strength is constantly increasing, on the contrary, Kevin is getting weaker and weaker!


Until there was no trace of electric light on Kevin’s body, he was screamed by the electric current of the purple light, and fell directly to the ground, rolling back and forth!

“Already, completely swallowed by me!”

The purple light took a deep breath and slowly retracted his palms. He could feel that his strength had increased, and it was permanent!

Kevin’s super powers helped him a lot.

More confidence to deal with Mojas!!

“You, you deprived me of my super power, give it back to me, give it back!!” Kevin is like a beast, holding the gravel on the ground with both palms, and roaring piercingly!

“You wait!”

The purple light glanced at Kevin lightly, and flew out of sight with a “taste”!

In two minutes!

Just when Kevin kept scolding in a low voice.

The purple light is back!

There was still a lot of beauty in his hand, and he threw it directly in front of Kevin for several hundred dollars!

far away.

Another gang of thugs were shaken by electricity and almost died on the spot!

“This is money?” Kevin’s expression was shocked, his hands were shaking, he didn’t expect that Xiao Chen would give him money!!

This “money, give you the superpowers that I have taken away, but I will not let you die. You can take this money to new places, or you can choose to use it to transition until you find a job.”

The purple light said without question: “Back to normal life, Kevin!!

He, with another “flavor”, disappeared into the sky, and he had already done what he had to do.

There is only a trace of electricity left in the body, but the super power is useless, and Kevin has become an ordinary person.

When Xiao Chen returned to the hotel, his expression was a little complicated.

This was the best ending he could give Kevin, at least, he thought. Of course, there is a high probability that Kevin will be sent to a juvenile detention center after the money is spent.

But this is at least a normal life, and it is better than being treated as a freak.

God, “I’ve met too many aliens and weirdos. Sending them to a juvenile detention center is a very common thing in my eyes!” Xiao Chen shook his head and smiled wryly.

“Xiao Chen, are you back?”

At the buffet restaurant, Tian Xiaoban was still eating with his plate. After noticing Xiao Chen, he greeted him warmly.

“Xiaoban, why are you still eating? Forget it, I’m hungry too!”

Xiao Chen also greeted Tian Xiaoban, he put down these messy things and threw himself into happiness.

The buffet was delicious.


Tian Xiaowen also did a swimming activity in this luxury hotel. Xiaoban and Xiao Chen enjoyed watching TV and playing games in the luxurious and cool private room.

Learn from small classes, forget about the unpleasantness, and enjoy the summer in peace.

This allowed Xiao Chen to have a very full and happy afternoon.

night time.

Mark also insisted on taking the three out, ready to go to the nearby big supermarket, so as to buy some “food storage” and the like.

“Haha, I hope that when I go to the super supermarket this time, there won’t be a weird guy riding a big frog.” Xiao Chen followed Mark and the others on the street, blowing the cool breeze, and said jokingly.

“If no one helps Dong Wu, he will never be able to escape in this life.

Mark gloated and said that he didn’t like this kind of guy at all.

Several people walked to the supermarket while chatting.

As everyone knows.

far away!!

Seven or eight small robots broke through the atmosphere and landed in mid-air. The scanners landed on Xiao Chen’s back, zoomed in, focused, and zoomed in again!

Directly zoomed in on the omnitrix on his wrist!

“Confirm! It’s omnitrix!”

It was a small robot of the Zhan 650 bucket type. After confirming it, the turret was clamped up, and its body was like a flying saucer, and it quickly approached Xiao Chen’s side!!

Another wave of the machine army of Mor’jath.



Feeling the sound of breaking air behind him, Xiao Chen suddenly turned his head, and what caught his eye was a small robot that looked very abrupt in the night sky!

And it is densely packed, like an army of locusts!

“Oh~ it’s this familiar face again, I hate it when I look at it, it’s endless.” Tian Xiaowen said helplessly, holding his face in his hands.

“To be honest, Xiao Chen, if I hadn’t known that Mojas was here for the watch in your hand, I would have thought it fell in love with you!!”

Tian Xiaoban still looked serious and said to Xiao Chen.

“Of all enemies, it is the most annoying!”

Xiao Chen left this sentence with black lines all over his head. Under the cover of Mark and the others, he nimbly avoided the bombardment, and finally rushed into a small alley!

After losing the target, the small robot rammed around like a headless fly.

“To deal with you guys, of course you have to choose the right one!

In the dark alley, Xiao Chen clicked the omnitrix button and decisively chose the place where the dream started.

Flame man!!


Dark alley.

Illuminated by that fierce fire!,

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